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    Been long time since i post here. Last time i post i think its about my SO moving to Moscow, Russia. And then things get more though for both of us.

    Just an update.

    After 2 months not hearing his voice last night i think he just fed up with the skype situation where he can not use it on wifi and he can not put his own because still staying with his aunt while on apartment hunt (expensive in moscow). Two months and i started to send him despair mails saying i miss him badly that it hurt to think about him! and its not healthy at all.

    I think this is the phase when you say love is crazy hahah he made me crazy.

    Anyway he call me last night and we talk for like 20 mins when i finally realize its not a skype phone call.. he said he call from his cellphone. I was saying "are you nuts haha it must be very expensive!" but he just said things like well skype doesnt work..and its sweet how he talk like that i know he was blushing saying those i know he miss me too--haha just can not say it right its just his thing

    So we talk about lots of thing for ONE HOUR! until the phone went off and he send me mail to say he running out of credit haaha... i am happy i could hear his voice... i scream, i nearly cry...

    And this morning when i woke up and remember all the conversation i just thought.. oh God.. i never love someone this much! and i am very lucky that he actually miss me and also -finally- become crazy enough to call me from his cellphone.

    I was down for a week or more, i went all crazy for works, watch lots of dvd and feel unhappy and cry almost every night, i miss him badly. So glad that he call me!!

    That's so cute! I'm glad that you two were able to talk and that it re-enforced your feelings towards one another.


      Aw that's so sweet! Glad you two could talk! This was one situation in which the phrase distance makes the heart grow fonder can be used.


        Thank you for both of you i just want to share a happy update since there are many stressed or sad post on the forum, i hope i could share the positivity here.

        For sure this is made me feel more sympathize to those who had SO working or living in a very remote area where they can not get free access for internet or phone the one working at military and in such danger and remote area so they cant communicate God knows for how long. Living in uncertainly.. oh... yes.. i Thank God he still could mail me just two lines of mail.

        Weeks before i was on that position believing this is his way to breaking up with me cutting our communication one by one until to the phase that i only got two-three lines mail reply when i was writing him like over 75 lines of mail.

        I had doubt, i feel like standing in a thin line, thats when i wrote him mail asking him why he did this and it hurt me bad because i miss him too much.

        But i was wrong, he still the same person, for me i really appreciate the gesture he did.... it must be really expensive phone call, just show he does care


          Yes it does! :P


            That is adorable. The things we will do to hear our SO's voice
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

