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Its over.. for good.

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    Its over.. for good.

    Wow, feels like I JUST signed up for LFAD, and now I'm leaving.
    Cameron decided to break up with me today.
    According to him, a girlfriend is just not worth it right now. He says he would much rather be single and live life how he wants and that I am just an obligation that he doesn't want in his life.

    oh my god. I'm so sorry. first of all he sounds like a d!ck,no offense. "an obligation that he doesn't want in his life" thats a horrible thing to say. if you don't mind me asking,how long were you guys together.


      we were together for almost a year.
      9 more days and we would've been together a year.


        well im truly sorry.
        guys are stupid.


          I am so sorry. Any guy that breaks up with you with a line like that, I think you are probably better off without. I bet your real Mr Right will be around the corner when you're least expecting it.
          Take care!


            i agree with lauren
            and 9 more days to a year... ouch.
            i dont get how people can do that,
            im so sorry. i cant imagine the pain you are in.
            i hope you feel okay soon xxx


              wow you dont need someone like that in your life anyway, he's an asshole, you'll find someone much better then him! And hey dont leave stay pleeeasssee!


                I'm very sorry. That is such an awful way to break up with someone. I'm sure you'll find someone who truly appreciates you and respects you when the time is right. Hugs!


                  Im so sorry to hear that. Time heals all pain.


                    wow, us guys realy can be nobs ¬_¬


                      I am so sorry to hear that, especially the insensitive comment to top it off, don't worry he has just done you the biggest favour. Allowing you to meet someone who truley deserves you


                        ughh. Well it happened to me back in December and I'm still not over my ex. We were together nearly 11 months. She just didn't care about me and said we would never be together again...anyways done with my life story. I can't say don't worry becuase you won't be fine yet obviously. Over time it will be ok though. Some people just don't want to be commited, although in my opinion if you don't have love, then you have nothing. I hope you get over him as soon as possible, even though it will probably take a while.


                          <3 Awwww, you are better off without if he threw 11 months down the drain like that.


                            Oh my.. I'm so sorry for you /:

                            That guy does sound kinda mean though.. You deserve to be with someone who'd do anything for you/to make you happy, and you'll find someone like that, I'm sure :>

                            Take care<3


                              I know time heals everything.. it just sucks to wait for it to happen. A part of me keeps hoping he'll change his mind and come running back as we spend more time together (since we're both home for the summer) but a part of me knows I should just forget and move on...

