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Odd question...

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    Odd question...

    Actually, this is sort of a three-part question:
    a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
    b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
    c) how open is your SO about their emotions?

    I'm kind of running a survey-type thing, not stalking!
    My answers are:
    a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
    -- uhm.. "you are the most wonderful girl I've ever talked to, and I love you like crazy."
    b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
    -- it's a tie between promising to wait three years until I'm 18, and telling my brother that I was more important to him than the military.
    c) how open is your SO about their emotions?
    -- it depends on his mood. LOL

    Have you entered in the giveaway? That's pretty much the same question I asked there:

    Read my LDR story!


      The sweetest thing he's willing to share with the public is in my siggie.
      Sweetest thing he's ever done? There's a lot. Breakfast in bed my last "lazy morning" with him before we started the distance is up there. There's one that's higher up there on the sweet chart but.. I'll keep that to myself. ;-)
      We're fairly open with each other. Sometimes it take the other directly questioning the other to get them to open up, but we're open with each other.
      ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
      The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



        STALKER! Just joking. Those are all really sweet. As for me,well:

        a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
        -He is made of sweet things to say. I think the sweetest was when I asked what he wanted for Valentines day. "...Your love." and when I said he already had that he said, "Then I don't need anything materialistic. I'm happy just having you. <3"
        b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
        -Drove ten hours to come and spend three weeks with me.
        c) how open is your SO about their emotions?
        -There's absolutely nothing emotional that he keeps from me. When it comes to other people he tends to be more closed off though.


          Aww! Those are so sweet No, I haven't entered the giveaway. Sorry for double posting!
          I think the marine part of him keeps him from being overtly emotional, even with me.


            a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
            Quoted from another thread:
            was feeling very horribly undeserving at one point, and in response I received:

            "You're not going to die alone and you don't deserve anything but for somebody to love and care about you and make everything better.
            For somebody to tell you just how amazing you are.
            For somebody to love you for it."

            To which I asked what if I'm not good enough for someone to love me forever, and he said:

            "You are.
            There's no if.
            You are amazing and if forever had a number I'd tell you that you're good enough to be loved for longer.
            You are the most amazing person.
            You have no idea how happy I am to be able to say you're my girlfriend.
            You are loving, you are caring, you are beautiful, you are funny, you are fun, you are intelligent.
            There is not one thing I would change about you and not one thing I wish I could add.
            You deserve nothing but the best in every count lol."
            b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
            He's done a lot, but honestly, one of my fondest memories is when he actually brought tissues to the airport for our goodbye. The other one would probably be when I was trying to initiate sex after an argument (my fault) we'd had, and he stopped me despite my having gotten him in the mood and asked if we could cuddle and watch TV, because he didn't want any part of sex to be for the wrong reasons.
            c) how open is your SO about their emotions?
            With me? He's always been quite open. Not sure how open he is with others, though, I think it depends on his relationships with them.
            { Our Story on LFAD }

            Our Beginning
            Met online: February 2009
            Feelings confessed: December 2010
            Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
            Officially together since: 08 April 2011

            Our Story
            First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
            Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
            Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
            Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

            Our Happily Ever After
            to be continued...


              Awwwwh! Those are so sweet, and absolutely adorable. You've got a great guy


                Originally posted by usmcgirl View Post
                Awwwwh! Those are so sweet, and absolutely adorable. You've got a great guy
                I'd say "I do" but I'm a bit biased. ;] I love him to pieces though.

                The tissues bit sounds odd out of context, but I think it was because I didn't expect it at all. So when I went to go wipe my eyes/nose on my sleeves, he pulled out tissues and started wiping my nose and tears, and it actually made me giggle because even I hadn't thought to come prepared, and this is my second LDR. :P Turns out they were good use for him, too.
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...


                  a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
                  Gosh so many things he's said, even when he wrote to my mom, telling her he loves me and will protect me. He's told me he wants to spend his life with me, that im beautiful, just about everything someone could say to get your heart beating, but I have something i saved.
                  "i want to be be the guy that wakes up next to you every morning i want to kiss you good night i want to when i go out come home to you, i want to be apart of your life i love you so much"
                  b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
                  Gosh again so many, sweetest on top of my head would be him taking me to disneyland, getting us the fast pass, and that night slow dancing after the fireworks to "a dream is a wish the heart makes" lol answering Q's like this just remind me how lucky i am, he's always been so good to me.
                  c) how open is your SO about their emotions?
                  He is a lot more then in the begging of our relationship. He lets me know what's on his mind if i ask, and he has a emotional side that i love that i get to see. mhmm im such a lucky girl.
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3


                    Actually, this is sort of a three-part question:
                    a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?

                    So many things. He always knows just what to say when I'm upset and with the distance he always finds a great way to express his love with his words. I guess one of the best things is when he calls me his goddess. It all started with me calling him my beast, cause he's tall and strong and likes to be scruffy sometimes. And he likes to growl at me. So he said "Well, if I'm your beast than youre my goddess, because you are so beautiful in every way." Now he'll send me texts like "You awake my goddess?" and they always bring a smile to my face instantly. He says something sweet and amazing everyday, just too many things to pick from.

                    b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?

                    He was so open and safe with me regarding every step of being together physically. I had siblings, friends, college roommates make fun of me for being a virgin at age 20. And its not that I'm religous or not sexual (on the contrary, I'm a VERY sexual person) but I really wanted to wait and make sure the first time was with someone I really really cared about. When I told him that I was a virgin I was nervous and expected a negative reaction. He just said he wasn't but he wished he was, and that in sharing his heart he was a virgin. I was the first person he would share it with. He told me never to listen to what other people say and that he loved me. Then while sending some frisky texts we shared some turn ons that we had, and while I said I kind of envisioned things a little rough that all I wanted the first time was for him to make love to me, he said I took the words right out of his mouth. The first time was going to be nothing but gentle pure love. And it was. He showered me in kisses, restated to me how much he loved my body and was so reassuring and made sure I was comfortable the entire time.

                    The first time we met right off the airplane he was so excited to give me my christmas gift he couldnt wait the two days till christmas. He could barely wait till we were out of the airport. We drove to a pizza place and he pulled out a little diamond heart necklace and gave it to me. I can still remember the nervous grin he had and how excited he was, and how he wouldnt let go of my hand, only to change the gears on his stick shift and then right back to my hand, letting of fingers intertwine and fill the spaces we felt they were meant to fill, it felt so right after so long.

                    c) how open is your SO about their emotions?

                    He's pretty open. Although he's a soldier and a hockey player so he's pretty tough. He's open with me but there are somethings he holds back. I know he has a lot of pain from losing his mother and having such an unstable family life. He doesnt show it though. He always shows his love and happiness and his anger during those rare moments he's angry, its never at me. He'll tell me when he's sad but sometimes I think he keeps the deepest pain inside.

                    Finding myself.


                      a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
                      My SO is really good with saying sweet things I have a lot of saved texts from him that are filled with the things he loves about me, how much he loves me, ect. A personal favorite is "You're a beautiful, amazing girl and I love you more than anything you know that right?" Guys at his work were making fun of me and he stood up to them. I was still upset though. So he sent me that to make me feel better I have many longer and more detailed ones but that always helps.
                      b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
                      When we were close distance, one of my friend's boyfriends messaged me on facebook saying really nasty things (that were not true and he admitted it... it was over a misunderstanding). I have depression and anxiety and was thinking about self injury because I was so upset. He didn't have his license so he got his mom to drive him over to my house on a school night at 1am so he could be with me and make me feel better. He didn't live close so it was adorable. There are many more things he has done but this always reminds me of his love.
                      c) how open is your SO about their emotions?
                      My SO is very open somedays and then closed off others. I perfer the very open :P

                      Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                      Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                      Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                      Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                      Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                        Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post

                        b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
                        Gosh again so many, sweetest on top of my head would be him taking me to disneyland, getting us the fast pass, and that night slow dancing after the fireworks to "a dream is a wish the heart makes"
                        This made me "d'awwwww" so much! I am dying to go to Disney with my SO, in fact we tried to plan a trip, which didn't work out because we both couldn't afford it. Also, the slow dance sounds so beautiful.

                        a) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
                        Wow, he's said a lot of sweet things to me, but there's two that stick out most in my mind. The first is when we were making out one night, I asked him what he sees for his future. He mentioned a house, kids a good job, and that he wants to spend his life with me. I said to him, are you sure that's not just the heat of the moment talking? His reply "Jen, ask me again when we're not tangled up in each other and I'll give you the same answer." The second was a text he sent me: "So, I totally understand the distance thing. I feel the same way. And I’m sorry that we can’t spend all of our free time together, however much I’d love that. I know its difficult to change how we conduct our daily business so rapidly, and it sucks. I miss you sooo much, and I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you stuck in (insert our town here). All of this time apart is clearly just a test of our loyalty and love for each other, and will surely pay off when we are both done with our time in the higher education. One day, Jen we will be able to spend as much time with each other as humanly possible, and it will be much more deserved and overall better because of the bullshit right now that is the 360 miles that separate us right now. I love you Jen, and nothing is ever going to change that. My heart only wants you and you alone. Anyway, I am exhausted and have class at 9 tomorrow morning. Good night mi amor. Sleep sweet, and I’ll talk to you soon."

                        b) what's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
                        We temporarily closed the distance in May, and a few days after he came home, my blood sugar dropped dangerously low when I was home alone and my mom was visiting a friend in New Jersey. So, I called Anthony and I told him what was going on and he came right over. He did not leave my side for 6 hours, he got me glucose tablets and made sure I ate even though I wasn't hungry. He took such good care of me that day and made me feel safe and loved. From that moment on, I knew for sure he was definitely the one for me.

                        c) how open is your SO about their emotions?
                        My SO is not very open about his emotions. He's had a lot of bad things happen in his life, so he generally puts on one face around me. I've never seen him cry, or even get upset for that matter, and I've also never seen him angry. I mentioned that to him one day and he said that it takes a lot to make him cry and a lot to make him angry. He said there's nothing I could ever do to make him angry. I'm a very emotional person, so it gets tough at times to see him not show any emotion over certain things. He's seen me cry more times than I can count.
                        Last edited by loveknowsnodistance27; January 21, 2012, 12:59 PM.

                        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                          loveknowsnodistance27 -- Awwwh! that made me 'awh' so much
                          Whoa, that was creepy.. Your SO's name is Anthony too! Same thing on the emotions thing; almost exactly. I'm very emotional, he's not.

                          goalie_girl --That is so adorably sweet! It sounds like you have a great guy
                          I love your status as well; that's one of my favorite songs.
                          floridaellen -- awh! These all made me smile


                            Originally posted by usmcgirl View Post
                            loveknowsnodistance27 -- Awwwh! that made me 'awh' so much
                            Whoa, that was creepy.. Your SO's name is Anthony too! Same thing on the emotions thing; almost exactly. I'm very emotional, he's not.
                            Haha how coincidental!!

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              a) What's the sweetest thing your SO has ever said?
                              I think everything my SO says to me has been sweet haha. I love how he comforts me when I'm upset and talks about our future together, and I love how he sings "You Are My Sunshine" to me when I'm sick even if he's around his friends. There's not just one exact thing that he's said or done that really can be defined as the sweetest thing, you know?

                              b) What's the sweetest thing your SO has ever done?
                              A few months after we started dating, Desty was playing ice hockey for the East Coast Eagles and I wanted to see him play so I looked for a website that showed the games, and I found that one that streamed them live. I texted him while he was in the locker room and told him that he should play good because I was watching and he was pretty pumped. So yeah, I'm sitting there intently watching the game on my laptop and during the second period, Desty and a few of his other teammates were just skating around and he looked up at the camera that happened to be streaming the game and put up the heart symbol with his hands and winked. I almost died haha. Definitely stands out as a sweet gesture. Another one would have to be during his first visit here when we had sex for the first time. It was both of our firsts and it hurt me pretty badly even though he was being gentle and slow. Afterwards, we just laid there, him tucking my hair behind my ears and just saying how special it was and how sorry he was for hurting me. I don't think anything could ever beat the love that I felt right there (well.. besides when we get married haha ).

                              c) How open is your SO about their emotions?
                              Not very open at all. He'll say if he disagrees with something, and we do have our fights but he's sworn to me that he'll never let me see him angry or upset. He had a really rough childhood and his dad isn't the best guy out there so my SO tries his hardest to never reach the levels that his dad would reach. I'm definitely the more emotional person in our relationship.

