I'm not very active here. I kind of wish I was. But I'm pretty sure I'm about to disappear completely... -sigh- Connor broke up with me on Thursday, 4/29. It hurts like I never imagined I could be hurt, and I'm still not really sure what I'm going to do. I was in so deep with him and he just... up and left. Said the stress was too much. School is hard for him, but I was trying so hard to be there for him while still backing off when he needed to be left alone to work. I just... wish there was more I could've done. I feel like there is more I could've done. I'm quite torn, because on the one hand I want him to miss me like crazy and want me back, but on the other... I just want happiness for him. I just thought there was a way we could both be happy. I've been hoping that over the summer when things calm down and he has time to get his head on straight, we can talk about this and really sort it out. I just... I don't feel like we're supposed to be over, and I've been lost since it happened.
If you've ever heard of Relationship Obituaries, here's mine: https://relationshipobit.com/obituary/show/1199
I don't know what I'm looking for in posting this. Support? Solidarity? Advice? I don't know.
If you've ever heard of Relationship Obituaries, here's mine: https://relationshipobit.com/obituary/show/1199
I don't know what I'm looking for in posting this. Support? Solidarity? Advice? I don't know.