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Away from Home

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    Away from Home

    Hello, fellow LDR'ers!

    Currently I live 480 km (300 miles) away from my home Berlin in a city in the south of Germany.
    I guess that's a really small distance compared to lots of other couples on here!!
    I graduated from engineering just when the financial crisis was soaring and had a hard time finding a job eventhough I had good grades. Additionally, eventhough Berlin's the capital it doesn't really offer too many jobs in my field.
    So I decided to search for jobs anywhere for the sake of my career.
    For months I didn't get any offers and then in summer 2009 I had two offers: one in Berlin and one in South Germany. The job in Berlin would have been better paid but it was a job in sales that consisted only of calling companies and trying to sell a software that costs 30,000€… Not a great job! So I decided to take the job in S-Germany.
    When I knew that I would sign with that company, conicidentally on a science night at my university I met the guy who's now my b/f.
    I had had a crush on him some years ago, I even met him on a sports weekend a year before that but he wasn't interested in me.
    That night, though, we talked and I told him about my fate (moving away from the coolest city in Germany: Berlin) and he "pitied" me… but said that I should send him messages via facebook once I've moved.
    Of course I didn't wait so long! Luckily I had about a month left before starting the job and I messaged him a week later or so.
    We soon had or first date, and second, and so on… then the first kiss!
    And soon after that I moved…
    To be honest I wasn't even sure whether I wanted to be in a relationship. But when I was in the new city, in my empty appartment, I missed him and I asked him to come visit me.
    I guess our relationship was a bit awkward in the beginning (we saw each other every 2nd weekend) but now over a year later I feel so close to him .
    Unfortunately my job turned out to be a nightmare but I didn't have the energy to look for another job in the beginning. I'm tied down w/ a 2 yr contract that forces me to pay back 2 month of my wage should I quit before July 2010… (eventhough I think that can't be legal…)
    I want to look for another job (hopefully in Berlin!!) after x-mas and maybe even try to find sth. now (and see how I can quit q/o paying back money!!).

    That's my story.

    - Cloudy

    Welcome to the forums! You'll like it around here.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Welcome to LFAD! Thanks for sharing your story. I hope that you figure out a way to move back to Berlin and if not...July isn't too far away!


        Welcome to LFAD!
        First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


          Welcome to LFAD, Cloudy!! Glad to have you here!


            Welcome to the community!


              Hi Cloudy, welcome to the forums
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                Thank you, everyone


                  Welcome to LFAD!
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

