How to love myself for who I am - It's something I'm still working on.
Country music - Joe is a big fan of country music. I listened to country ever now and then before meeting him, but I listen to it more now.
Quantum Touch - A form of energy healing. He's into energy healing. I've actually undergone a couple QT sessions already and have a couple more coming up.
Being more independent - Before Joe, I was pretty dependent on my parents. Now being in a relationship, I feel more independent. I book hotel rooms and all that stuff.
Christianity - I grew up Lutheran, but from like 1999-2009, I didn't really have a religion. I dabbled in a lot of New Age stuff and studied astrology and read like every book Sylvia Browne had written. But then one day we were talking and he made a comment about how he was sad that we wouldn't be in heaven together. The thought of not being with him in this life scares me, so I was scared and sad about not being with him in heaven. And it was that night that I became a Christian again. Although I don't follow any one denomination.
I'm sure there are other things to, but that's all I can think of for now.
Country music - Joe is a big fan of country music. I listened to country ever now and then before meeting him, but I listen to it more now.
Quantum Touch - A form of energy healing. He's into energy healing. I've actually undergone a couple QT sessions already and have a couple more coming up.
Being more independent - Before Joe, I was pretty dependent on my parents. Now being in a relationship, I feel more independent. I book hotel rooms and all that stuff.
Christianity - I grew up Lutheran, but from like 1999-2009, I didn't really have a religion. I dabbled in a lot of New Age stuff and studied astrology and read like every book Sylvia Browne had written. But then one day we were talking and he made a comment about how he was sad that we wouldn't be in heaven together. The thought of not being with him in this life scares me, so I was scared and sad about not being with him in heaven. And it was that night that I became a Christian again. Although I don't follow any one denomination.
I'm sure there are other things to, but that's all I can think of for now.