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Are we the only ones?

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    Are we the only ones?

    Are we the only ones who are so very lazy during their time together?

    Before my bf first came here I spent hours thinking of things do to, places to show him. We had plans for almost every of our ten days but most of them failed because of that incredible laziness that came over us. In the end, we stayed home for let's say... 90% of the time.

    On a typical lazy day we won't get out of bed for some hours after waking up next to each other. We just don't have any motivation to get ready to go out when the alternative is to stay in each others arms, being silly together, sleeping back next to each other and doing other things couples do When it's almost noon we will find excuses not to go out. It could be me saying "I'm so not in mood to dry and do my hair. takes so long" and he would say "so let's just stay here" like he waited for a chance to say so haha. or it could be him saying he doesn't feel good physically, that he needs to recover from jetlag. Yes, there are days we don't go out at all, not even for shopping, not even for a walk. But we never feel bored.
    In the evening we are always like "tmr we will definitely go out" even both of us are aware of the possibility that we won't

    So how do you spend the majority of time together? Can anyone identify?

    My SO and I do this! We just like to sit at home and watch movies and cuddle.

    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


      I love to spend time at home with my SO, watching movies, sleeping together, eating, talking, making love... so many things to do.
      our story.


      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


        I love spending time with my SO in the house. But I think I would go crazy if I never left! As much as I love cuddling and what not, I also love to get dressed, go out and show off that that handsome man is MINE


          We have lots of things we could do but the weekends that I get to spend cuddled up with my boyfriend on the couch are the best ones. I don't care what we're doing, watching tv, watching a movie or playing a video game. When he has his arm around me and my head is on his chest, I feel like I'm home.

          When we do go out we sit next to each other at a restaurant and when we are out and about we are always holding hands, or when at his friends house we are always touching too. It's really nice.


            me and my SO spent a majority of our time inside, lol mostly being lazy. We were at one place and had the zoo and seaworld to go to, and we took our time and stayed in. But i have no complaints, i so enjoyed being lazy with him. Was one of our favourite pass times
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              It depends on how long the visit is.
              We're rather lazy on short visits but more active on longer ones.
              I'm with lucybelle, though. I don't think I could not leave the house at all. Usually if we didn't do anything all day (getting out of bed in the mornings is 100 times harder with your SO, right?!) we will at least go for a walk in the evening.

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                I'm conflicted on this. Since our visits are rare and not for very long I always go into super-mega-planning mode and try to cram in as much activity as possible: Renaissance Faires, Disneyland, Tahoe trip, visiting San Francisco, going out to eat/movies, etc. It's super fun because I know my time is limited with him and I want us to have as many unique memories and pictures together as possible. But at the same time...I can't deny how much I love just snuggling with him after long day, not doing anything, just relaxing and being dorks where it's so comfortable because we're alone and just being ourselves, and I have a feeling he prefers this to all my crazy planning. So I try to strike a balance where even though we get a lot of my activities in I don't try to plan so many that we're exhausted and have no time for lazing about in the evening.


                  In the three months my beau was here, before he went away, we had real trouble getting out of bed. I am one of those people who feels the weekend is wasted if I spend it in the house, but I make an exception for Naked Boyfriend Time[tm]. Not so much for watching TV, or any at-home activity that actually involves getting out of bed - if we managed to tear ourselves away from bed and into clothes, then we generally went out and did stuff - but I did often have busy, packed days I'd planned just never get off the ground because we couldn't bring ourselves to behave long enough to leave the house.


                    My SO and I don't do much, even though we have 4 weeks together each visit.
                    Besides going for long walks sometimes, we like to just cuddle on the coach and watch Japanese TV dramas XD

                    The first time he was in Denmark, I had made plans for all 12 days... the second time we travelled to Italy together and made a longer trip to visit my father. After that I feel that I've pretty much have shown him what there is to see. XD


                      My SO and I usually spend 3/7 days actually going out and shopping or w/e...And then the rest of the time is just spent on my couch watching movies. It's just too comfy to move!!


                        I stayed for a month this past summer, and I will simply say one thing: it's difficult explaining to both your mothers why you didn't go out or why the only update you have is "we went for a walk in the evening/stayed in and watched a movie, had pizza night/etc." when you're trying to avoid blurting out the real reasons you didn't get up and dressed/semi-dressed until 3:00 in the afternoon. :P So no, you're not the only ones, though I, like lucybelle, would be driven mad if we never went out and explored things. As content as I am to stay curled up in his arms, or having some fun fun, I'm also a fairly active person and don't like to leave an entirely new country to go to waste.
                        { Our Story on LFAD }

                        Our Beginning
                        Met online: February 2009
                        Feelings confessed: December 2010
                        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                        Our Story
                        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                        Our Happily Ever After
                        to be continued...


                          I find we don't go out much on visits. I sort of dread going out on visits because then I have to stop cuddling with him and I just don't want to.


                            We always do this! Especially the first few days he's home. Eventually, we do go out on actual dates or go see our friends too, though we do love cuddling up at one of our houses watching TV or a movie, or playing a game.

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              What I found hardest, once we found out he was going to have to leave (because it all happened in about two weeks from finding out he would have to leave to the day he flew out), was then trying to make friends who are accustomed to me being a very socially active, independent person even when I'm in the throes of love understand why their super-social pal was suddenly spending every spare minute alone with her boyfriend and specifically knocking back other invitations in order to do so, when that was so out of character for me. I even cancelled a plan I'd committed to a while ago for a group Glee marathon on the last weekend before he was due to leave, and I felt awful about that (because a lot of other people cancelled, too, for far weaker reasons, which sucked for the host because it ended up just being him and one other person), but given that he'll be gone four years, and I won't even be able to visit with him except for a week or so every six months, I offered my reasoning when I tendered my apology; the response? "You are the only person I am not mad at."

