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    So glad to have found this place finally and am really hoping to find some people to talk to and get some encouragement.

    My husband and I have been together for 23 years and married 20. I feel we've always been strong, very close and happy. He retired from the military after 24 years and began a job in Saudi Arabia. We agreed it wasn't a place for the kids and I (I still have two at home. 18 and 13) so he went and we stayed behind. He just left after Christmas for his 3rd year there and only comes home for one month out of each year. The first two years seemed fine. I knew we were strong. He worked and me and the kids stayed busy traveling and being with family but when he came home this year things were different in ways maybe I can explain later. Now all of sudden I don't feel strong. I'm so done with him being gone and I just don't know if I'll make it through another year.

    So here's to getting to know you all and praying I can right my brain and get through the year.
    Last edited by Lonelywife; January 7, 2017, 01:31 PM. Reason: Typos

    Hi and welcome to the forum. How long is he over there for?


      Thank you for the welcome! He has finished two years now and has just gone back for his third.


        Hey, welcome! Sounds like a really tough position to be in, especially with the kids. I'm sure you will find lots of support here, though! I'd recommend taking a look at the with "with children" subforum as well (here).
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          Welcome! I wish you all the strength with managing everything!


            Welcome! Have you told him that you are done with his absence? Would this 3rd year be his last one? or would he continue? After 20 yrs of marriage, you have the right to ask him to find a local job. He needs to know how you feel and I am sure the kids miss their dad as well.

            "Strength in Us!"

            "exclusive" since May 13, 2016
            ** Shortened the distance!! December 2016 **
            closing the distance in ~ Oct. 2018


              Originally posted by Sparkling72 View Post
              Welcome! Have you told him that you are done with his absence? Would this 3rd year be his last one? or would he continue? After 20 yrs of marriage, you have the right to ask him to find a local job. He needs to know how you feel and I am sure the kids miss their dad as well.
              Hi Sparkling! She has another bit of info with some other issues as well- another post- that chased some discord. I think they are working together on it.

              I have a handful of friends doing what the OP is doing. The one over is making a good bit of money there and my friends have been able to pay off their house, money for kids school, paid cars just had her second child. He coma over for the birth- and they are both mid 20s. Amazing to be responsible, debt free and hopefully continue to make smart choices and be set for life. OP may be in that same boat. After leaving the military after a career, this may the est way to be able to retire in 5 years. I would have done that if I could. Not HAVE to work, but choose to work..


                Hello and welcome

