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Missing my Canadian Eh!

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    Missing my Canadian Eh!

    I'm 30 yrs old and live in Minnesota. I'm a single mom of a wonderful 3 yr old son, Jack (from a different relationship) and my SO-Chuck- lives in Toronto, Ontario and has two boys, Keddie- 16 yrs old and Jade- 6 yrs old.

    We met 12 years ago in Fort Frances, Ontario in a small hole in the wall bar in 1999. We instantly hit it off right a way, and tried to communicate by email... but it never really went any where! I was too afraid of an Int'l LDR and was way more into having a College social life at that time. My son's father and I, were together for 3 yrs and then I ended our relationship and moved out.

    Well Six months single, I was on FB and happened to do a search by email and Chuck came up.. asked him to be a friend and with in a week-- we were talking like nothing had ever changed... we exchanged phone numbers right away and started talking about seeing each other again.

    Chuck asked me if I could actually visit his son Keddie to pick up a parcel that Keddie had for him, since we were trying to make plans to visit. So we had it all planned out and I was ready to go visit Keddie that very next Monday at a restaurant-- figured I'd buy him lunch and then I'd head back home.... Well instead of Keddie walking in, Chuck did! at that moment-- I knew I would never be the same person again!

    However, Chuck felt that we needed to learn to be "friends" first... and not instantly jump into a relationship... so 5 months later this December 2010... I finally had him make it official! So we've been only dating in reality for 2 months-- but the best thing is... he's also my best friend too!

    Welcome to the forum!!
    Hope you will get the advice and support what are you looking for :-)


      Hi! Welcome to LFAD
      LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
      Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
      Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


        Welcome to the forums!


          That's such a sweet story! Welcome to the forums!


            That's so nice! Welcome to the forums! We all hope it goes well! I love your title. My boyfriend's mom is from Canada he says "eh" jokingly sometimes haha!


              Welcome to LFAD! Your SO is from Toronto eh? such a beautiful place huh? (lol confusing i used both a canadian and american ending in the same line, it's because i'm an american who's been transplanted in Canada).

              Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                Thanks everyone for the nice welcome... and I really am hoping that Chuck and I last this time... and Riyko, yes-- I've only been to Toronto once so far... The city is amazing... although I'm getting my North and South directions backwards, LOL... I have to keep reminding myself the lake is to the South! Chuck has been so busy, that I didn't really get to see much of our little quick trip.... There is so much I want to see... Chuck is currently going to school at CIT-- and with his Job, keeps him very busy! So because our communication right now is limited to when he can call me-- I was looking for ideas on how we can still communicate, without both of us always trying to be on the computer or calling.. stumbled on this site and just hoping I can find others who maybe in the same boat I am in... so thank you again everyone, I hope to be on this site with updates and also to maybe help some others with any problems or issues they may have... LDR's are not easy-- but they are worth it in the end!


                  Hi! Welcome!
                  And thanx for sharing your nice story.
                  I hope you'll like it here.


                    Thanks Milaya... I'm finding out that the days that I'm not able to talk to my SO that the forum is helping me cope with slight boredom and maybe a little frustration I have! It's almost like therapy in a way....haha!!!! So thanks!!! I'm still trying to work my way around in the forum; but slowly I'm learning... Thanks again everyone!


                      Haha, I love the title of the thread!.. my SO is from Michigan and he laughs at me every time I say EH...

                      Anyways welcome to the forums

                      I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                      I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                        Originally posted by AllieBaba View Post
                        Haha, I love the title of the thread!.. my SO is from Michigan and he laughs at me every time I say EH...

                        Anyways welcome to the forums
                        I picked up the habit of saying "you know" after my sentences-- (I lived in England for a little while and they say, "yeah?" after every thing... so I kind of altered it!) But my SO laughs at me every time.. and I of course tease him about "Eh" so.. we get even!

