I just joined this website, and I wanted to say that what you guys are doing on this website is wonderful. I've dated many girls who lived far away, and I know the pains of a LDR. But I see that this site has helped many people in my situation, and hopefully it can work for me.
Over the weekend I was out in NYC, and I meet a wonderful woman. There are two issues that could be problematic. One, she is 10 years older than me. I know thats a separate issue meant for a completely separate website. But I personally don't mind the age, right now. The bigger issue is that she lives in Boston. From me, thats over 5 hours away.
The longest distance I've had to deal with at this point was 1 hour and a half. So I don't even know where to begin to help close the gap between us. It's gonna be costly to visit each other. My car is old and won't make it that much longer so I don't want to risk it driving 5 hrs each way. Meeting in the middle could be another possibility. I'm just really unsure how to make things right here. I've been chatting with her non-stop since we met, and I want to build a relationship with her. Any help would be appreciated.
Over the weekend I was out in NYC, and I meet a wonderful woman. There are two issues that could be problematic. One, she is 10 years older than me. I know thats a separate issue meant for a completely separate website. But I personally don't mind the age, right now. The bigger issue is that she lives in Boston. From me, thats over 5 hours away.
The longest distance I've had to deal with at this point was 1 hour and a half. So I don't even know where to begin to help close the gap between us. It's gonna be costly to visit each other. My car is old and won't make it that much longer so I don't want to risk it driving 5 hrs each way. Meeting in the middle could be another possibility. I'm just really unsure how to make things right here. I've been chatting with her non-stop since we met, and I want to build a relationship with her. Any help would be appreciated.