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Ladies what do you want? the million dollar question has been asked lol

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    Ladies what do you want? the million dollar question has been asked lol

    Ok ladies what is going on?

    What do you all want?

    For instance, if we are joking around much, we just want you to laugh, but then we get called 'childish'.. an the other hand, if we keep it mature, we get called 'serious'...

    Over the net i think a lot of the tone of the conversation is misread which doesnt help the situation, many times im not being serious at all and suddenly i see 'why you so serious?' or something.. and if im joking a little 'ah so childish'..

    I seen many girls writing things like they want a guy who is serious but can have fun at the same time.. what do you mean???

    Well, if *I* were to say that, I would mean that I want a guy who knows the appropriate situations in which to be funny or serious. But you know, you can't lump all "us ladies" into a group and get a firm answer on anything.


      ^yeah i realise lol... just give me a bunch of answers, they can widely vary, its ok.


        I think what women want changes frequently. It just depends on whats happening at the moment during that day. I could be having a really bad day and I need my SO to be funny and goofy and maybe even a little childish to get me out of whatever funk I may be in, but then there's other times when things get really heavy and you dont have the energy to laugh and then you just kind of want your SO to be there for quiet cuddles. I think for me I just want support and reassurance and my best friend :P

        So I think what women really want is a SO with the ability to recognize their partner's little emotional give aways and adapt.


          Originally posted by Sano View Post
          I think what women want changes frequently. It just depends on whats happening at the moment during that day. I could be having a really bad day and I need my SO to be funny and goofy and maybe even a little childish to get me out of whatever funk I may be in, but then there's other times when things get really heavy and you dont have the energy to laugh and then you just kind of want your SO to be there for quiet cuddles. I think for me I just want support and reassurance and my best friend :P

          So I think what women really want is a SO with the ability to recognize their partner's little emotional give aways and adapt.
          What she said.


            I agree with the others.

            It's important to have a sense of humour, it's important to be able to hold a serious conversation, and it's important to be able to goof off and tap into your childlike side every now and again. It's also important to know when's the appropriate time to do so. For example, if I have had a horrible day or am going through a horrible time, the easiest way to turn me off is by trying to "cheer me up" by either trying to change the subject entirely, i.e. "Aw, I'm sorry, here, look at this YouTube video" or by goofing off and making jokes. The cheer-up efforts are appropriate after I've talked out what I need to.

            I suppose the easiest comparison is to compare it to McDonalds versus a nice restaurant. I don't want a man who dines exclusively at either, rather a man who can go fancy or who can have a lazy day with me and eat total garbage. :P I also don't want a man who turns his nose up at McDonalds or is loud and goofy at the dinner table of a fancy restaurant. The side each restaurant brings out should be genuine, yes, but it should be appropriate to the situation. There are going to be different attire and mannerisms required at a fancy restaurant on a romantic night than there will be for a lazy night and fast food or pizza. I need a man who needs to know what the situation calls for and who knows how to act appropriately. Not a mindreader, but someone who can read their partner's cues long enough to know what attitude/behaviour is called for.
            { Our Story on LFAD }

            Our Beginning
            Met online: February 2009
            Feelings confessed: December 2010
            Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
            Officially together since: 08 April 2011

            Our Story
            First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
            Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
            Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
            Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

            Our Happily Ever After
            to be continued...


              Originally posted by Sano View Post
              I think what women want changes frequently. It just depends on whats happening at the moment during that day. I could be having a really bad day and I need my SO to be funny and goofy and maybe even a little childish to get me out of whatever funk I may be in, but then there's other times when things get really heavy and you dont have the energy to laugh and then you just kind of want your SO to be there for quiet cuddles. I think for me I just want support and reassurance and my best friend :P

              So I think what women really want is a SO with the ability to recognize their partner's little emotional give aways and adapt.
              exactly. if something really bad hapened, like the death of someone dear, you dont want jokes, you want support. but if you are sad because you had a bad day at work for example, your so cracking some jokes to cheer you up is ok!

              we dont want someone making jokes at the wrong moments, that is childish as you said. but dont want an ice cube for a person either
              our story.


              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                I agree with the others. Women really don't know. It changes a lot.
                However, to avoid some of the misinterpretations over the web, you might want to add some accents to what you say. For example, if you're being sarcastic to make her laugh, maybe add a " " or "haha", or if you said something that you mean, but could be misread, then add "seriously" or "i mean that".
                Mostly, we want someone that can makes us happy. If that means making us laugh, then we want him to be goofy. If that means being someone to talk to, then we want him to be serious. You just have to learn to properly assess the situation. Not an easy task.


                  I've been having these conversations and debates with a male friend a lot lately. And as a woman I have come to the conclusion that:

                  We dont always know what we want. So men dont really have a hope in hell of knowing. But when a man gives us what we want when we didnt know we wanted it - hes a keeper!

                  And as some of the ladies have said previously - a lot of it comes down to him knowing us, and knowing what to say/how to act in any given situation.

                  Take time to get to know a wide variety of women when single, and your partner when in a relationship. he most important thing is to listen - it'll help you more than you know.
                  Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                  Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                  And remember....Love really IS all around.


                    I agree what the above said, we girls don't always know what we want haha. But taking the time, to learn each other, and our personalities helps. I think showing the effort your putting in to your girl and the relationship. That your serious, committed, and only have eyes and love for her. At least that's what I want and love in my SO. No one is perfect, and there are going to be frustrations, and miscommunication at times, but being patient and just being blunt sometimes and asking what you want and talking things through. But there's no one answer lol
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      It means I want someone who can be serious when necessary, but funny and goofy at times too. Sometimes I'm looking for someone more mature (serious), sometimes being childish is fun, and it's nice to have someone I can be childish with as well So... basically I want a mixture and I got it


                        Simply put, somebody who is confident/comfortable enough in our relationship to ASK me what I need or what, if it isn't easily discernible (and frequently it isn't, since he can't read my body language over Skype) is what I'd consider to be an absolute keeper. And I'm keeping him.


                          well... i will post you some picture that quite tell the truth:

                          growing up with 4 sisters and stay in university dorm with other 59 girls.. omg!!! its not you the only one who ask the question!

                          Sometimes woman say a thing about another stuff.. pretty confusing! and i am a girl my self!

