I think power leveling is totally a guy thing. The more girls i talk to in our guild the more i realize that for some reason girls are super laid back levelers and dungeon grinders where guys are like ZOMG I NEED TO GET THE BEST GEAR ASAP OR I SUCK!! I talked to our guild leader (the girls that invited my SO back to WoW, to which he proceeded not to tell me about) the other night and she told me shes very slow compared to a lot of the guys and that my SO is pretty darn fast. I finally got a GS (gear score) high enough to do the HoT (Hour of Twilight) dungeons bc my SO made me spend alll of my gold on a pair of boots to raise the score the 2 points higher. So, hopefully he won't run off to do those dungeons on his own now. Other then that, I've been trying to include him on what i'm doing. Like the holiday Greench fight and such, he comes along, even dropped group to come with me the other night. Its just been hard lately...dumb holidays...
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Hey WoWhead LDRs...