I've been lurking a little bit for the last few weeks but decided it's time to stop being shy and say hi
I've been talking to my guy for over a year now and after much hesitation over not wanting to hurt or be hurt, we're starting to test the waters in this LDR stuff. There are many obstacles, not the least of which is the 5000+ miles, but I feel too strongly about him not to give this a try. He's finally letting some of his guard down and I can't tell you how much it has meant to me that he's opened up so much over the last few months. I finally got to hear him speak after a year of texting, and I finally got to see his face move in Skype over the last couple months. I cannot express my joy at being able to see and hear his laugh finally
I am looking forward to getting to know you all. Being new to this, I need support to help maneuver through all of this. I feel like I'm the only one going through this until I get on here
This transition is so new for us, and I'm doing my best to let him set the pace he's comfortable with that, while my friends know of him, and can guess how I feel about him, I don't have anyone really who understands (or cares to understand) the difficulties an international LDR presents. I've only heard him speak and seen him move a handful of times, but those moments are so precious to me, I want every chance we can to see where this will lead