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Calling all League of Legend players!

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    Calling all League of Legend players!

    Im just making this thread in due to the WoW thread.

    Soo i need more friends to play with on LoL xD

    My name is Tacogirl On US servers Lvl 30 mainly play AD ranged (Main - MF, trist etc) AP (Lux) and supports (soroka, sona etc) . I suck at melee and tank (but have been known to tank on mumu).

    If ya play it post your tag and lvl etc we can play together xD

    LoopertShmock - mostly annie , fiddle, viegar, brand, haha.. ap mages ..level 30 my gf plays lol aswelll ill tell er to post here


      add me ppls!

      I play 5v5 normal...i dont like ranked lol and domi xD


        Haha I found this thread myself! my tag is Zapookie.. same as here. I play.. what do I play? I used to play ashe, then moved to kog'maw, kayle.. (I hate playing melee) kinda liking ahri right now. not sure if I should buy her. I'm only lvl 20, I don't play too often!


          ahri is pretty good. She totally kicks my ass when i play lux : (


            Would you guys minded if I joined you? It would be nice to have a game where I can play with friends on the computer lol


              get it hollz xD I can make a new toon and play with you. no point ina lvl 30 playing with a lvl 1. Just add my name and lemme know who you are on here cause you cant send msgs to off line ppl on LoL.


                I've added you chibi! Yeah you should download it hollz, I'll help you level up as well :P let us know what your username is once you've created an account and we can play with you against bots so you can become familiar with the game


                  I LOVE L.O.L.



                    I play LoL as well. My ign is FuriuzNeme. I play ranged characters and have been playing Cait or Teemo lately. Trying out Sivir now. My SO also plays and his name is Lucifuriuz...he plays mostly tanks Rammus, Alistar, jungle Warwick


                      sivir is so OP now >.<


                        But you know..I haven't seen her in any matches lately either on my team or on the opposing team. I'm dying to try her in a 5v5 but want to find a decent build for her first.


                          Alright I'm going to sort it out now I'll be with you guys when I can!


                            neme - look up some guides on her. I used to play alot of sivir but haven't since they changed her up.


                              I have never played anything like this, but I'm considering joining to play with my LFAD homies.
                              { Our Story on LFAD }

                              Our Beginning
                              Met online: February 2009
                              Feelings confessed: December 2010
                              Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                              Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                              Our Story
                              First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                              Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                              Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                              Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                              Our Happily Ever After
                              to be continued...

