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Is it weird?

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    Is it weird?

    So, I'm just wondering, particularly to guys out there, if its normal for you to hang out with ur close guy friends for like 8-9hrs at a time? Bc I know when i hang out with my friends its for 3/4 hrs max then we call it a night. Unless it's like a concert or a planned day trip. My SO every now and then will spend an entire day about 8/9 hrs with his bff. When I ask what he did all day he'll be like o we sat around and watched movies, and got a drink. In my head i'm like 'really thats all?' It doesn't bother me, he actually shot me a text saying he was thinking of me over the course of this time. I'm just curious if this is something all guys do, or maybe me and my friends are just weird. lol. or maybe this is something i should be worried about as it may not be what he's actually doing.
    "You want for myself
    You get me like no one else
    I am beautiful with you

    I am beautiful with you
    Even in the darkest part of me
    I am beautiful with you
    Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
    You're here with me
    Just show me this and I'll believe
    I am beautiful with you"


    Originally posted by rubydissolution View Post
    So, I'm just wondering, particularly to guys out there, if its normal for you to hang out with ur close guy friends for like 8-9hrs at a time? Bc I know when i hang out with my friends its for 3/4 hrs max then we call it a night. Unless it's like a concert or a planned day trip. My SO every now and then will spend an entire day about 8/9 hrs with his bff. When I ask what he did all day he'll be like o we sat around and watched movies, and got a drink. In my head i'm like 'really thats all?' It doesn't bother me, he actually shot me a text saying he was thinking of me over the course of this time. I'm just curious if this is something all guys do, or maybe me and my friends are just weird. lol. or maybe this is something i should be worried about as it may not be what he's actually doing.
    I'm a guy and I've spent multiple days with my friends before. I don't think it's strange for your SO to hang out with his buddies for long periods of time, it's kind of just what guys do.


      My local friends are 100% guys, and they spend countless hours together. Weekends sometimes.
      My ex husband ass would go play with his little bff for days at a time (not picking up his cell of course). They just do this.


        My SO does this too! At first I was a little curious about it but now it's just like eh, that's just what he does. I don't understand how fun it can be to just sit there and play video games but hey, they're having fun so what can you do about it? Even if you think it's a little weird, you know he misses you the time that he's away from you so you just have to trust him.


          My ex-bf did that a lot. Him and his buddies will hang out for hours and it's a normal basis thing. They'll play video games, computer games, or basically anything. He spent more time with them than with me. Haha

          My current doesn't have friends in CA so him and his roommate hangs out a lot


            My male friends are gay. so I can spend hours and hours and hours just talking to them, and watching movies, or doing nothing together. so i dont know if im the best one to give advice here, because i dont have straight guy friends i hang out with
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              I'm not a guy, but I frequently camp out at my friends' places for entire weekends, or they at mine.


                I don't think it's just a guy thing. Girls do it too. I know I have back when I hung out more. Then again, I live with a bunch of friends, so I spend every day with them too. Either way, I'll often spend some of my house mates days off with a group of our friends and that can range all day. But since I have yahoo on my phone, I'm always reachable to the SO.


                  Yeah, I agree with everyone. I think it's pretty normal. I've seen plenty of guys do this, and I've done it at times too. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

