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Well, hello.

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    Well, hello.

    Hello there, everyone. I’m new to LFAD and figured that an introduction was in order. My name’s Ann. I’m 20 and a sophomore at a small liberal arts school in Indiana. My SO is James - that handsome redhead in my avatar. He’s 21 and a senior at said college. So how are we in a LDR?

    Well, I’m a German major and spending this semester in Germany and Austria. I’m currently in Berlin, which is about 4415 miles away from him. I do consider myself fairly lucky, as our LDR has a concrete ending date - December 17. And I’m definitely counting down the days (72, for the record).

    So, hello. I’m looking forward to offering what advice I can and having a community to rant and complain to.
    Ann & James

    “We are all a little weird and life's a little weird,
    and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,
    we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”
    ― Dr. Seuss

    Wilkommen! Thats great you have an ending date! Until then enjoy Deutschland as much as possible, I spent 18 months there and it was the best time of my life....and where I met my SO!


      Hi welcome to the forums
      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


        I've been here for all of a day and I'm already loving it Seems like a nice place to be so welcome x


          Hello and welcome to LFAD


            welcome to the fourm !


              Hallo und herzlich Willkommen! I hope you enjoy the board! I only joined recently but find it's an amazing place!! My SO and I are in a LDR Germany- US as well but unfortunately without a definite end date. He works on the east cost and I study in Hessen. If you ever want to practise your German feel free to shoot me a message


                Welcome That's really cool that you're studying in another country! lol
                You never forget your first love...


                  Hallo und willkommen


                    Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome! Oh God I am so cheesy, kill me now. (Although, one of my favorite musicals)

                    I was only in Berlin for a weekend, but I absolutely adored it. What a vibrant, interesting city. Have you been to Tacheles yet? It's a huge artists' squat/gallery in Mitte and it's one of the most incredible places I have ever been to in my life. The place is covered floor to ceiling in graffiti and all of the artists there make incredible stuff, and you can watch them do their work--I got into a very interesting conversation with a Brazilian painter who came to Berlin on a whim and uses modern dancers as models, and we talked about life and art and dance for a bit. (I'm a dancer, so this was especially relevant.)

                    Anyway, wow, tangent, but welcome and enjoy Berlin!


                      Welcome welcome welcome! 72 days will fly by before you know it. Welcome

