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How often you you Skype?

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    Yikes, if they think you're clingy, they probably think I'm the girlfriend from hell haha. Me and my SO skype everyday and usually leave our video calls going all day.. the one that's on right now has been running for 105 hours. There's nothing bad with being in constant communication though, especially in all of our situations of not being able to see our SOs everyday. My SO's friends make fun of our skype seshes too, they'll call up Desty and be like "Dude, you said you were going to be here 20 minutes ago.. let me guess, you're skyping with Brie?" but I feel like that along with your situation are all said in a jokingly manner.


      Never, which is sad. Ok not never, but rarely. We've done it twice. He doesnt have skype, in fact he doesnt have a computer. He uses his smart phone for everything. The only application we found that can video chat between a smart phone and a computer is Yahoo! Messenger. So we used it once or twice but we dont often find the time and its hard for him with his phone because he needs to be using it for other things. We text like maniacs though and when he can be he is so attentive about calling me. I'd like to get a webcam for my xbox like he has cause we're on Xbox live together all the time!

      Finding myself.


        We use Skype almost every day but not necessarily video chats when we don't have much time. If Skype is no option we call each other's phones. I envy you that you get to speak to your SO for so long everyday I'd do anything to get that chance every other day!
        I don't think you are being clingy and I'm sure your SO enjoys it as much as you do and he'll see that his friends are just teasing him. I'm sure he can stand his ground and they will accept the fact he talks to you so much (even though the teasing probably won't stop but that doesn't have to be an issue at all in my opinion).


          Me and my SO skype for a few hours every day. His work colleague's have teased him before, like on my birthday last year he came home at lunch time to wish me happy birthday and eat with me, and they thought it was hilarious > They just didn't understand. They don't understand how we spend so much time talking either; seemingly they don't talk to their wives that much?

          My SO has explained straight up, right now, that's all we have. We can't just sit together and watch TV in the same room, we can't cook together, we can't go get ice-cream or go to the park together, so we treasure what we have. He says he's not "whipped", he WANTS to spend his time with me, end of discussion. They don't tease anymore, and the closer it comes to our closing the distance, they have been really quite supportive. I would say that men tend to bust each other's balls a lot more then women do, when they can find something to tease about, they will do. People tend to make fun of what they don't understand, or what isn't considered "normal" to them.

          My SO also needs to talk or see me as much as I see him. He is always first to complain if we miss a night talking or our work schedules clash so we can't talk on a morning. If there is another engagement, he almost always finds a way to talk to me somehow. I don't think talking everyday is clingy. Couples who live together talk everyday, why should it be different for people in an LDR? I would talk to him again and see if he still wants to talk everyday, and if he does, he's just going to have to tell those guys what's up.

          <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
          <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
          The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
          <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
          <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
          Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
          Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


            We very rarely get to Skype. I think generally we get to once a month. We talk on the phone usually once a week, if we're lucky, and we try to text each other every day for like an hour.

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              We talk on the phone for around an hour and a half broken into two calls almost every day. (Her work commute) We don't skype often enough... but that's more to do with timing than anything. It's hard to do with so many kids running around.

              So no, I don't think an hour skype session every day is unreasonable.


                We don't skype but we do communicate everyday. I don't think your being clingy. Communication is an important part of the relationship.


                  We go on Skype every few days or so, sometimes more often if we're lucky, though most of the time we just text each other. Nothing wrong with talking so often I don't think


                    Like others said, we hardly ever skype but we talk on the phone for about 1 - 2 hours almost every day.

                    Surprisingly none of our friends have made fun of this before, not even his male single bachelor friends. They make fun of us for other things (me being German or whatever), but not of our relationship. All of my (girl) friends admire our good communication, they don't make fun of us either.
                    I don't think that an hour daily is being clingy at all. As long as you don't get upset or throw a fit, if for some reason you can't talk one day, it's ok. Apart from visits (that can be spare) communication is the only thing you have with your partner in an LDR, so talking for an hour daily isn't asking too much at all.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      I also think that 1 hour a day is not clingy or bad at all!

                      My bf and I are on Skype everyday as many hours as we can, even if we are not talking constantly, and just be able to look at each other while doing other stuff (studying, reading,..). We usually even sleep together if possible or wake each other up during the night when one of us gets home from work (9 hour time difference sucks)

                      but you should definitely talk to him about it..
                      just imagine if you could be together, would you only spend 1 hour every day with him?
                      I think he should be strong when his colleagues make fun of him, they'll let go of the topic soon enough, and find something else to make fun of

                      ---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------

                      and texting and calling on the phone is no option for us at all - way too expensive.
                      now with the smartphones its a bit easier when you have internet access..


                        we try and talk as much as possible, definately. one hour a day is absolutely fine!

                        we text as much as possible... skype with each other (today, as it was the only time we could, skyped for about half an hour. didnt talk, just did stuff whilst on skype) as much as we can, and if we have to skip a skype date for some reason, we would make extra care for the next day to fit each other in.

                        i think your man needs to just say to them "well you get to go home and see your girlfriends, i dont, so shut it" :P because, if you think about it, talking is all there is... no like intimacy or anything (well, thats what it is for us - he is very self-concious over skype hehe)


                          We text each other everyday. We usually call each other if we have enough free time or we just miss hearing each others voices. We don't skype too much because a.) my computer time is sporadic and b.) one or both of us is usually busy. I prefer to talk on skype tho because it is easier to hold a conversation.
                          However, I say this and I mean skype only IM because I just recently got a webcam and his just broke... soo... we don't get much face time to say the least.
                          But I think its wonderful that you guys get that much skype in everyday. It's not too much. An hour a day? I think that is just enough for everyday communication.


                            My boyfriend and me both get teased for how often (almost every day!) we text and skype with each other, but we both know that it is in good fun, too! So, your boyfriend definitely shouldn't be ashamed to spend time with you as often as he can. If the teasing still bothers him, he should tease back. Arno does that and me too, if I manage to come up with a good comeback....


                              We skype often, nearly daily, only time we dont is when were super busy or out, and even then sometimes we do late at night. Maybe im clingy? But he seems to enjoy my company too lol. So it works for us, If i could, in person i would spend every day with him too, so its the best we can do with the distance. We talk for a average of 2-5 hours on busy days, and rare good days can be a lot longer, we've done up to 10 lol
                              I love you Nathan <3
                              5/25/09 <3


                                We are pretty much in constant communication with each other, apart from when we are at work. Text each other after work until we fall asleep each night, and Skype once or twice a week/two weeks. But when we Skype it's usually for a few hours. I think it works fine, we are both pretty busy and having a big catch up on Skype once a week is good.

