Im sorry I'm posting another thead. I tried really hard to update the other one, but it wouldn't let me. This is my last post, I promise. I just wanted to update. Someone at SO's work knows what is going on with SO and I. Well, this person person graciously offered SO their flying miles when she found out SO is trying to come out here on the 15th! People know this is a big thing to give up flying miles, but I don't think people TRULY understand what this means to us unless they are in a situation like a LDR.
Saying I am in awe is putting it mildly. It feels great to know someone believes in us working this much. We have supporters. Holy crap!
I can't wait to see her!!!!!
Saying I am in awe is putting it mildly. It feels great to know someone believes in us working this much. We have supporters. Holy crap!
I can't wait to see her!!!!!