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    time of pms-ness + him with his good mates for the weekend + not many texts + missing him = NOT HAPPY

    im so bored and so sad that he is gone. waaah

    Yeah, it's definitely not fun. Time to settle in with some comfort food and a good chick flick


      You and me both so you're not alone! I'm curled up on the couch, eating junk food, and watching a movie. It's hard keeping myself distracted but I'm trying. I also recommend that you spoil yourself.

      Just do your best to take care and enjoy yourself this weekend so you'll have stuff to tell him when he returns


        yeh, been sending him lots of cute texts so when he gets the chance he can reply... time for some ben and jerrys ice cream!

        just wish he was here. cant wait till we close the distance n when i get the SO pangs he is right there :'(


          yeah i'm riding on the PMS express too.. and have no ice cream to hug (nor BF atm either).

          bridget jones=


            i had some ice cream. a little bit. BECAUSE IT WAS OFF. how unbelievably depressing is that?!?!?!

            and now he wont say night because he is out there getting drunk with his mates... which i was fine with till now wahhh he is so selfish... (said half heartedly, dont actually think he is selfish..)

            i havent watched bridget jones... shall start!


              i whole heartly suggest bridget jones- i mean 2 men fighting in the street, and they both happen to be hugh grant + colith firth. (swoon!!)

              as for your man drinking- get revenge; text in unsaintly hour of the morning.. "hows the head?!?!?!" lol. how can ice cream be off - weird.


                haha. the SO has this blessing of not getting hangovers. 1 pint of fosters and im in bed killing myself, him having 5 pints plus sambooka etc... and he is playing piano etc... the next day :P ive told him im pms-ing and crying over nothing so be warned for tomorrow... hehe....

                oooooo hugh grant is amazing <3 although russel howard is the best eye candy hehe.

                dunno how the ice cream was off... just didnt seem right. got it out of the freezer, seemed incredibly soft... and it just didnt have the ice-cream texture... my friend is going to town with me tomorrow to get some ben and jerrys :P


                  Get girlfriends over for support and distraction. :-)

