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Talking about your relationship with others

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    I feel the same. I recently found it and I can't be more happy about it. I don't speak about him/problems if we have and when we have them with friends. Friends are so rare, and nowadays even the few ( one or two) I have left are busy and I don't feel like it's ok to occupy them with it,even though I want.
    My mom sometimes, I can't speak to her about everything really. Because she can get very overprotective sometimes I guess. And then is my sister who I can't speak often but is the same as my mom.
    And then It's here. And I think this helps. A lot.


      I'm not the most talkative about my relationship.

      People on FB can see who she is etc. But otherwise I don't say much besides impersonal details.


        I'm a really open person about my relationship! Iim really open about anything I guess
        \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
        \\ happens for a reason //

        \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

        \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
        \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


          I'm a very private person and don't talk a lot about my boyfriend, especially not about problems or dreams or whatever. This is mostly because of my mom with whom I used to be very open about my very first relationship and with whom I had terrible fights which effectively stopped me from being open and honest to her about what is going on with me and my then and all successive relationships. What she did is destroy my trust.
          If she or any other of my family members ask I only tell them some facts and not the deep, important things that makes my life go round. Not about how my boyfriend and me are thinking about how to move in with each other (which country, what to do) and certainly not about my hopes of staying together with him, to the point of marriage.

          With my friends, I'm being more open because some already got to know my boyfriend. It's nice I can share the happiness I feel being in this relationship, but I still wouldn't talk to them about any problems. I feel much safer and better sharing with a neutral community like this one here. And I also can't share my hopes or dreams of being married to him, even if some expressed the explicit wish to be invited to the wedding. It makes me soooo uncomfortable even if my heart skips a beat at the thought of marriage at the same time. I always tell them that I'm not certain this will happen or that I hate them talking about it like it is certain. One friend of mine even dared ask my boyfriend whether we will have a wedding in both our home countries....


            Only to my closest friend (who is also my cousin) a lot of friends are really sceptical about my relationship because its "not the norm" (TO THEM!!!!) so I tend to divulge everything to my cousin, and I'm a bit more guarded with my other friends, and I;m not sure why I think its more a protective thing............god im rambling haha. Thats why I'm loving this site, I feel I can truly say what I feel and not be judged xx

            "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

            First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
            Second visit scheduled May 2013
            Ended relationship August 2013


              I rarely talk about my relationship to people around me because there are plenty of anti-LDR people out there. Since I'm only 19 and still at school, I have a lot of classmates with bad LD experiences with their ex's going to study aboard for a semester even.

              Of course, with me being young, I really hate it when people ask me about "him being the one" or about getting married. I just know I will be told it is young love and that nobody marries their first boyfriend. I can't tell myself that we'll get married either because we have been together only 10 months by now and even I know it would be an impulsive decision...but I do know what I feel for him is serious, and to be honest, I do picture myself with him in the future. I just do not like people asking me about it as if I were 13, and their whole "aaaaww" thing saying "aaaaaaaaaw your first boyfriend!!"

              I am new to love but I think I know where I stand. It's not all butterflies and hearts, there is effort involved, planning my days and scheduling activities to be able to talk to him, and even working on vacations to have the money to visit him. It's not all fantasy and idealization, I know his flaws and mine. We are too young and our relationship as well as to talk seriously about marriage, but since we both feel something strong for one another and really make an effort to have a great relationship, I do not think that not being engaged makes it a less serious relationship.

              So I do not talk to people much about it because they might think that it's just me trying to live a fairytale, specially with him being my first boyfriend. I just hate people being like this...


                I love talking about my babe! Even to people I've just met jeje


                  I agree... its hard to talk to people who aren't in LDRs.... my SO and I have been together for over 9 years.... I hear all the time... when are you guys getting engaged already....and things like that


                    Its been so hard talking about my relationship!! So many people dont get the LD thing...all they see it how much I will be giving up, and they keep warning me not to ruin my life, leave everything behind only to have it ruined by my BF when he breaks my heart. This is why I am soooo glad I found LFAD!! I finally found people that understand the crazy maze that is a LDR!

                    There are very few people in my life that even know I am in a relationship, much less a LDR. There is no one in my life that can really understand what it means to be in this situation. I love him...I love him a lot. But my fears and doubts run amok in my head, making my crazy and it tends to affect what would otherwise be a great relationship. Just once I wanted to commiserate with people who understood this without hearing about how I can find someone else, or look for a guy in my area or warnings about ruining my life. The guy I found is amazing, and we fit so well in so many ways. Its rare...its special and its precious. So I only talk to a very few people that I trust with that information. And even they are not 100% supportive. My family treats it like some passing phase I will grow out of.

                    But here I feel like I am speak about it, be proud and be happy to be in this great relationship without all the doubts that come with it!


                      I live in London, but my best and closest friends and family live back in my hometown. I trust them completely and find it really easy to talk to them. My friends and I are very close and open, and I find it easy to talk to them about my LDR face-to-face, but not over the phone.

                      In London, I have friends, but I can't talk to them in the same way. One of my housemates has always been extremely judgemental of everyone else's relationships, and at times could be quite nasty about people who were supposed to be her friends. Funny that her relationship with her ex was awful. They used to fight all the time, and she used to moan about him all the time.

                      For that reason, I just can't open up to her or my other housemate. They're both good friends, but I don't want to be judged, nor do I want my SO to be judged.

                      I'm quite private though and I try to sort things with my boyfriend first instead of bringing outside people into it.

                      I love LFAD though, because I can be anonymous and get some other perspectives


                        I don't say much expect to a few people because I'm not sure how to explain what's going on. I Even told my SO I don't want to tell my friends/family because I'm at a loss for words really.


                          I'm pretty open about things, I think. I never deny that we do get into arguments and sometimes disagree about things. But I also do admit things that are positive, as well.


                            I actually found it really annoying at first to talk to people about it, because I was SO excited, and SO open about it to everyone--too open, I think--and it made me realize not everyone is going to be happy for you. I'm willing to share details about my relationship, but I think I had too many expectations that people would feel the exact same way about Stephen as I knew I did. It's a trial and error process for me, but overall, if you radiate what you believe, I think people will pick up on it eventually, and hopefully be willing to share in your happiness.

                            I'm very open about Stephen with my family, close friends, and family friends. They are a part of my future, and he's a part of my future, so the two absolutely have to intertwine since they're so important for me. I love them, so kumbaya and all that jazz. :P
                            "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

