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Who is tougher?

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    Who is tougher?

    We have a "Who is smarter?" thread, so I thought this might be fun too.

    Who out of you and your SO is tougher?

    For us, that's me. If he gets sick, he whines. If he gets a papercut, he whines and runs for a bandaid. Occasionally he'll show me said band-aid as though he wants aproval. It drives me nuts, but as long as he doesn't make our children into sooks I can live with it. Every achy muscle, graze or sore he tells me about, and if a band-aid doesn't fix it the painkillers come soon after.
    But I do like looking after him <3

    I'm the opposite. I keep trucking on. Occasionally, if I get a cut or scrape I'll wash the wound, but most of the time I carry on without mentioning it unless it's actually relevant to him. A box of band-aids will last me a year. I cut an implant out of my arm once without painkillers, and went to work the next day. (That was hilarious, I had it poking out of my skin and I said to him "Can you just grab that and pull it out? I don't have enough hands" I thought he was going to be sick. He did help though.)

    So! Who is it?
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

    I'm such a baby. I don't know how I'm ever going to have children because I stub my toe and yell in pain haha.

    He's a touch guy. He will cut his hand or burn it really bad and just be like whatever, get me a bandaid. I freak out haha.

    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


      Were both hockey players and both pretty damn tough.

      He's broken multiple bones and teeth, had hip surgery and he pretty much shakes off almost everything. The only thing that really bothers him is he has a VERY sensitive stomach and when it acts up it causes him a lot of pain.

      I've had 4 concussions, I skateboard and play hockey. I had my appendix removed last year and never took any painkillers once, not even in the 3 days before surgery were I was miserable. It takes a lot to make me upset about something. I can get pretty bad menstrual cramps and migraines so those make me curl into a fetal position and feel terrible. I also have a bone deformity in my foot that on days can be quite painful. Other than that though it takes quite a bit to make me whine or really mention something. I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to being cold though, what can I say I live in California...(and he makes note of it all the time)

      The both of us are pretty strong, tough individuals.

      Finding myself.


        Depends I guess xD I whine to my SO about everything under the sun, being cold, feeling sick, etc but I only whine to my SO, I could be dying and I wouldn't complain to anyone but him. And I know he only complains to his mom about stuff so maybe we're even? I don't know :P

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          hmm.. I was having trouble thinking of the answer to this question but then realized something which makes me think it's him who is tougher. I don't even know if he has bandaids/bandages/plasters in the house.. probably does actually.. but he can cut his finger or something and just leave it be.. whereas I have to put a bandaid/bandage/plaster on it.. We both don't like making fusses about things, so in that way we're about equal, but I admit sometimes I can be a bit of a crybaby and want some sympathy.. I get kind of emotional sometimes... but he hardly makes fusses about things, he told me a story about how he was wearing the wrong size shoe I think for ages because he didn't want to make a fuss and it ended up hurting his feet.. He also will sleep on the edge of the bed and not constantly say that he feels like he's falling off.. lol and he's stronger than me physically. So, him, yes, definitely him. Though I don't like to be thought of as a weakling either and tend to try my best to carry on even when I'm feeling sick, but he does that and more.. so him.


            Hmm I'm not sure about this one. He's pretty tough if he hurts himself, but he's very paranoid that he thinks something is always wrong with him, as in he has some kind of ailment or disorder and then he starts worrying to no end.

            One time we were sorta play fighting and I slapped his crotch (barely) because he kept slappipng my boobs and he came close to crying. (I get though that they're both different and I apologised and felt really bad afterwards lol)

            I am kinda tough I guess. If I hurt myself, usually I'll laugh or swear a couple of times haha.

            Who is more emotionally tough? He is for sure. I cry at the drop of a hat.




                Him lol. I tend to complain a lot more then he does. I get moody and act like a baby. He takes things better then I do weather being sick, or if its cold or hot or tired, he's like a machine, super man lol

                Gosh all these threads like this he's better then me XD Guess im lucky.
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  Seeing as I have the lowest pain threshold EVER, I will say it is him.... lol Right now I have a really bad lower back and I'm on industrial painkillers for it, I try not to complain in front of him but it's hard not to wince sometimes when I'm shifting position. He always keeps quiet about things really, he doesn't like being "weak" around me, which can be annoying at times when I find out he's been suffering in silence about something- because whilst some things like a cold just go away, other things just get worse and he never tells me until it gets worse and I have to force him to see a doctor or something.

                  Then again saying I have a low pain threshold, I would like to see him go get waxed and not complain I bet he'd cry like a baby lol

                  <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                  <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                  The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                  <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                  <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                  Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                  Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                    im probably physically stronger (as in wont care if something hurts)

                    but he is definately emotionally stronger... he is such a rock <3


                      I've been told I'm more emotionally strong than him in certain ways, but he's definitely more physically strong. He's pretty emotionally strong when it comes to dealing with family problems, arguments, things like that, whereas when it came to the distance, I guess I'm a bit stronger, but nowadays I wouldn't say I'm that strong...


                        We're both pretty tough. I'm a dog groomer, being tough isn't an option when you get bit and scratched up on a daily basis. I guess at this point I haven't really been around if/when he's gotten hurt, or he's really good at hiding it and never says anything (so maybe he is super tough? lol)


                          We both try to be as tough as we can. We suck it up and don't complain.


                            She is. OMG... I'm such a girl


                              It depends on the kind of tough.
                              When it comes to health things or injuries, it would definitely be me. I very much of a "if it's not bad enough to go to the hospital, it's fine!"-sort of person and as a rule for me, things are never bad enough to go to the hospital (I've yet to be a patient in one).
                              My boyfriend on the other hand is a bit of a hypochondriac (sp?) and he believes everything you tell him about possible health risks. Someone once told him that shishas can give you a fungal infection in your lung - he never touched one again (or when his friends told him that with the flu medication he was taking, he wasn't supposed to drink, he was panicking that his liver was going to dissolve itself).

                              I'm a hardcore worrier too and when it comes to emotional things, my boyfriend's definitely tougher than me. I cry and and get desperate over the smallest things and every little bump in the road makes me see the future in the blackest of blacks. He's more of a positive person and if something goes wrong, he just tries again without losing hope.

                              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

