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Facebook Is Evil and I Don't Get It

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    Originally posted by keypatalina View Post
    it doesn't help a LDR if you both have facebook as it can lead to jealousy even if you're not a jealous or insecure person.
    I disagree. I think facebook only leads to jealousy if you allow it to.


      Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
      I disagree. I think facebook only leads to jealousy if you allow it to.
      I agree with Zapookie. Facebook has never caused me to be jealous and has never caused my SO to be jealous. Honestly, I just don't get where the drama comes from. OMG HE LIKED A GIRLS PICTURE???!!! Let it go, man.


        Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
        I agree with Zapookie. Facebook has never caused me to be jealous and has never caused my SO to be jealous. Honestly, I just don't get where the drama comes from. OMG HE LIKED A GIRLS PICTURE???!!! Let it go, man.
        Third Zapookie and second this.

        A lot of people look at Facebook as being srs bsnss when it's not.

        Friend requests, for example. Accepting a member of the opposite sex as a friend does not automatically mean your partner is cheating. There was a time when I would accept nearly any friend request sent, so long as I had some connection to them (even a mutual friend of a mutual friend, hah!). Though I'm not doing that any longer, a lot of people still do. I have heard a lot of people argue that they know every single one of their friends on Facebook, and that's great, but I'm doubting you're close with all 500. :P

        Then there are likes and comments that often get blown out of proportion. "He didn't like one photo; he liked her whole album..." "He commented on her prom photos and told her she looks pretty... :/" "She's now friends with some guy and he's commented on her photos and she's commenting back using faces like xD and and not telling him to back off or that it's not okay to be commenting as frequently as he is!" etc. I mean, my partner likes a lot of my photos and I don't sit there thinking that that like is a) obligated because of what he is and means to be and/or b) a sign of his undying love. A compliment on my photo where I'm dressed up coming from my SO is as much a compliment coming from my best friend or an estranged relative.

        Facebook, in my opinion, is not as personal as some people make it out to be. I also think that if a website's existence or lack of existence determines whether or not you have problems, well, it'll be something people face again in the future and it won't be as easy as hitting delete. :P
        { Our Story on LFAD }

        Our Beginning
        Met online: February 2009
        Feelings confessed: December 2010
        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

        Our Story
        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

        Our Happily Ever After
        to be continued...


          I don't think Facebook is as serious or as personal as people take it either. I am very active on Facebook but I'd like to think that none of my Facebook activities or things I've said would hurt my boyfriend or our relationship in any way. I don't take things other people say seriously, and even when they are about me, I simply laugh them off.

          My boyfriend and I met on an internet forum, there's been no drama caused on the forum when he flirts with other forum ladies or what not. I know where his heart is and he knows where mine is.

          I guess my point of this thread is this: While yes, there always has been and always will be an outlet to 'stalk' (for lack of a better term) or create drama in an unstable relationship in one way or another, I think that many people allow Facebook to have too much control over their lives. Whether or not you choose to get upset about something is up to you, but I would encourage people who are upset because of Facebook (Twitter, whatever) to examine what the real issue is and address it instead of blaming a website.

