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    Hi to all

    So, I am brand new to this site. My bf and I are about to start a long distance relationship. I am moving on July 15th to go to graduate school and he starts graduate school in August. I am not only nervous about the move; I am also kind of sad about leaving him here. I know that will only be for two years but a lot can happen in two years. He travels a lot and my brother lives here so I have reason to come back and visit. However, being in school will prevent excess travel.

    Most of everything will fall where it does but for now I am looking for a creative present idea to give him before I leave. I do not have much free time because I am employed full time and still have to pack. I also do not have a lot of extra money. I want to do something personal. We do have a trip planned from the 7th-12th that will give us memories but I still want to give him something.

    I also worry that he will decide that this will be too much work or that he will find someone else while I am away. He has expressed similar concerns but he does not seem to want to actually talk about things. He did go out of his way to plan a nice trip for us, so I know he actually cares. I just want a nice way to talk about expectations without seeming like I am pressuring him on the subject. We only have about three weeks before we have to say good-bye.

    Hi, welcome to the forums

    Have you thought of giving him something of yours? something special to you? a favourite shirt or something, Inexpensive and personal. I sent my boyfriend one of mine with my perfume on it and he spent the day with it drapped across his shoulder, and i have one of his that lives on my bed.

    As far as talking out about it goes, give him time. I know you exactly have alot to spare but he might jut need a little more. He'll talk when he's ready, just try and reassure him as best you can for now.

    Good luck
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


      Well i gave my SO an old ring of mine which didnt fit. It was only a little silver once that i had been given by my parents when i was about 10 - but it was personal to me therefore i gave it to him and he wears it around his neck on a chain i gave him He gave me his hoodie and his old neck chain


        Sorry it took so long to respond. My last couple of months were super busy. My BF took my to Disney before my move and I got back two days before my scheduled move. Then the move and job hunting and school stuff came at me all at once. Now that school is starting, I am a bit more settled.

        Before I moved I gave him a stuffed animal that I got while we were dating and he gave me one of his hoodies. I did find out this week that my degree may take 2 and a half years as oppose to just 2. So we are going to be away longer than anticipated.


          Welcome to LFAD!


            All I can say is be strong girl Anyway, welcome to LFAD
            "Love wins everything especially fear."


              Welcome to the forum and good luck

