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Casual vs. Serious

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    Casual vs. Serious

    So this was inspired by Sierra's thread, and I'm not certain this is the right forum for it, but considering it relates to relationships/LDRs in ways, I figure that this forum most closely fits the bill.

    Based on the varying responses given on the thread, it seems that a lot of people (simply my interpretation of what was said/the information that was given) lump relationships into two categories: the serious and the not so serious, the "long-term" and the "casual." People seemed to lump relationships in which marriage was considered/seen as a possibility into being a serious relationship that was comprised of loyalty, love, devotion, and commitment, whereas there was the implication that these qualities are not there in a relationship they consider "casual"; furthermore, it seems that serious and long-term relationships were seen in terms of dating-for-marriage, whereas everything else seemed to fall under the wayside category of casual.

    My relationship with my ex lasted a year and a half. No, I couldn't see marriage with him, not from the beginning, not later on, but in the moment that we were dating, we were both happy. We both immensely enjoyed one another's company, especially in the beginning. No, we didn't have plans for marriage and futures, but we didn't need them. We were both content with where we were at. Despite the fact we (or I) did not see marriage in our futures, our relationship was serious while it lasted. We still worked as hard as any of you to make our relationship work. We were still committed and devoted to one another and to continuously improving our relationship. Now, I look at my relationship with my boyfriend. I see a much healthier relationship and I do see the possibility of forever in our future. While I will admit my boyfriend, and maybe I too, seems to put more effort into our relationship than my ex, I'm hesitant to pin this to the fact our futures have been considered and more inclined to pin it to the differences in morals, values, and characteristics between my ex and my current partner. The relationship I have with my partner is serious, but it's serious in a different way. I would not say it is any more "serious" than my last relationship as far as what I put into it because marriage has been talked about, other than the fact I'm a little bit more flexible (such as considering a gap year) than I was in my previous relationship.

    I'm simply curious as to if people really do view relationships as being either you're serious or you aren't? Even excluding cases in which someone doesn't believe in marriage or in which someone has no desire to be married, what about the person who remains in a relationship - even without seeing marriage - simply because they're happy in that relationship? If both partners are committed to making the relationship work while it lasts, does this make it any less serious than two partners who are committing to make a relationship work because they both want it to last forever? I suppose where I'm coming from is I don't see how being in a relationship where you're serious but not thinking marriage (and may never think marriage with that particular person) means you're any less committed or devoted to your partner, or that you're any less serious about the relationship, and that seems to be the stigma. If in today's society you fall somewhere in between casual dating or dating-for-marriage, you seem to be the "odd one out" and generally lumped into dating casually, even if your relationship is far from a casual arrangement.

    There seems to be a negative stigma around remaining in a relationship where you don't see a long-term future, even if the relationship itself is long-term; people tend to look at it like "why would you stay with someone you don't see a future with?" and "I'm too devoted/mongamous/committed/relationshippy/etc. to be with someone I don't see a future with" whereas I tend to put the focus on happiness and how happy I am in a relationship, in that sort of arrangement. I didn't expect to find the man I was going to marry at 17-going-on-18. I didn't expect to marry my first boyfriend. I'm glad that I didn't, but it was an experience from which I learned and gained a lot that I wouldn't trade. I can't say I was as happy as I deserved to be, but in that moment, I was happy, and that is what mattered to me. I suppose I see dating and being with someone as being more about the experience and seeing where life takes me, as opposed to being focused on the ultimate destination. And I'm not saying that happiness isn't a factor for people who date-for-marriage either; of course it is! I suppose I personally feel that whether or not you can see yourself marrying someone after a year of being with them shouldn't be the most important piece of criteria, and I don't think people who don't put a focus on marriage and on years down the line should be looked down upon for it.

    So, thoughts/opinions?
    { Our Story on LFAD }

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    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
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    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...

    I think you and I would be really good friends in real life, Eclaire, because I love a good discussion. Now to the matter at hand.

    I do not separate dating or relationships into dating for marriage or just dating. To me, there's a far greater difference between serious and casual than that. However, I do not and would not call a relationship serious if it was not a relationship that I felt I was in for the long haul. For some as well as me, that means marriage. It's not having or wanting to marry the person tomorrow, but rather the ideal that someday that I could and would like to marry that person.

    Casual dating just does not hold any appeal for me. Spending excess amounts of time in relationships with people that I know just aren't right for me is just not something I find to be ideal. It isn't about the fact that I'm too devoted or relationshipy or monogamous etc, but rather my feelings as a person. I'm a very extreme person I'm afraid. Either I love you with all I have or I only feel lukewarm about you. If I love you of course I imagine/want to spend my life with you. I can't say I've loved someone that I haven't felt that way about, but then again, I haven't loved a great deal of people either. If I don't love you, I can't see making a long term commitment to you. Also, with me, whether or not I will or can love someone is something I know immediately. It's just a different sort of feeling, from the beginning.

    I cannot and will not stay in a relationship that I do not want or see a future in simply because I have no reason to stay. Arguments arise in all relationships, discontent, the honeymoon period fades, etc. When that happens in a dating situation I do not see a future in, I'm liable to end it. I once stopped seeing a guy simply because we had an argument. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I wasn't interested in him enough to care to try to resolve it or get over it. It was over something irrational and totally silly and it wasn't even a bad argument, but I just didn't care enough to see him again.

    I don't look down on casual dating though or those who are in long term serious relationships that they do not necessarily see a future in. We are all different and I'm content to let everyone else do as they please. I just know what I like and care for and do not.


      Originally posted by Mara View Post
      However, I do not and would not call a relationship serious if it was not a relationship that I felt I was in for the long haul. For some as well as me, that means marriage. It's not having or wanting to marry the person tomorrow, but rather the ideal that someday that I could and would like to marry that person.
      Took the words right out my mouth.



        I think marriage is over-rated in a lot of ways, and I would classify a lot of relationships I see as casual despite the couple having marriage in mind. People get caught up in the WEDDING and forget that that one day is the beginning of a long (often uphill) battle I think that people who are dating-for-marriage are often less serious because they hold back a lot, whereas people who aren't focused on marriage as an end goal are likely to give the relationship their all from an early stage.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I appreciate you both sharing your opinions, and it's not that I entirely disagree nor do I fail to see where you're coming from, as I do indeed. :P

          I think it's more that I don't see why marriage is the deciding factor for what means it's a serious relationship and it isn't. My ex and I had arguments, we worked through them, and we gleaned from them enough to improve our relationship. Marriage may not have been in the cards, but neither of us defined marriage as being the "long haul." Though I can't speak for him, I can safely say that for me, I was happy to be a part of the relationship for as long as it lasted, whether it was one year or ten. No, I didn't want to think about marriage, but I didn't want to think about it ending either.

          I suppose where I'm coming from that seems to differ from popular opinion is I'm basing "serious" more off the content of the relationship than the intentions for it. I can look at two 13/14-year-olds who "know their partner is the one" but they have feelings for a hundred and one people at once and act little in the way of maturity and find that relationship less serious, simply because marriage is come to call, than a relationship with two people who have been together for, say, 5 years and aren't sure when they're going to get married or if they're going to get married at all. For me, I considered my relationship not because we did or didn't want to get married but because we put effort and energy into making the relationship work.

          My definition of casual, or a non-serious relationship, is more something along the lines of dating to have fun, or, like you said, not caring enough to work through the arguments in order to make the relationship work/last. My definition of a non-serious relationship is a relationship where neither party takes it too seriously, or is mature enough to take it seriously, such as the outlandish example I gave of the youngins (no discrimination meant by that comment btw, as I know a couple of people on LFAD are still with their high school sweethearts). :P My definition of a serious relationship is a relationship in which two people are in it to make it work, and committed to doing the best they can at it. So maybe it's my definitions where my opinions differ.

          ---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

          Originally posted by Zephii View Post

          I think marriage is over-rated in a lot of ways, and I would classify a lot of relationships I see as casual despite the couple having marriage in mind. People get caught up in the WEDDING and forget that that one day is the beginning of a long (often uphill) battle I think that people who are dating-for-marriage are often less serious because they hold back a lot, whereas people who aren't focused on marriage as an end goal are likely to give the relationship their all from an early stage.
          Interesting point, actually. :P I'm inclined to agree.
          { Our Story on LFAD }

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          Met online: February 2009
          Feelings confessed: December 2010
          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

          Our Story
          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

          Our Happily Ever After
          to be continued...


            Originally posted by Zephii View Post
            I think marriage is over-rated in a lot of ways, and I would classify a lot of relationships I see as casual despite the couple having marriage in mind. People get caught up in the WEDDING and forget that that one day is the beginning of a long (often uphill) battle I think that people who are dating-for-marriage are often less serious because they hold back a lot,
            "Hold back a lot" how? I'm just curious to know what you mean.
            My heart belongs to a pilot!


              I don't go into a relationship with the intention of marriage, but I also don't get in to a relationship to be casual about it. The relationship I am in now is the first that didn't start while I was in high school. My past one I did think about marriage but it was only a passing thought. I didn't continue to date him with the pretense that we would end up together forever. Same with the relationship I am in now, we got into a relationship at a terrible time and it became serious quite quickly because after only a couple months my visa was up and I had to leave so it was kind of a we are either in this for the long haul or there is no point. I do see us marrying eventually but if we don't I don't see any harm done as I am not at the point in my life where I am ready to be married and I got a lot out of it if it weren't to end in marriage.
              I feel like I didn't answer that quite right, but I am tired so that will have to do for now.


                Originally posted by Trethsparr View Post
                "Hold back a lot" how? I'm just curious to know what you mean.
                Small things and big things... let's see...
                When I was still just dating Obi, we were in the car talking about his family and I can't remember what it was about really but I'd called his family mine. He said to me "No they aren't, we're not married." There were other times too, where he let me know he was holding back because we weren't married. I remember another time, I'd said "What's mind is yours" and again he said to me "We're not married". I told him I didn't need a piece of paper to treat him the way he should be treated in a relationship.
                Finances are another big one, but that's probably just smart.
                Some people hold back more than that, they limit their relationship by saying "not until we're married". Now for some people that's a religious decision, which makes total sense and I support that, but for others all they want is marriage, and they wont move in together, or be intimate, or share certain parts of themselves because they don't have that "security"
                I'm rather distracted right now, if I come up with a better way to explain it, I'll come back.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  I don't see serious v.s casual in terms of marriage or no marriage. For me, a serious relationship means that you don't decide your future by yourself, you are making choices together. For some people, this means marriage, for some people it doesn't. My idea of casual relationship is that you aren't really devoted to the person or people you are dating. You could be dating other people, but you really aren't considering the other person in BIG choices about your future. It has nothing to do with marriage.
                  "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                    I think if "good enough for now" is really enough for a person, whether long or short term, and all participants are genuinely content, then it's no-one else's business but their own, and all happiness to them.


                      Well with my SO, in the early stages, he spoke to me about how he wasn't sure if he ever really wanted to get married. He told me he felt like it was just a piece of paper and that too many people these days get married for the wrong reasons. So I went into this relationship with the understanding that there was a possibility that I may never get married to him and we would just be partners for life... and I was okay with that. We made each other happy, and as long we we kept making each other happy, that was the main thing that mattered. However now, he has changed his mind and he does want to, but it won't be for a little while. I am glad he changed his mind because I had always wanted to get married and have a family

                      So I can't say that I go into a relationship and automatically place it under one category or the other. Ours did start out somewhat casual, and I really was not getting my hopes up because I didn't know what the future held. Once we met each other though, everything kind of fell into place and we knew that this was what we wanted for the long-haul.


                        I agree a lot with what Mara said.
                        I think it kinda depends on the type of person you are. For me, as another person said on this thread, I'm a very extreme person. I just can't handle casually dating. I put too much into my relationships to be able to handle casual dating lol. I can't handle a relationship that has no possibility of marriage. It is too important to me as a person. Just like everyone has the option to not believe in marriage, I have the option to believe in it. And therefore pursue it.
                        Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
                        Our first LDR ~ August 2009
                        Closed the distance ~ January 2011
                        He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
                        Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
                        He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
                        Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
                        Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

                        Proud of my Airman!!


                          Originally posted by ushiwakafox View Post
                          Just like everyone has the option to not believe in marriage, I have the option to believe in it. And therefore pursue it.
                          My heart belongs to a pilot!


                            I dont think i ever got in to a relationship thinking im not going to be serious and put all my effort in. I have however known that i never wanted to get married young. For me marriage was about the wedding, so yeah i thought about it but i was never with someone i knew i wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I was having fun, we were enjoying each others company but my last relationship was...well awful. In the beginning i thought i could be with him, he moved did not work out and it took me a long time to remove myself from that relationship (hind sight i was very selfish and unfair to him).

                            In the other thread i said my SO and i wanted to be "serious". It was more to let each other know that we want to be in it for the long haul. He never really wanted to get married. Didn't think he could be with someone for the rest of his life and he was happy in a sense to be alone.

                            What i define as a casual thing (which is just MY opinion) is ...sleeping around. Serious is more than just sex and having fun. Thats how i define it anyway.


                              I think it's more of whatever works for that couple is what works. I see people who have no intention of ever getting married, but I would consider their relationships serious. I guess for me the line isn't so much marriage, but commitment level, if that makes any sense. If it's an open relationship, people are dating multiple people, then I'd consider it casual. If they couple is committed to each other alone, whether marriage is in the picture or not, then I'm more likely to consider it serious.

