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    hey, im 16 and my boyfriend lives in canada. i get the same things.
    some of my friends are very supportive. and understand no matter what. but then theres others who are like :s how can you love someone you never met who lives in canada? its all a bit far fetched?
    i got so mad with one friend that we got into a huge fight over it, it was like he had blinkers on and could only see what was right infront of him; his pessamistic view, not the whole picture and that somehow.. this might actually work and make me happy. shock horror to him lol.
    in the end all they can say is ; its not going to work. its just words, they dont know you're situation because they dont live it. they dont feel it and ultimately they dont KNOW it.
    tell your best friend that it hurts you when he says those pessamistic things; and as your friend he should be helping you to succeed in what YOU want, and what YOU want right now is to be with this girl - and should be there for you to pick up the peices if it ever breaks down. thats what a best friend does and if they cant do that - they are either jelous or not worth having as friends.
    just keep your chin up, look forward into the future, even though its hard sometimes.
    good luck with everything!

