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I didn't want to fall in love

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    I didn't want to fall in love

    When I got divorced earlier this year, my best friend invited me to join him in participating in a very private, invitation-only support forum for single parents. I joined up and made a handful of really good friends who did a great job of making my grief healthier and less complicated, and made the process so much easier.

    One lady kept me laughing. One gave me great advice and helped me know what to say to my ex when she started stirring up trouble. One guy made me feel better by just letting me know he could relate.

    And then there was one who was, well, special.

    She thinks like me. She's sensitive like me. We share a large handful of random common interests: a deep appreciation for the culture and music of West Africa, talent and passion for grammar, similar music, the same movies (I couldn't believe I'd met a woman who liked Spinal Tap and Tarantino movies as much as I do!), and passion for our jobs. Her sense of humor clicked with mine, and her compassionate outlook on life resonated with me. Beyond that, we discovered a LOT of things that seem to make us fundamentally compatible with each other.

    So we started flirting innocently, which is really common on that board. The flirts got hotter. Our friends told us to knock it off. We tried. Instead, we took it off board to Facebook chat. I had a particularly stressful review at work, and she offered me her phone number so that I could text or call if I needed to talk. We started calling each other a LOT. We revealed some of our deepest, darkest secrets to one another and gained a level of trust that amazes me.

    The whole time, we tried to make sure we were developing a friendship, albeit a friendship with a strong element of mutual attraction. Hell, we lived 2,200 miles apart, and she has a failed LDR in her past and had vowed not to have another. Besides, if anything were to develop, closing the gap would be a VERY high stakes proposition for both of us (I have joint custody of two kids plus a daughter in college and a well-established career here, she is extremely well-established in her career and has a very close family and a good working relationship with her daughter's father in Seattle. Too many barriers. We shouldn't get serious, right?

    On October 1st, we got busted. PurplePirate went into a parent-teacher conference with her daughter's teacher (this teacher is also a personal friend and colleague, because Pirate is a teacher in the same school system.) This teacher noticed how often we are on each other's Facebook walls, and just how flirty we are. She thought it was really cool, and was glad to see Pirate so happy.

    A long conversation followed that night. We had to come face to face with how we really feel about each other. And how we feel about each other is STRONG. We crossed the "I love you" threshold that night, and admitted we've been feeling that way for months. We'd been in denial, fed by our efforts NOT to fall in love. But it was high time we just came clean and admitted it. Our attempts to not fall in love were a spectacular failure, and we owe it to ourselves and to each other to see if this thing has wings.

    When she told me, "I love you," a jolt of electricity ran from my shoulders to my ankles, and it happened again when I said it back to her! Since then we have committed to meet each other face-to-face at my place this month and at hers in January. We have timelines and goals, and hope to get to know each other (even each other's dark sides) even better before commencing Operation: Close the Gap. In the meantime we have joined this site so we can figure out what makes successful LDRs click.

    So far we've started playing Scrabble during our phone calls (we are both word nerds), opened a private Love Blog, and started the occasional Skype chat. I can't wait to meet her face-to-face at the airport next Tuesday.

    Welcome to the forums! The first meet-up is so exciting. I hope you have a great time, and do come back and tell us how it goes.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Oh, wanted to add - there's a handful of divorced people on here, including myself, and several with children, so we can all relate in some fashion to your dilemma. I lost a daughter when I divorced (not my blood child, but I was her real mom to her), and I know how hard it is.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Thanks for sharing your story! I had a similar situation with my SO in that I didn't mean to fall in love with him either. I think you'll find everyone here has similarities, and we're all very supportive. Welcome to LFAD!


          Welcome to LFAD. It's amazing how love finds you when you least expect it. The first meeting is amazing and I'm so happy for you!


            Welcome! You'll find similar situations to your own here, it's a good place. I have an adult daughter that I'd never want to move far away from, but my guy is in Finland, and we have no idea when we'll close the distance, but it works for us You aren't alone when you're here!
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Welcome to LFAD!! I liked your story and I hope that your first meeting goes well! How exciting. That's great that you are both into West African music/culture. I have lived 2 times in West Africa (Senegal and Mali).
              I think you'll find some great support and ideas on the forums.


                Welcome on here!!

                Your story is so intresting ^_^ I love reading how everyone met, and also see the age differences since I get to hear its a teenage thing a LDR >_>

                Hope you'll have a blast on your first meet up!!


                  Such a nice story...welcome to LFAD! =)
                  You get to meet next Tuesday..that's amazing. I'm in the same position with you as the amount of distance, my guy lives over 2000 miles away from me, and we can't meet until March.
                  I'm so happy for you both, I hope you have a blast!


                    I can relate to the additional layers and considerations that kids can add to an LDR... I was recently out of a relationship as well and love was one thing I was definitely NOT looking for at the time I met my SO... but I'm so very glad that things happened how/when they did.
                    Welcome to the forum- you'll find others here in very similar situations!
                    We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                      Originally posted by lck741 View Post
                      Welcome to LFAD!! I liked your story and I hope that your first meeting goes well! How exciting. That's great that you are both into West African music/culture. I have lived 2 times in West Africa (Senegal and Mali).
                      I think you'll find some great support and ideas on the forums.
                      That's wonderful! Her daughter's father is from Senegal. I spent a month in Ghana in 2006 and will be spending a couple of weeks in Liberia in February.

                      My girlfriend is looking to fly to Senegal soon with her daughter and her ex so her daughter can meet her dad's side of the family. I'm excited for both of them!


                        Thank you for the warm welcome, everybody!

                        One of the benefits of starting a long distance relationship, as I see it, is that PurplePirate and I got to become very, very close friends and develop strong relational intimacy and trust without sex complicating things. Since a physical relationship was impossible, we had to develop an emotional one first. And what we have is wonderful!

                        (BTW, purplepirate has registered for these forums but has not posted yet. She's wonderful! I know you'll read this, so let me give you a pirate shoutout, ye scurvy plum-haired wench!)


                          Welcome to LFAD, its a great place to hang out with people who just 'get it', and can make things easier when you hit a bump. My SO and I were pretty darn stubborn (that'd be the aquarius-scorpio thing) and spent...9 years refusing to be in love with someone that lived in another country. Even after multiple visits we refused to be anything but friends, strictly platonic, gave advice to each other on how to make our relationships with others work, supported each other threw gut wrenching heartbreaking relationships including two divorces... and then 3 years ago, during one of our many totally logical examinations of 'whatever' it is that binds us so tightly together (as we refused to call it love) when he said, "you know I'm only really happy when I am with you, either here or in person" and I said "Ian, I was married for 14 years and I was miserable for 13 of those years, as you well know. We have been together 9 years and from 3,266 miles you've made me happy every day. I don't care what its called, I just want it everyday for the rest of my life" So we both gave up, and gave in. We've seen each once since then Oct 26th thru Nov 7th 2007 so its been 3 years. I have never been more loved and cherished and cared for than I am now.

                          WELCOME, its like home here!


                          Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                          And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                          Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                            I can relate too!!! I have three children myself....and tied to this area....but I threw all caution to the wind...and so glad I did!!!! Welcome!
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              Thanks! I'm so happy to be in a relationship with her. She's a wonderful person, my best friend, and a genuine sweetheart. I'm looking forward to spending some face-to-face time with her. I'm sure she's even more amazing in person.

