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Just said goodbye for the first time :(.

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    Just said goodbye for the first time :(.

    I met an amazing guy about a month ago - we were inseparable, but being summer vacation he is away to his home city working full time until February and I am working in my home town. I am moving farther away on January 9th, something that was planned long before I met him. I need to, in order to get a job (I just graduated from university) but now I just want to stay down here to be with him, even though I know I can't. I am so torn. He just left, and we have no idea when we will see each other again (we are about 11 hours apart by car, and in New Zealand domestic flights are ridiculously expensive). Just seeking some help to make me feel a little better, something I can do to help pass the time, or should I just allow myself to be sad for a few days? I am 22, he is 21 and still studying for another two years.

    This is very sucky.

    You can allow yourself to be sad for a few days. It's ok to cry, its ok to be upset, but eventually you do have to pick yourself back up. I think most of us just do our best to pass the time between visits to stay busy. Go out with friends, shopping, reading, whatever you enjoy. Lately my thing has been watching movies. It does suck, but think of the happy times you had with him when you start feeling down. We're all here for you.


      I'm sorry, it sucks when this kind of thing happens! I'd mainly keep myself busy so you don't end up dwelling over things too much. It's alright to be sad for a bit but to be honest with things like Christmas just around the corner, you're gonna be kept busy with friends and family I'm sure


        Welcome to the site, you found the best place you could
        Most of us have been where you are right now and trust me 11hrs drive is not the biggest distance we speak of on here. With current technologies - mobile apps, skype, IM, facebook ... it's easier to keep in touch and everything. Of course it's not the same as actually being together together, but hey, you can try doing the LD if you're both willing to, and then plan your life the way that will let you both be together in one place, at the same time.

        It's absolutely okay to cry for now, but you'll be fine, you can be strong. And as said above, keeping busy is the best way we figured out on here to ease the struggle. Good luck. Also, ring him ! Have him talk you to sleep! And suss out all the other ideas available on the site


          "Missing someone gets easier every day because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."


            It's really hard for me to say goodbye. I just left my boyfriend after a weekend of being together yesterday. He dropped me off at the airport and sat there parked until he couldn't see me anymore, not knowing I could see him still. I was just standing there on the escalator sobbing.

            It's hard for me to leave, it's hard for me to say goodbye to him at the airport when he leaves me and I know if we didn't always have our visits scheduled ahead of time I'd feel more awful about it than I do.

            It's ok to be sad for awhile, it takes me about a week to come back to my reality and be able to deal with it without thinking "man I wish I had my boyfriend to hold me" but you do get through it. Like other people said, try to keep yourself busy, I have a problem doing that myself, but if you can, it's the best thing you can do to get your mind off how you feel.


              Dont give up on life oppotunities for a guy! if he loves you, he will understand it!

              My SO (significant other) and I will get married in january. I want to be a phtotographer, he said that if I need to go elsewhere to study, that is better than where we live, I can go and he gives me his full support. So I dont put that option aside, if I cant get into the uni in where we live in Germany, I am considering to try Ireland or England.

              Do whatever you need for your life. distance is hard, but its not impossible.
              our story.


              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

