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My First Long Distance Relationship!!

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    My First Long Distance Relationship!!

    Wow! So I am in my first long distance relationship and I need all the support in the world . This is definitely a challenge for me, but my love for him makes it easier. I am so happy I came across this site! It is great to see people who are standing strong and making sure their long distance relationships work! So my problem already is getting use to the fact that I will see him probably three time a year .Ahh!! We are like literally 3800 miles away from each other he is from England and I live in the USA. Skype has definitely been our best-friend, it's just the times when we can't contact each other and have to purchase these super expensive calling cards grrr to communicate, that is really putting our relationship to the test. Well, I just wanted to vent a little, if you have any advice or encouraging words, I am all ears.
    Last edited by jknott11; December 18, 2011, 01:04 AM. Reason: spelling errors

    Indeed, Skype has been our bestfriend too.

    It's good that you will see your SO three times a year, for me, I will just prolly see my SO once a year because we're 6300+ miles away from each other and we both have work, so it is difficult to set a time wherein we get to visit each other. But we're still very strong despite it.

    Good luck to you! I hope to hear your story soon


      Lucky you getting to see your SO =) Skype has been a best friend to me too for a long time and I couldn't manage without it. I also find that getting an Android smart phone has been the best thing I could have done too because it allows me to keep in touch with my SO when he's unable to go on msn or Skype. I'm 4022 miles from my SO and he just moved to Atlanta from Macon in Georgia so's been tough and I can sympathise but you'll be fine as long as you both stay strong


        Welcome! Read lots of posts on this forum, I'm in my first LDR as well and reading things on here has helped me a lot with coping and just feeling stronger in general. I'm a lot closer to my SO than you guys, but my work and his school schedule still makes it hard for us to see each other. And when he is home, his family monopolizes a lot of his time, so even then it's hard for me to see him. Enjoy the times you get together, keep those memories close, they give you strength to get through the quieter and lonely times. Stay busy, go out with friends, read a book, watch your favorite movie, go shopping, go to the park, etc. Staying busy is what saves me most of the time. I need lots of distraction. lol.


          hi! this is a great place for understand about LDRs. I'm in my 1st one too and I've found that daily communication is key. you're going to go thru ups and downs and at times it's going to be really tough. stay strong- a LDR with the right person is soooo worth it!


            welcome to LFAD! indeed, its an amazing site! feel free to vent and share the good things whenever you want, we're here to support each other in the tough times of LDR.

            As for advice ... briefly, ldrs aren't easy, but as you will see on the forum - it's do-able, communication and trusts are crucial, keep up the good work!
            We are all here with similar stories...


              welcome to the site and this great group. it's very encouraging to having so many people who are in teh same boat and can give advice.


                My best advice is that communication is key... how often you will Skype, e-mail, text, etc etc. Also, having a goal or something to look forward to is important. When my SO & I didn't know when we were going to see each other next it was a bit rocky. To keep things upbeat in the meantime we sent each other presents for each 'monthaversary' & then opened them on Skype together! It's a great way to still feel close. :-)


                  Thanks for all the encouraging responses

