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How often you you Skype?

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    How often you you Skype?

    So last night, my SO and I were talking on skype and he mentioned how his work buddies were giving him a hard time when he told them that we skype every day for about an hour or so. He said that it made him feel ashamed. But I took offence to that. I love how we communicate every day, even if it is to bring each other up to date on our lives. Is communicating for a brief hour so unreasonable? I don't want to be that "clingy" girlfriend, but that's the impression I was getting of myself.
    I told him my thoughts and it sort of turned into an argument. I couldn't tell whether or not he wanted to keep up our daily skype dates or not. I'm just a little confused.

    Am I the only one having problems with this? What do you all think? Am i being unreasonable or "clingy"?
    How often do you communicate with your SO???

    My SO's work buddies make fun of him for EVERYTHING he does with me. I think that's just how some men are, plus the fact that he works with ALL MEN doesn't help. Especially since my SO was a swinging bachelor up until me. They make fun of him that I cook dinner, and make cookies, and go out on dates, and that he comes home early from parties, everything. And he makes fun of them for being stupid or whatever. They like me, and they're happy for him, but it's just how they are.

    I don't think your SO's work pals are trying to hurt him, it's their job to make fun of each other. Tell your SO to buck up and bite back!


      I think that's sweet!

      My SO doesn't have internet so we never get to Skype except for once when he was at his Dad's. I wish we could more.

      Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
      Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
      Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
      Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
      Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


        I haven't been able to Skype with my partner in months and not sure if/when we will again, so I envy your ability! I don't feel that Skyping/having that time, especially for an hour, is being "clingy." There's nothing wrong with wanting to be kept up to date on what's happening and going on in one another's lives, especially being long-distance.

        As for his mates, I can't decide if I agree with lucybelle or not. :P I agree that it's occasionally what men do but I have also been in a situation (with my ex) where the "teasing" turned into bullying (of my partner and I) and it ended up running our relationship into the ground. I don't feel like he should feel ashamed at all, however. If anything, he should feel made proud by the fact he's so dedicated to making his relationship work.

        I don't think you're being unreasonable or clingy at all, though I would ask him upfront if he wants to cut down on your Skype chats, if you're still unclear on that, though I'd say this is a silly reason for him to be sacrificing any of the Skype chats at all.
        { Our Story on LFAD }

        Our Beginning
        Met online: February 2009
        Feelings confessed: December 2010
        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

        Our Story
        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

        Our Happily Ever After
        to be continued...


          As long as he wants to keep skyping every day for an hour, then its all good! I'm with EClaire, just ask him if he has a problem with Skyping every day. If he does, work through it, if not, keep on Skyping! I think it's awesome that you guys get to communicate via Skype so much. I wish I got to Skype my SO every day for an entire hour. Envious! We only Skype maybe once a month or once every other month, because his computer is practically dead/crashes and requires a re-install of the OS 4 or 5 times a week.


            We used to Skype once a week but now it's been almost 2 months since we've hopped on there. We do talk or text everyday though. Sometimes just a quick text or a quick call. I'd love to be able to see his face for an hour every day - so I don't think it's clingy if you both enjoy it and want to spend that time together. However, if he's wanting to maybe take a break for a night and go do stuff with family or friends and you're having a problem with that, then I'd say that's a bit clingy. I just think you have to get a straight answer from him and go from there whether he wants to skype every day.


              Yeah we used to skype everyday too and I was made fun of by my friends. They didn't understand why I wouldn't go out with them every night after work but they didn't know how serious our relationship was either, and that part was my fault. I think skyping for an hour every day is nice, and we were glad we got that time together. If I never get to get hugs from him then seeing his face once a day didn't feel like too much to ask.


                We actually communicate a lot more than I anticipated when we first got back together. We basically text all day long.
                Generally we try to Skype every day or every other day and I love that. It's really nice to be able to talk so much, even just about little things like how our days went. It makes me feel more connected to him. Sometimes life gets in the way, of course, and we can't Skype as often if we're super busy with assignments.


                  I'm a guy. Um...just the other day for the first time in our relationship we didn't talk one evening. Just one. And I wigged out feeling like an emergency happened, I thankfully only texted her once saying that I hope she's ok as well as family and friends. Turned out she had a headache and construction going on in the house... Though I realized I NEED to talk to her. It makes me feel like a big hole is in my day if I don't get to. It's not clingy in my opinion. It's simple love. I love her and because I know I want to spend my life with her, I want to talk to her every night, because it is not as if I can hold her as we sleep after a busy day, even though no words were shared.

                  My SO and I spend 3-4 hours usually messaging/skype roughly. With skype being 1/4 of the total messaging time. I would rather skype all the time though, because she's so beautiful I can't get enough of her smiles.


                    We don't use skype persay. Yahoo voice/video calls. Ever since he got a plugin for the yahoo app on his phone a couple of weeks ago, I think there has only been two or three days he hasn't called me and we generally are on it all day, if not for a couple of hours. This coming off a period of talking maybe once a week if I was lucky. I think it makes us feel better to hear and see each other, despite what is going on around us with insensitive people and the stresses of life.


                      My cam time with my SO varies sometimes it's once or twice a week and other times it's about once or twice a month but we do text daily, the only times we aren't texting is when he's at work. I don't think your SO should be ashamed of talking to his girlfriend everyday, I mean most CD couples see their SO's daily so whats wrong with him seeing you everyday? He shouldn't let what his friends say embarrass him, he should be proud of having you for a girlfriend.

                      Met: 8.17.09
                      Started Dating: 8.20.09
                      First Met: 10.2.10
                      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                        I don't think that's clingy at all. Obi and I skype every day when we're apart, if our technology allows us to do so
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          We skype everyday if we can. My SO doesnt have a cell but I'm sure I'd be texting him all day if he did xD


                            Me and HBB literally txt or Skype from the moment I wake up till he goes to bed as long as he or I are not out doing errands. Its not abnormal imho because as I see it, if you were close distance you would be spending at least one hour together a day talking right? If you were living together it would be a lot more! So if talking to my boyfriend for a few hours a day is odd, call me and HBB odd since we love it!


                              Wes and I skype every night, and we text throughout the day when we can. =)
                              "You want for myself
                              You get me like no one else
                              I am beautiful with you

                              I am beautiful with you
                              Even in the darkest part of me
                              I am beautiful with you
                              Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
                              You're here with me
                              Just show me this and I'll believe
                              I am beautiful with you"


