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Another Update

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    Another Update

    Hello again to everyone. Some of you may remember me, I was in a LDR on and off for the last 3 years, and then in November, I discovered via Facebook (the work of Satan himself, lol!) that he'd been cheating on me for months in ANOTHER LDR. A couple of weeks later I wrote him a goodbye message, and didn't hear from him for a while.

    Well, he did start writing me again after a couple of weeks, and while he didn't want a "relationship" with me, he wanted an online FWB situation, and being the idiot that I am, I agreed. I thought that maybe it meant he missed me, that obviously she wasn't doing it for him and that eventually, he'd dump her and come back to me.

    But this afternoon, I made a startling discovery.

    I won't go into how I found out because it's complicated, but I discovered that he wasn't JUST cheating with one woman in another LDR, he actually had ANOTHER LDR going at the same time as me and her!!!

    I guess I'm just stunned, though I don't know why. Probably because the other night it was his birthday, and we spent hours texting and then on Skype, and he was being WONDERFUL. Telling me that I'm beautiful, dropping little hints about wanting to see me again, maybe get back together...I truly thought maybe there was hope. So to discover what I have in the past hour is just another slap upside the head.

    And so, I'm done with this idiot loser. No FWB, no friends, no ANYTHING. He doesn't deserve me, let them have him. I wish them all the best of luck with him, a basement-dwelling, unmotivated loser who lives online because he's too frightened to deal with "the real world".

    My only advice to you guys? Listen to your gut. I kept having nagging suspicions in the back of my head, but I ignored them becuase he kept assuring me that he was too happy with me to risk losing everything, I was the only woman for him, and so on...if I'd listened to my instincts a while back, as painful as that would have been, I could have saved myself months of pain.

    The saddest part is that I could tell he WAS happy, and I thought it was because of me...nope. Of course he was happy, he had a f***ing harem of adoring women, all of whom thought they were the only ones.

    Thank god men like him are rare, and most of you will never have to go through what I am dealing with right now.

    Good luck in all your relationships, be they LD or CD. Hugs to everyone.

    What a pathetic excuse for a man.. Your outlook on all this really is awesome, btw. Definitely don't let this hold you back from a good relationship with a good guy. Again, some people out there are just trash. Good riddance!

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      I couldn't help but start thinking in my native spanish when I read this...but in spanish I would say something like: "Ese tipo es un decarado." (That guy is shameless.)

      Guys like that make me sick to my stomach. Good thing to you to have found out. You deserve so much better than that.


        I'm glad you came back to tell us what was happening - it was much longer than a week you were gone!

        I'm sorry about all the horribleness you've had to go through. I empathize with your "slapped to the face" feeling upon discovering things were not as they seemed in a relationship. But I'm happy to hear you're ready to make a fresh new start, away from all that. Good luck with everything!


          Thank you, everyone.


            Glad you found out the truth, people like that aren't worth the space they occupy lol


              I'm glad you found out the truth now. Stay strong in your decision to stay away from him all together. I think that's the best decision. You deserve someone who adores you and thinks you're wonderful, and that there is no one else like you. You deserve the best, so good job not settling. I hope you find someone who will treat you like you deserve.


                I'm so sorry that he put you thru all that. I'm glad that you saw him for who he truly is and dumped his cheating ass. you deserve a great man and I know he's out there somewhere for you.


                  Oh dear, I feel sorry that he's put you through that , men like him disgust me. As everyone said , it's good you found out eventually and you seem to be amazingly strong with the current situation. Stay that way!
                  And maybe we really should listen to our gut more that we do... Best of luck for you!
                  Hopefully the man that truly deserves you will find you soon.


                    Sometimes, we love someone so much, that we have to catch them behaving like the devil himself before we will finally done with them. As everyone has the door is wide open for that wonderful person, who really is meant for walk right on through~

