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Losing My Mind

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    Losing My Mind

    I've been in an online relationship for almost a year now, and I don't even know where to begin or why I'm writing this. Every so often I find myself on this website, reading different posts and topics, and I realize I'm not alone in how I feel and what I'm going through, but I still feel lost. The one thing I know for sure is that I am so in love with my boyfriend, I would do anything for him.

    Some background I guess!
    We met through our common interest of video games on playstation, in a group with some mutual friends on the network and eventually started talking and playing together ALL the time. He lives in New Jersey, and I in Michigan. Somewhere alone the way we exchanged phone numbers and added each other on facebook and skype. At this point we are talking almost all day everyday, and I realize I have feelings for this guy I've never even met! I had just graduated high school, and he was still in high school, but the way we felt about each other made no difference in our age, education level, or distance.

    Fast forward a couple months....
    And it's September 2012 now, I'm living on my own as a freshman at college, school is going great, I have the world at my fingertips, and the only thing I want is to visit my love. Having never traveled on my own, I decided that now was a good time to bring my parents into the relationship for advice and what I was hoping to be support. Right away I could feel the disappointment. "Where did we go wrong? You're such a pretty girl, can't you find someone at school? You don't have the money to go see him anyways. School should be your main focus" A string of nothing but never ending negativity. We postponed. My main goal being to make as much money as possible. Since he was only 17 and a junior in high school, and I was 18 and in college with limitless freedom, it only made sense for me to visit him. Plus a part of me wanted the adventure of being the one to go to see him all on my own.

    A couple more months go by...
    Waiting for a time to visit, but need to have time where we both have school breaks or time off. Hurricane Sandy didn't help either. He was off of school for almost a month because of flooding and damages, and lost the rest of his school breaks. Have to wait for summer now. Parents seem to think that at this point we will both give up on each other. Not going to happen.

    It's summer now....
    At least for me. He only has two more weeks left, but has football camp all summer. The only time he has off is in August, and I swear that I am going to make this trip happen this time. I got myself two jobs since I'm home for summer. Hostess at a restaurant, minimum wage. Babysitter to anyone with brats, slightly more than minimum wage. I am saving every penny I earn and find in the couch cushions. Allowance earned each month, put away in my boyfriend envelope to be added to my trip fund. But I need to tell my parents, who are still not ok with this, that this is what I plan to do. The other day I was playing around online and found a site where you can raise money for anything you put your mind to, so I made a donation page to help with my trip to New Jersey. My mother FLIPPED out on me. "Asking for money is pathetic, why don't you get another job if you're so serious about this 'boyfriend' of yours". Ouch. All of my free time is spent working. And when I'm not working, I'm doing stuff around the house to make extra money. Cutting the grass, cooking, cleaning, you name it I do it. Not to mention my father said that if I really want to visit, he has to come, and I won't be alone with him. As if I have poor judgement, or haven't done my own background check on who I am committed to when we first started talking. I've seen dateline dad, I know the dangers. I also know that there are good people in this world, and they deserve a chance. I deserve a chance to find out for myself.

    I don't know where this post is going....I just need someone to talk to. Someone that won't judge me because of a choice in my life I choose to stand by. I didn't expect to fall in love with someone online, but it happened and I am so very thankful that it did. I just wish that I had more open minded, respectful people in my life. The only thing I can compare the guilt and loneliness I feel in this house is that of a story I once read of a man telling his family he was gay. I feel like I've been exiled in a way. My mom won't even look at me, my dad is trying to understand but just can't. My little brother threatened my boyfriend to stay away from me.

    Where do I go? What do I do? I need to go visit, but my parents will make damn sure I can't. I'm 18 I should be able to do what I want right? Then how come I feel so trapped. The only constant in my life is my boyfriend and the strong connection we have. Online long distance relationships are not easy, this has been one hell of a roller coaster of emotions for us, but it's only made us stronger. This type of love requires a stronger bond, stronger trust, and stronger love than anyone can ever imagine.

    If you've made it this far, thank you. That's all I can do for listening to a lost girl voice what small part of her she has left.

    Unfortunately you can't control how your parents feel. Try suggesting skyping with your boyfriend and your parents so they can get to know him a bit. Also, and I've said this before in other posts, if you live at home you have to obey your parents' rules. For now I suggest saving your money as best you can and saving up for a trip to go see him. Maybe by the time you can afford it on your own your parents will be more comfortable with the idea. Remember, they're not necessarily computer savvy and any generation except our own seems to have some hesitations about online relationships. While you're apart spend time online playing games together, skyping, watching movies, etc.

    Good luck and welcome to LFAD



      Welcome to LFAD

      wow that was an intense and long first post

      Your parents are trying to protect you really, they don't understand the relationship and would rather it not exist than to have to deal with the fear/worry of you going to meet your boyfriend basically. I think at some point you realise your parents are 'human' and don't have all the answers for life, they have fears and expectations about what their children will be like from a young age - to our parents forming an online relationship is not natural and therefore something must have gone 'wrong'.

      Just keep on going, try not to hate your parents and give them a bit of patience. Try getting them to skype with him as Kristin suggested.

      anyway, welcome
      Met Online: February 2009
      Feelings grew: January 2011
      First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
      Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
      Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
      Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
      Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
      Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
      Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
      Engaged: 1st of July 2012
      Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
      Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
      Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
      Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
      Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
      Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

      Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


        Welcome to LFAD! I'm in a CT/MI LDR. Like the others said, there's no way to just flip a switch and have your parents accept your LDR. However, skyping with your SO, pointing out that you're an adult and are paying for it, showing the linguistics of a visit, even having your parents call his, those are all things that can help out your case. Like Kristin said though, in the end, your parents have the final say.

        I also just wanted to butt in a bit and say that asking for donations will most likely rub people the wrong way, especially others who are in LDRs. We all have to bust our butts to pay for visits. I know that leaving out of Newark to Grand Rapids, MI plane tickets can be as cheap as $240, a lot cheaper than others on here have it. We have a lot of travel tips to save money on here.


          Just a little tip: Flights are usually quite a bit cheaper going into Laguardia Airport in Queens, NY. I live in NJ about 15 mins from Newark Airport. My SO hasn't been able to visit really because the prices from MO to NJ are in the $400 and up range, but I found Laguardia being around the the $280 range. I am trying to convince him to go that route. If you can get to your destination easy from Queens then it might be a cheaper option. There are shuttle vans outside the airport that will take to you to train or bus station in NYC for about $13.00. From there you can take a train or bus closer to your SO's home for anywhere $10-20 dollars depending on the route/distance.


            I understand your desire to be able to see your SO. I also agree that asking for donations to see your BF is really not in good taste. A plane ticket from Newark ,NJ to Detroit MI is under 300 dollars... I just checked Kayak for this August. If you are working two jobs then hopefully you can come up with that soon. We all push to save up to see our SO's and as far as donations are concerned...mine just went to the victims of the hurricanes in OK.

            Your parents are looking out for their little girl. I would try to make them understand that this is serious to you and that he is a safe person. He is a minor so maybe if his parent's called your it might help a bit. If you could try to merge the two families then maybe it would start to feel more natural to them. Your little brother threatening him is against the law and you might wish to mention that to him. Is there something you have not mentioned, that seems pretty extreme to threaten bodily harm to somebody??
            Last edited by Hollandia; May 22, 2013, 07:34 PM.
            "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
            Benjamin Franklin


              Thank you SO much everyone that took the time to respond to this lengthy post. It's nice to see and hear from people that are like minded and going through the same thing, and I can see where I should and could have done things differently.

              My first plan of action here is to get that skype call going and involve my parents. The only tough spot I see with that is bringing it up to them, but sooner or later I am going to have to bite the bullet and just do it.

              I can't thank you all enough for helping me. It means the world to know I'm not alone. Sometimes even talking to close friends, they just can't relate or understand the emotions and problems LDR go through.

