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"Why are you in a long distance relationship?"

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    "Why are you in a long distance relationship?"

    "How do you do it?" "Is it hard?" "What if he cheats on you?"

    Anyone else get plagued with these questions all the time?
    I always answer the same way...

    I'm in love with my best friend.
    He loves my flaws as much as he loves anything else about me.
    I can tell him anything, and I know he'll always listen and care.
    Why would I want to give any of that up just because we can't physically be together, yet?

    Stephen and I are bonded so incredibly tight. We are ALWAYS talking. Texting, phone, Skype, sleeping with the phone/Skype on. I can't imagine doing all that, and fighting for anyone else.

    So there's my answer! What's yours?

    "Because your mother wasn't good enough for me."

    Yeah...I'm not kind with these kind of questions XP. Hence why people have stopped asking me these questions :P. No, I don't recommend answering how I answer, none of you can pull it off ;D. It's almost an art-form to be an ass like I am and still have people love you and know you care for them :P.

    ---------- Post added at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

    "Because your mother wasn't good enough for me."

    Yeah...I'm not kind with these kind of questions XP. Hence why people have stopped asking me these questions :P. No, I don't recommend answering how I answer, none of you can pull it off ;D. It's almost an art-form to be an ass like I am and still have people love you and know you care for them :P.


      I've run into two different camps, people are either supportive, or they aren't. When they aren't I just tell them it's my life and it's not their decision to make. If they are I'll answer those questions with how good we are together, and how he knows me, and he makes me happy. Yes it's hard, but he's worth it.


        He's my best friend, boyfriend, and high school sweetheart. He's the only person who really respects me and loves me for who I am. When I'm with him, I feel complete. I'm not going to let the distance due to college affect that.
        It's hard, yes. We're very far away and often have limited time for one another. But I know this is something I need to do. I need to at least try to make this work or I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life.
        He wouldn't cheat on me. Even the 7 weeks we were broken up he only kissed a girl. He was still devoted to me. We have our trust issues, yes, but we work through them and it makes us stronger in the end.

        Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
        Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
        Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
        Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
        Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


          Why are you in a long distance relationship?

          Because we love each other!

          Originally posted by bethyylovee View Post
          "How do you do it?"
          We do it by communicating every day. We're always texting, on the phone, or skyping. We tell each other everything and we have a 100% honesty policy that really let us open up with each other. We do it because we love each other, and just one hug or one kiss makes all the waiting and the distance worth it. We try to do different things with each other so we don't get bored (like online chess, words with friends, skype dates where we get all dressed up and have dinner/movie together, planning meetings, and talking about everything and anything under the sun!).

          Originally posted by bethyylovee View Post
          "Is it hard?"
          Of course it's hard, what relationship isn't? And yes, the distance might make it harder in some cases, like I wouldn't do long distance for anyone...

          Originally posted by bethyylovee View Post
          "What if he cheats on you?"
          He wouldn't. Simple as that. I know he loves me, and we talk about everything... from how we feel so in love at times, to doubting at others... if one of us were even thinking about someone else we'd talk to the other one about it (and we have).



            Im with squirrelz. People who are supportive i cant stop talking about him. To those who aren't i smile and say im happy and its none of their business. My family is funnily enough very supportive considering growing up they were very traditional chinese. I asked my mum why and she was like because you are the type of person who will do whatever you want to anyway lol


              I've been pretty lucky in not having to deal with anyone negative asking about my relationship. I like your answer though, I always had a little list of answers stored away incase anyone asked.


                Because the love of my life is 1451 miles away. What else am I supposed to do?

                Finding myself.


                  Because I'd rather know he's there FOR me even though he's not here WITH me. I love him; it's that simple. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. True, I'd prefer if he was close by, but circumstances won't allow for that right now.

                  I don't really run into anyone who questions my relationship because very few people who know us haven't seen us together. It's mostly his circle of friends who haven't met me; almost all my friends and important people in my life have met him. I think having seen us together and knowing how we interact solidifies our relationship in everyone's minds, so they don't question it.
                  ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
                  The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



                    I don't get asked all of these questions, but I know he does.

                    When people ask me why I'm in a long distance relationship I explain to them that the connection between my boyfriend and I is so strong we both felt it shouldn't be ignored. He supports me, makes me happy, and encourages me to do my best. I would be a fool to walk away from him and I feel that enduring the distance is worth it for the future we may have. I would be doing a disservice to myself not to explore this relationship, despite the distance.

                    When people ask me if it's hard, I tell them of course it is. But that doesn't mean my relationship isn't worth it. I get lonely but we get to see each other enough that it's not so bad, I don't think I could do it if we saw each other less. Sometimes you find someone who's worth it.

                    Now I know my boyfriend gets asked if he's worried that I'm going to cheat on him and he always tells everyone that he's not, at all, he trusts me and knows I wouldn't do anything to him. I'll admit though, I worry he'll cheat on me. He just started working in the food industry which is notorious for everyone sleeping with each other, but at the same time, he really hates cheaters, has been cheated on and I don't think he would do that to me. I try to just have faith in him because for me, with that faith, comes trust.


                      I had a conversation just like this today with a classmate, he is very immature and asked some cruder questions but that is the jist of it.
                      I was asked if I was worried anout him being unfaithful, which I'm not and if I wanted a boyfrind closer whom I could have sexual relations with more often.
                      People are so nosy and assume they have the right to know everything about you when they know you are in an LDR.


                        I get asked this ALL the time, people think I'm too young for something like this and they tell me to find someone closer but I have a similar response to yours. I just tell them that he's my best friend just as much as he is my boyfriend and that I'm happy with him, why would I give that up?


                          I only had one person ask this -- someone I think wants to be in an LDR with me (closer, atleast). He asked me why I picked someone from Russia and I just simply told him "because that's who I fell in love with, and I can't change that."


                            My answer is usually, it's the same in every relationship except I can't be with the love of my life quite yet due to life getting in the way, sure it's hard I mean who wants to be away from their loved one but just because we're apart doesn't make either of us any less committed or changes the fact that we're in a relationship because we love each other, no amount of distance can change that, and I'm sure it'd be the same way for you if your partner ever had to be away for an extended period of time.

                            Met: 8.17.09
                            Started Dating: 8.20.09
                            First Met: 10.2.10
                            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                              I've gotten asked this a few times. My answer is always that she's the one I love, the miles don't matter. She treats me better than anyone else, and she makes me feel incredible. There's really nothing more to it. It wouldn't matter if she was 5 miles away or over 1,000.

