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    Ok, so i am not good at introductions...not really my thing but i thought, what the heck, there is a first time for everything right? Well, here goes nothing...Greetings my fellow members of LFAD! I am Roxie...Roxie Redfox. :3

    Welcome to LFAD. How did you & your SO meet? How old is your SO? What do you do? What does your SO do? Introductions help us get to know you better.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      Well, my SO and i met on Facebook. I was a roleplayer and i had a roleplay account. I added just about everybody who wanted to be my day he sent me a friend request, seeing as he was a fellow roleplayer, i added him. Almost as soon as i accepted, he posted a greeting on my wall. We started a roleplay, which eventually lead to a close friendship. At the time he was 17 and i was 15. My parents had no idea...which eventually lead to my ruin lol. After a while we began growing even closer, yet had to stay friends because he was already in a relationship. The girl he was with was kind of crazy and he really didn't want to be with her, but she was moving away soon and he didn't want to hurt her right before she left. She broke up with him when she finally moved (which wasn't soon enough for my taste xD ) As soon as that happened he sent me a message and said "We need to talk....about us." That was when he and i really started officially dating. It was an amazing relationship until my mom found out about my facebook profile and deleted it :/ i had to find other ways to sneak on and talk to him, and every time he was just so happy to hear from me. Of course i kept getting caught and finally decided i should just try to move on. For a year i didn't talk to him at all and i even tried to move on. I had two relationships that didn't go anywhere...they just couldn't compare to my SO. After several months of feeling lonely and thinking about all the good times my SO and I had talking to one another, i finally got up the courage to sneak back on and say hi. By this time, i am 17, almost 18 and he is 19 almost 20. We have been talking almost everyday for the past 3 weeks and I am loving every minute of it. We video chatted a few times when my parents weren't home, which made me realize just how extremely hot this guy really is :3 I may not have ever met him in real life but i truely believe i am in love. We have been making plans to meet this summer after i turn 18. As to what we do...i am a senior in high school, getting ready for college this fall. He is at community college, working on getting his associate's


        Welcome to LFAD!


          to the forum!
          Our love story:
          Attended the same high school 2004-2007
          Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
          Reconnected: August 2012
          Began dating LD: November 2012
          Engaged! March 2014
          Closing the distance: December 2015


            Welcome to LFAD Thanks for sharing your story and good luck with everything


              thanx everybody i appreciate the welcoming committee xD


                Do your parents know about him now?

                2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                Progress: Complete!

                2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                Progress: Working on it.




                    Not yet. I am going to wait until after i meet him to tell them. I wish i could but my parents just wouldn't understand. I have tried explaining other things to them before and they just don't understand.


                      Welcome to the forum. Hope you can get in an open relationship where your parents can know. It is absolutely no fun being in a relationship you have to keep a secret. I'm glad you two were able to get connected again. Good luck.


                        Welcom Roxie!
                        so tell us your story about yourself and your SO
                        Met August 2012
                        Official Nov. 18 2012
                        Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
                        He's visiting April 7-28 2014
                        I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014


                          Originally posted by aojeda50 View Post
                          Welcom Roxie!
                          so tell us your story about yourself and your SO
                          She already did


                            xD yea, its cool. I make mistakes like that all the time lol. Thanks for the support though guys. I plan on telling my parents one day but i think it best to wait until i am 18 and out of their house.


                              Welcome to LFAD.

