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Cee Lo Green to you....

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    Cee Lo Green to you....

    That song edited 'Forget you'. The words prior before hitting the cutting room floor. They are the ones I will send to you, my love. I was the guy's best friend then his girlfriend and I would have been his friend even after we split had he not done this.

    My 'SO' (Or SOB the way I think of the little bastard right now) lied to me for no less than almost two years, in fact, longer if you count the time we spent as friends. He lied to me and said he was a few years older than me when in fact he was a few years younger. Only two years and you know it's not an issue. The only way it would be were if he were underage which he definitely was and is not. But the way I found out. He asked him to stay with him without telling me. He lied for that long directly to my face. I confronted him and he admitted it today after hanging up the phone swearing at me and saying he'd get his birth certificate, told me I had a problem with younger men (news to me) and then after I was trying to get it out of him I said I'd ask someone in his family the simple question 'how old is -----' to get my answer, he then threatened to post some rather intimate pictures of me on the internet knowing full well that i have issues with my body etc.

    So, I told him, somewhat foolishly, 'you know what F--- it, post them. I have good boobs, I like myself post them' (and yes, that's funny) but I was like 'why the hell should he get that over me?'

    He said he wouldn't but for god's sake. He lied to me, tried to squirm out of it then threatened me. While I was there the last time, he also moved house after telling me the night before, allowed his sister to knock on the door and tell us to behave while we were doing certain things and had all kinds of people milling around the house smoking pot like every night while after five months we were trying to get a moment.

    I am stupid. I am genuinely and utterly stupid but you know what I stand by what I said. Post the damn pictures, I'll stand by them and be like 'Hell I love them' even though they make me die a little inside but he said he loved them. I'll rise up against the grain and I'll keep going after this and nothing will stop me succeeding this but damn I'm hurt. I'm ashamed to say that I hit a wall and thankfully didn't do any damage to the wall although my knuckles look a bit weird but they'll be fine. That's the last injury physical or mental I suffer from this stupidity. And seeing my poor kitty sloping around me, touching me gently with her nose every so often I know it's time to let it go. But damn, I am so hurt. It's not the age, it's the lie, it's the fact that I slept with the guy and he lied to my face. It's the fact that he's just threatened me knowing everything about my insecurities. It's the fact that the last guy cheated on me and he knows all of my issues and I feel played so very badly. I'll stop this pity party, I promised myself already. But I can't not say it and move on, even if it's just here. It hurts. It really, really hurts. And I don't want anyone to see it but it kinda has to be heard.

    It hurts. And it's not the end of anything and it won't stop me but damn it hurts. I'm sorry that's all I've got lol. And I don't know why it's here but like I said it needs to be heard because I'm so far from him and I can't slap him. Lol.

    Vent over? LOL...*hugs*

    I'm sorry chicke. I think guys typically do lie to women about their age if they are younger and if the woman they are approaching is not a cougar because they feel they will be rejected for being younger. When we met my SO told me he was a almost a year older than he is; I was twenty five and he was twenty-two, but he told me he was twenty-three. When he had to come clean about it, I was annoyed at him for lying, but when I thought about it, he was right. If he had told me he was twenty two when we met I probably would not have given him a chance.

    But your SO lied for two years and then didn't come clean when you confronted him about it. I think there would have been room for you two to work through your trust issues, but the fact that he "threatened" to put the photos of you up on the internet doesn't sit well with me. He may have said it out of desperation or anger, but it still concerns me that his first instinct was to try and hurt you.

    Have a pity party, wallow, and go to sleep. When you wake up, you will still be hurting. I am not going to lie to you. But instead of focusing your energy on him, turn it inward and focus on your self. You are a great person, apparently with amazing boobs , and you do deserve better.


      I think it is just so hard to be lied to. Lies are so deliberate. And after awhile in a relationship..when you've made yourself vulnerable by revealing your tender and deep side...because you have begun to would think that the other person would then feel comfortable enough to be truthful with you..especially with the smaller details. perhaps a miss on that one....but why threaten you? That was totally not needed. You are not stupid. You are human. You are strong & wonderful...and just look what he's lost.


        Oh well at least my insanity is once and for all confirmed in this post and it's many typos. And yeah, if I learned nothing from this it's that I'm fond of my boobs. Ha ha! If nothing else, bum too big, nose too weird, skin too patchy at least I still have my girls! Lol.

        Thanks for your kind words guys and congratulations for getting to the bottom of that because I have no idea where it all came from. I don't even know how I sat down long enough to write all of that. And I kinda get the lie, I even get why but the pictures are just a step too far, that really is in my eyes unforgivable. I'm not a cruel person, I'm not really a hard person and I'm not an unforgiving person usually but that he did that to me just beggars belief. The lie wasn't really the issue by the time he threatened me because he really did scare the shit out of me hence the bravado. Time to move on. Like I said, thanks again guys.

