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Germany, here I go!

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    Have a safe trip!
    My heart belongs to a pilot!


      awwww... remind me of my past travel you will love Germany! you will had so much fun there with your SO!


        THANK YOU ALL!!!

        I am here already, and he is by my side sleeping! I still cant believe it! We didnt tell his mother I was arriving, and I surprised her, wich was great!

        I also got lost at the frankfurt airport. haha, i left my bag with mobile and all with him in the parking lot, because i needed to go to the WC. I went, and couldnt find my way back, thought it was one floor and it wasnt. so for around 30 minutes we were up and down looking for each other, it all ended well, but still, I am with PMS, so I was almost crying there. not my finest moment.

        I had a HUGE smile on since before the plane landed, a lot because of my SO, but also because Im in Germany! I love this place, and nevr want to have to leave it again, I cat say how happy I am to be here, to see the familiar streets of the little town we live, to go to the airport, to be on our bed, with him cuddling me now, as I type this.

        with good internet conection that allows me to see movies online!!!

        THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE GOOD WISHES! It means a lot to me, and I wont stop coming here now I am with him again, I adore this place and the people in here too much to leave.

        and I hope each of you gets to be with your SO soon and be as happy as I am right now!

        Originally posted by uniquefem View Post
        awwww... remind me of my past travel you will love Germany! you will had so much fun there with your SO!
        I already live in Germany since begin of 2010, and have travelled here for visits before, so it isnt my first time here, and I always loved it! I guess I must have been a german in a past life, because I cant explain loving this country as my own like that.

        Originally posted by Trethsparr View Post
        Have a safe trip!
        Thank you!!!

        Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
        I hope you had a great trip. Let us know how you are!
        WELCOME and good luck for your re-start in Germany.
        Thank you so much dear!!! I had a great trip indeed, could even sleep for some hours on the plane, wich I almost never am able to do!!!

        Originally posted by Kiara View Post
        I wish you a safe flight too. it's long, but definitely worth it!!! Enjoy the xmas time in Germany, and get ready for the wedding!!!
        I'll flight to Frankurt too, in 15 days!!! Kusse :-)))
        Oh, christmas time! Cant wait to go to a chrismas market! Will be the first christmas eve me and my SO actually spent together, last year I was here for christmas, but I spent it with a friend that was visiting, as my SOs father in law doesnt like to spend christmas with anyone that isnt family. So he would welcome me, but not my friend. leave my friend alone for christmas? wasnt going to happen!
        so im really excited for our first christmas together!

        And we could try to make a german LFAD metting, seems we have enough girls for that!

        Originally posted by elina View Post
        Yay, how exciting! Hope your journey went well and you got to Germany safely ENJOY YOURSELF!
        Thank you!!! I am here safe and sound! still cant sleep, will need to adjust to the time again, but thats the least of my worries!
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          Originally posted by NaNi View Post
          Awesome! Have a safe trip!
          Thanks Nani! XD
          and it is indeed awesome! I cant stop smiling!

          Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
          I'm so excited for you! Have a wonderful trip!
          Danke! I had a better trip than I thought I would, time went by incredibly fast! being on my side for the first time when i wanted it to fly!

          Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
          Travel safe and have a wonderful time together!!!
          Thank you!!! I couldnt be happier right now!

          Originally posted by LatinButterfly View Post
          Have a safe trip Engel, and my best wishes on everything! - Eu fico muito feliz por você. :group hug:
          I'll be in Germany in 6 days!! =)
          6 Days? wow, thats great! and how long will you stay??

          Originally posted by nicole View Post
          have a great time my dear
          Thank you so much! I am already having a great time!!!
          our story.


          02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

          "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


            Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
            Wilkommen! That's about all the German I know jaja
            HAHAHA, I feel welcomed here! I even helped a brazilian on my flight on passport control, the man controlling the assport heard me speaking german with the woman checking my passport and used me as a translator. My german barely serves me, and I helped a family of 4, lol
            But it looks like its better than I thought, or at least understandable.

            Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
            Exciting! Have a safe journey and enjoying seeing your sweetie!
            I actually call him sweetie, not original, but its our main pet name for each other since forever! our friends even mock us sometimes, asking one how sweetie (the other) is! XD

            Originally posted by Reuschel View Post
            Haben Sie ein gute Zeit!

            Took 4 years of German in high school so I hope I got it right. If not well..... Have a good time!
            Thank you so much!

            Originally posted by loveknowsnodistance27 View Post
            Travel safely and have an awesome time! =]
            I will do my best to achieve awesomeness daily, thanks!!!

            Originally posted by HollzHeartsChris View Post
            Have a great time Engel

            Originally posted by Moon View Post
            Good luck and safe trip, Engel!!
            Thank you darling!!! The good luck seems to have begun already!
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              Bon voyage d'amor!


                Can't you take my SO from Brazil with you? xD I'll get him from Germany haha,
                Have funnnn I'm jealous really


                  Originally posted by OceanBlue View Post
                  Can't you take my SO from Brazil with you? xD I'll get him from Germany haha,
                  Have funnnn I'm jealous really
                  HAHA, if you had said that before I arrived in Germany! lol

                  and your time will come, but I know how hard it is to wait. *hugs*
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    Originally posted by Engel View Post
                    HAHA, if you had said that before I arrived in Germany! lol

                    and your time will come, but I know how hard it is to wait. *hugs*
                    it really is hard. but yes my time will come too *hugs back*


                      Have a awesome trip! My so lives in the NL so I was lucky enough to visit Germany wile I was there, such a fun country!!!
                      I am totally jealous tho but still wishing you all the best


                        Willkommen zurück in Deutschland!!!


                          Yea for you! I hate the Frankfurt airport. I think that place was made to purposefully confuse and annoy people. I had to sleep on the floor there, this time last year.
                          “But now, I know, how absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird.”


                            Originally posted by DarkStarrx View Post
                            Yea for you! I hate the Frankfurt airport. I think that place was made to purposefully confuse and annoy people. I had to sleep on the floor there, this time last year.
                            Uh that sucks!!! Personally I think Frankfurt is really well-arranged and logical though. I hate Chicago O'Hare. To me that airport is a nightmare!


                              wow- that is a lot of traveling! I hope you have a great time!


                                Originally posted by DarkStarrx View Post
                                Yea for you! I hate the Frankfurt airport. I think that place was made to purposefully confuse and annoy people. I had to sleep on the floor there, this time last year.
                                Originally posted by littlethinktank View Post
                                Uh that sucks!!! Personally I think Frankfurt is really well-arranged and logical though. I hate Chicago O'Hare. To me that airport is a nightmare!
                                And I hate the airport in Madrid! I had to sleep on the floor there once.
                                our story.


                                02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                                "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

