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    I am so very glad I found this place, there are days when I feel a bit insane to be doing what I am doing.

    You see I met my SO two years ago online, we hit it off really well when we realized we had so much in common and soon found ourselves talking every single day (msn, skype, phone, text). We are currently both 28, I am from Miami, Florida and he lives in the North of Scotland. I never dreamed I would enter into an LDR in fact six months later when he asked me to make our relationship official I wanted to say yes but faltered. I was suddenly filled with so many worries and questions, many of which I instantly asked (to this day he says I ask too many questions lol). In the end I said yes and could not have been happier. A month later he confessed that he loved me, at that moment I realized I loved him too and told him so.

    Since then we have had our ups and our downs. He calls me the strength, which I find amusing since I was the one who was so hesitant in the beginning. He hasn't always been easy to love (as I am sure there are moments he would feel the same about me), but even when we think we cannot handle it anymore, be it him or me, we can't seem to go on without the other. Neither of us have been in this type of situation. There are days where I don't feel like the strength. Days where I truly think I will go insane. We had planned a visit a while back (last year), him to me, but things occurred and that fell through. That caused some issues within our relationship but we somehow managed to work through them. Last month I booked tickets to go spend two weeks and two days with him in Scotland (I leave Sept 4), he is covering the accommodations and taking me all over the country and to meet his entire family (little bit nervous about that part, though I have met his mother once on skype). We desperately need this though, we are at the point in our relationship were we have to make some decisions, decisions that cannot accurately be made in our current situation. We've talked about the future many times but talking about it and actually committing to it are two different things. I think the trip will help that.

    We are both extremely open with each other. No matter how hopeless we feel, how angry at each other we are, how very hard we try to move on there is this pull that brings us back together. We just cannot seem to do without the other. It's insane. I've not loved anyone like I love him ever and it can be rather frightening.

    Anyhow, so yea, looking forward to my trip. This will be my first time out of the country. A little nervous about meeting his entire family but otherwise I am pretty confident about the trip since I know this will fortify us further. Of course that may all change as it gets closer.

    Sorry for the essay and let me say in advance it's a pleasure to meet you all!
    Last edited by Ziyal; July 6, 2010, 01:19 PM.

    Welcome to LFAD!
    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


      Hi there! Welcome to LFAD! Hope you enjoy your time here




          Welcome to the site! I met my SO online as well
          [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


            Welcome! I am pretty new here myself too

            Have fun in Scotland!


              Thank you all so much for the welcomes!

              Oh I know I will have a great time in Scotland. He just called me as he is away at a stag party down to Alton Towers. I think I spoke to all his friends more than him. He kept passing me about and they all were having a good bit of fun telling me all about his bad habits. Telling me not to let him hide me away, they'd be looking for me come September. One even texted me a photo of Ally being a big baby because they wouldn't give him the phone back. It felt good to be included and accepted by all his friends. Took away a bit of my nerves in meeting them come September.


                That is really nice of them! It must be really nice to feel included and accepted by his friends. I have never met any of my boyfriend's friends so far, only a few through skype when he was talking to them. And if he starts working in Singapore next month, I won't be so worried, because his existing friends that I am going to meet are only minimal and the new ones I am not as worried about. But if he stays in London, that means I am most probably going to visit him in October. And the thought about meeting his family and friends freaks me out. But I don't think I can make any noise because he has already meet mine


                  Welcome! Me and my SO met online as well. We have yet to meet, but he's coming to visit this November. Hope you have a great visit! I would love to visit Scotland. I've heard it's breath taking.
                  First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                    Welcome : )


                      Hi... I'm kinda new too so... welcome!


                        Thank you for the welcomes.

                        Mayyie - You'll be fine! I mean I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about meeting his family, his entire family. He has planned the tour around Scotland according to where his family is so I can meet them all. Still I have always been the kind of person who can swallow her nerves and appear confident on the outside when it comes time. I think I get that from showing dogs since I was a child and having been on television a couple times because of it.

                        5000miles - Oh I bet you can't wait for November to come! Everything I have seen of Scotland, pictures, movie clips, and the tour he gave me on google maps of what we will be doing leads me to believe it is a breathtaking country. I'm a history nerd so he has planned a bunch of historical sightseeing for us to do. I'll be taking loads of pictures that is a given.

                        Thanks again for the warm welcome.


                          I am a little late, but welcome. I hope you enjoy this place!

