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Does one of you do more of the traveling?

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    Does one of you do more of the traveling?

    For me, its going to be a solid yes. I cannot visit HBB in England until 2013 due to some stupid rules about past convictions they have, and so he has to come here

    I am jealous! Anyone else feel this? I wish I could be the one flying to see him, seeing a new country, experiencing new foods....but I am stuck here and it stinks. It also makes the leaving worse, since he leaves and my life is exactly the same minus him. He gets to go home and actually somewhat enjoy it since he missed his family, friends, pets. I just get....nothing. Same old same old with less fun.

    I was wondering if anyone else had a similar situation, and how you cope? I get really jealous now when I watch shows and people are flying, cause I want to! Its driving me nuts since my new fav show is Pan Am -_-

    More often than not, I'm the one who makes the trip to see my SO. For me, it's not the most fun experience and isn't really much to be envious of. Sure, the flying to go see her is great, because it's exciting, but the entire ordeal of airport security, navigating the airport, and actually being in the air still makes me anxious. I've gotten used to flying by now, but I still never feel 100% comfortable until I land safely on the ground. And going back home is even worse. It's a good two-hour drive from my SO's house to the airport, then I have to go through security and find my gate (nervousness paired with sadness about leaving), sit through the flight, then drive another two hours to my house after I land. It's stressful and tiring. Then I get back home, to the empty room with the lonely bed. I've had return trips home where I get back at 9 or 10 o'clock at night and have to get up for school at 7 the next morning; those are the worst. It's worth it, certainly, but there are downsides to being the one doing the traveling. That's just my personal experience.


      I'm the same as Lissy. It's worth it for me, and the experience is incredible (travelling is a huge passion of mine), but at the same time, there's a difference, for me, between going on holiday and coming home and going on holiday to see your SO and coming home. With my ex, he came out here twice, and my mother/sister often drove us to the airport, so even though seeing him leave through security was absolutely difficult, I had the support of my mother and sister to fall back on. When leaving my partner after I left Ireland, it was absolutely devestating. The airport staff were rude as hell that day in Dublin (you know it's bad when someone tops American airports for rudeness) which I was sensitive to and flustered by. My partner escorted me around the airport for as far as he could but I was still expected to go through security, then customs (yay for pre-clearance!), and so on while trying to hold back a mass amount of tears. When I finally arrived at the terminal, I had to sit and think about how early I was and how much more time I could have spent during the goodbye to my SO even if it wasn't at all rushed. I was in cramped conditions that no one loves with no family or friends. I was completely alone in a horrible environment, not to mention what altitude likes to do to your sinuses. :P I can't sleep on planes, either, and the only way to get to Dublin and back is through connecting flights, so I can't say I was thrilled with the arrangements. Not trying to knock the experience of being the one to go off to your SO at all, but it certainly has its disadvantages.
      { Our Story on LFAD }

      Our Beginning
      Met online: February 2009
      Feelings confessed: December 2010
      Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
      Officially together since: 08 April 2011

      Our Story
      First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
      Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
      Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
      Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

      Our Happily Ever After
      to be continued...


        I do more of the traveling. I get a lot of vacation time and can take non paid time off. He cannot. I don't particularly mind it, normally him and someone else pick me up from the airport where i normally recommend he take me back alone. I enjoy that extra hour and a half before i board the plane to just hang out, cry, hug, kiss etc. Much like the above posters I do not sleep on the plane even though most of my flights are overnights, its weird being the only one awake. I also ALWAYS get the window seat so 2-3 hours in I have to wake 2 people up to go to the restroom. As for my time there...I hate leaving. Its so wonderful being away from my life here. The last time I went I kept asking if i had to go back and he kept saying no stay here i'll take care of was sweet. =3
        "You want for myself
        You get me like no one else
        I am beautiful with you

        I am beautiful with you
        Even in the darkest part of me
        I am beautiful with you
        Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
        You're here with me
        Just show me this and I'll believe
        I am beautiful with you"



          My SO is the first to come and visit, so he's the only one whose done the travelling. He also is coming again in a few months so making the 2nd trip. And he's the one paying for my trip. But I will be there longer then his visits put together. He is used to travelling though, he has a rich taste of different cultures. lol lucky him. I am a bit envious, all the places he's seen and been to. But he deserves so much. But out of the two of us he is defiantly the one whose done the most travelling.
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            Unless you've commited a major crime recently then i don't think you'll be denied entry here.
            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


              My SO does all the travelling, purely because im only 16 and i dont have the money and ive never been on a plane before >.< So for now, he is travelling here. I do wish i could go and visit him, but i wont be able to go to Canada until like... 2013/14? Loooong time yet >.<


                At this point, he does more of the traveling. Mostly because he has a place to stay when he comes here, so it doesn't cost as much. When I go there I have to pay for a hotel cuz he lives in the dorms. I'm sure at some point this spring I will be going to see him during one of his long weekends for school when he can't come home.


                  so far I've done all of the traveling to see him. but my bf has health issues so he can't fly right now. we talked about it and he will be making the next 2 trips to see me, as opposed to our original plan of alternating visits.


                    He defiantly does more traveling because, well, he's been here 6 times and I've never been able to go see him. So i'm basically the same as Xanahtas. I'm only 15 so my mom really doesn't like the idea of me on an 11-hour bus ride to the Mexican border. Though, I have a passport so I'm trying to convince her to let me go this summer, when I'm 16. Luckily Greyhound bus tickets are a lot less expensive than plane tickets, so I could just save my birthday/Christmas money.


                      I have to get a paper saying I have no past convictions (thankfully I dont have!) to get my visa, after getting married, in Germany!

                      So, I did most of the visiting. first off, because I am in a better financial condition, second off, he doesnt get that many vacations, third off, I would better spend time with him in Germany rather than in Brazil.

                      But I would like for us someday to come visit my family in Brazil together, not him going to Brazil to visit me, but us together to visit my family.

                      ---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

                      I have to get a paper saying I have no past convictions (thankfully I dont have!) to get my visa, after getting married, in Germany!

                      So, I did most of the visiting. first off, because I am in a better financial condition, second off, he doesnt get that many vacations, third off, I would better spend time with him in Germany rather than in Brazil.

                      But I would like for us someday to come visit my family in Brazil together, not him going to Brazil to visit me, but us together to visit my family.
                      our story.


                      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                        Since I am a the one who went away for college, I do all the traveling :P


                          I think my SO does most of the traveling, as he's away at college and mostly comes home for breaks from school (which is when we see each other a majority of the time). He comes home about 3 or 4 times a year, so he's traveled home about 5 times so far, 6 times as of next Saturday! I have traveled to visit him twice at his school. The first trip was in March, where I drove 7 hours to spend a weekend with him. This October, I flew 45 minutes to spend 5 days with him. I will be probably taking another weekend or long weekend trip during my spring break to visit him. =]

                          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                            My SO does most of the traveling because he has a job and I'm currently in school so I must rely on savings. It's tough always being the one who gets left especially because NY doesn't feel like home in many ways. I'm a country girl so adjusting to Long Island was difficult. I feel bad that he does all the traveling, but I try to help him out financially whenever I can. I always do special things when he visits even if it's something as silly as surprising him with his favorite candy bar.


                              For us.. its me who went visit him and it will be his turn next time.... and its going to be good thing because i just get another job that not giving me any vacation right until next year i am attached to my desk until Dec 2012...

                              Of course i envy those who could meet up or travel to their SO country for this xmast or even soon but oh well i just think its easier to crack a smile and be happy for someone else.....

