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Do you think these dreams mean anything?

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    Do you think these dreams mean anything?

    So my SO left the 3rd and so far I've had about 2-4 dreams involving me flirting or talking about other men. Me flirting with them and saying how I love 'this type of guy'. Now I honestly do not see myself with any other guy nor would I want to be. These dreams are really bothering me though. I would never do any of this- and in the dream I obviously KNOW I'm still with my SO. For whatever reason that isn't stopping me, and it's scaring me.
    Could these mean anything? I really feel bad lying to my SO cause he kept asking what the dreams were about and I just told him about a few others I've been having about him. But I know if I tell him about these that he'll get upset and think that I'm losing interest in him. Which is definitely not the case.
    We've been together since 10.11.10

    First Visit-7.13.11
    Second Visit-12.17.11
    Closed the distance-06.20.12

    I don't think so. Dreams are typically just part of your brain sorting out information. Sometimes they can represent subconscious desires or thoughts, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. I've had some dreams lately of a questionable nature, some with and some without my SO.
    Some of it is probably hormones. You want to flirt, and be noticed, and get that sort of attention, but your SO isn't there to let you get that out of your system. So your mind is taking care of it. It doesn't mean you want someone else. Sometimes dreams are just random, too.
    I see no reason why you shouldn't tell your SO if it's bothering you, but I also don't think it's a big deal. You are confident in your love and devotion to him. As long as you aren't really interested in anyone else, it shouldn't matter. Relax. Let your body take care of itself, and stop worrying about what you can't control. If your subconscious wants to be desired, and your conscious wants to be desired by HIM, then it isn't anything to worry about. You just aren't getting that flirtiness due to the distance. Lacking a physical relationship to your SO is hard, but you can get past it.


      Dreams are just dreams they don't mean anything. If they did, I would be in big trouble. I've made out in front of my SO with other guys, stabbed people, robbed banks, my teeth have fallen out while being naked in a bathroom full of shitty floors and I didn't have shoes and I've killed my mother. They don't mean anything, I would stop worrying.


        Haha! Omg, I had a dream that my friend, who used to crush on my SO, basically turned mega bitch and stole my SO away even tho I know that would never happen. Dreams can be subconscious thoughts, but I agree. Even then, they don't really mean much.


          Dreams are the voices of your subconscious, ways of sorting and processing information, but they're compiled entirely of symbols. Some symbols are more universal, for example, many theories have found "water" to be the universal symbol for "emotion" and others are more specific to you, such as, say, a dream in which your SO is still your SO but looks like your best friend or a teacher. There are theories that believe dreams can be interpreted using more universal information, such as flipping through a dream dictionary, and there are theories that find this to be way too broad; some people think dream symbols are specific to you and you alone - a spider, for example, may mean something different to you than to me as far as what they represent (or would, if I had to give them a representation) and some people even think that all dream symbols are a part of you. The thing about dreams, though, is that they're still a work of your subconscious. They can be great if you're looking to interpret your dreams to find solutions or to think about things that might be going on in your life from a more coherent standpoint, but they really have no bearing on your conscious minds or wants. Though some dreams can be interpreted very literally, other dreams are a complete mystery. A lot of dreams work in symbols and aren't at all what they appear to be or mean on the surface. So I would say no, your dreams don't mean anything in the sense they don't translate literally.
          { Our Story on LFAD }

          Our Beginning
          Met online: February 2009
          Feelings confessed: December 2010
          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

          Our Story
          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

          Our Happily Ever After
          to be continued...


            I wouldn't give them much thought to be fair. Dreams are just dreams and they mean absolutely nothing. I'm glad my dreams don't mean anything cause I think some of the things I've done in my dreams are even worse than what snow_girl's done in hers lol


              Yes, like the others said, you shouldn't worry too much about dreams. I've had some in my life that were mystifying me and those I mostly chalk up to my subconscious talking because of how engaged I am in a certain situation. Like for instance, I once dreamt that I was a little girl spying on Hitler. oO That was absolutely weird, but I understood why I dreamt it. I was working on a paper about women in the Third Reich at the time and it was so interesting to the point that I obviously started dreaming about it.

