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    Originally posted by Cheddarx89 View Post
    The one thing that annoys me though is when they complain about not seeing their boyfriend or girlfriend for a few days. They act like their world is really falling apart. I've gotten so mad at them that I legit flipped out and started yelling at them. I guess this kind of helped them realize how lucky they are to see each other multiple times a week and how hard it really is to apart.
    haha that happened with my friends too. They were like "oh I haven't seen him for a week" and I just think "Shut the f**** up!" lol
    Respect to everyone who has a LDR and those who haven't should try to understand and support us!


      my friends have two different sides my guy friends support me about my LDR which is what i expected from my girl friends yet they think its stupid and not a real relationship. i always thought they would be more understanding. my girl friends always talk about their bfs and how they are going to move in together and all this stuff and all i get is "maybe its time for you to grow up and stop playing in fairy land and find a real guy". that came from one of my best friends and it was the hardest thing to hear from her especially since i thought she might be supportive. i've found i dont enjoy going out with the girls anymore because all they do is try to get me another guy. not sure exactly how to fix this issue but hopefully time will show them that my relationship is just as good if not better and meaningful than theirs


        Oh I'm sorry that they are like this I know how you feel. My best girl friend told me that she could understand if he would see other girls,because it's hard to deal with a LDR.. and I should give up on thinking that we would experience all this stuff couple normally do.. I was so shocked and sad that my best friend said this!


          Originally posted by Trethsparr View Post
          They were all supportive of me choosing to go into the LDR. I think they tried to be as supportive as they could be during the year we were LD, even though none of my friends had personal experience with an LDR. It's hard to help others sometimes when they're dealing with a situation you're not familiar with. I can't say their advice was always helpful, but the fact that they cared about and cheered for us meant worlds to me.

          I edited the post im quoting, so it will say exactly what I wanted to say. so, that ^.
          our story.


          02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

          "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


            All my friends that know him love him, so that's not an issue.
            My one friend's fiance is in the military so she is very supportive since she's gone through even worse long distance because of deployments.
            The other ones are mostly supportive.
            However, one of my friends think it's easier than it really is. She doesn't understand when I have to call him at night or don't want to go to a club because he's not there. She is constantly saying how not having a guy (like her) is sooo much worse when really I think they both kind of suck.

            Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
            Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
            Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
            Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
            Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


              My best friend was in a LDR before. She already closed the distance by moving to Austria. So she knows how hard it is. An ohter freind doesn´t understand how i can be with someone 3500 km away


                Originally posted by Amelia View Post
                my girl friends always talk about their bfs and how they are going to move in together and all this stuff
                let them move in together and find out they dont really "love" each other bc all the small things start to bother them ... LDR couples that move in together (in my opinion) dont sweat the small things bc they really appreciate every second spent together


                  My friends are super supportive, which is why I probably don't come here often!


                    My friends don't understand, but they're pulling for us, I guess.


                      The friends who know us as a couple fully support us and always tell me to invite them to the wedding if there is one. Some other still have to be won over, but the most important are what counts. And those support us.

