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Any liars out there?

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    Any liars out there?

    I was wondering if any of you have ever lied to your SO and felt guilty for it. If so, did you end up telling them? How did they react if you did?

    I actually lied to my SO about who I was when I first met him. I was using someone else's pictures and told him I was older than I really was. To be honest, I still don't know why I did it but it has definitely impacted our relationship even though I ended up telling him the truth a few days after we first met. His reaction made me feel horrible. Lying is never a good thing to do when you're with someone else, not even if it's for their own good. There's honestly nothing good that ever comes from lying to someone, the only thing that comes out from it is hurt and a loss of trust.


      Wow, how did he react?


        I began being close distance and at that time when he asked me out for the first time, I had been dating two other guys. There was nothing serious going on and I was always honest saying that I felt nothing for them, never gave them illusions really. I just thought I would have to say the same thing when Ulysses asked me out, and that this time I would have to decline. But I was starting to like him and he was very persistent until I finally accepted dating him. Since I just felt he was being very honest to me, I had to tell him the truth too, that I had been dating two more guys... I was ashamed of it. But to my surprise he told me he had known since the start (a friend of mine had told him), that he was glad that I had been honest to him, and that he was not going to tell me not to date anyone else...but instead, that he was going to do his best to make me choose him, because he really liked me and he was not giving up. I think that was one point of no return, since I really loved his perseverance, and he made me see that he was being serious about this.

        Ever since, I've never hid anything from him and I am glad we are both honest to each other


          Nope. (lie)


            Yes. My SO and I were telling each other our "numbers" and I felt insecure about mine, so I told him a different one. I did feel very bad about it, and that's not even something that serious haha. I came clean a little while later and he didn't mind, just appreciated the honesty.

            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


              He was pretty mad. Didn't trust me after that point and it took a while for him to realize that although I did lie about my appearance, I wasn't lying about my feelings towards him. Definitely not something I'm proud of and I regret it so much. We've been able to move on from it, and he says that he thinks I'm far more attractive than the girl who's pictures I used and wishes that I was honest from the start. With that being said, I do feel like relationships can recover from almost any lie. I just don't think you should lie in the first place and get yourself into that situation, you know?


                Wellllll.. I think he tells me more then I tell him.. Sometimes I leave out small details because I don't want to upset him..
                \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                \\ happens for a reason //

                \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                  I lied about my first name. And probably some small things as well.
                  I lied and told him I didn't love him, that we had no future and to leave me alone.

                  These days? I never lie to him. I think sometimes he wishes I did lol.
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    No if anything me and my SO are too honest. I tend to vent out to much maybe, and in the beginning i may have told him things to fast? Lol he told me later he was more cautious then I was. I did i guess you can say lie, to my family. More I didn't tell them everything, kept our plans secret until the last minute. But as far as with my SO he's the only one i fully trust.
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      Yeah, I've lied about smoking We both smoke, and decided together to quit. He's done well, and always tells me when he slips up, which he tends to do when he's drinking with his friends. I don't do nearly as well as he does, and slip up a lot, sometimes right back into full-time smoking for a few weeks. I rarely tell him, I just feel so weak and stupid. If he mentions it, I'm all like "No, I'm not smoking!" (As I crush my cigarette into the ash tray). I feel extremely guilty about this, as I'm completely honest with him about everything else, but this goddamn smoking really effects me in every evil way. I'm normally stubborn and strong, but this is my one weakness that just kicks my ass.

                      Anyway, I've decided I can't abide by my own dishonesty, and have seriously curtailed my smoking. I've only had one in the last two weeks, it feels both good and like I want to kill everyone in sight. If anyone cares, try the patch, it really, really helps.

                      We aren't that type of couple who tells the other one that they can't or aren't allowed to do anything, we're both adults, but I hate the thought of him being disappointed in me, even if he doesn't say it.
                      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                        At the beginning of our friendship I told a few, nothing big...but after we became a couple I felt so bad about the lies, I 'fessed up. I make it a point not to lie to him at all anymore. I always have those few lies I told in the back of my head, wondering if he ever doubts my truthfulness. I know he trusts me though. I don't even tell "white lies" to him anymore. If he doesn't want to know the truth, he shouldn't ask me. I think lies can eat away at your relationship - there's a reason you feel guilty. It's better to be honest and be yourself than to lie and tell him what he wants to hear.

                        Originally posted by Moon View Post
                        Yeah, I've lied about smoking We both smoke, and decided together to quit. He's done well, and always tells me when he slips up, which he tends to do when he's drinking with his friends. I don't do nearly as well as he does, and slip up a lot, sometimes right back into full-time smoking for a few weeks. I rarely tell him, I just feel so weak and stupid. If he mentions it, I'm all like "No, I'm not smoking!" (As I crush my cigarette into the ash tray). I feel extremely guilty about this, as I'm completely honest with him about everything else, but this goddamn smoking really effects me in every evil way. I'm normally stubborn and strong, but this is my one weakness that just kicks my ass.

                        Anyway, I've decided I can't abide by my own dishonesty, and have seriously curtailed my smoking. I've only had one in the last two weeks, it feels both good and like I want to kill everyone in sight. If anyone cares, try the patch, it really, really helps.

                        We aren't that type of couple who tells the other one that they can't or aren't allowed to do anything, we're both adults, but I hate the thought of him being disappointed in me, even if he doesn't say it.
                        Moon, When I started dating my SO, he told me he hated the fact that I was a smoker. When we would kiss I would always be very self-conscious of smelling like cigarettes. I really wanted to quit for him. I was able to quit with the patches for about three months, then I relapsed for a few months. I told him, but only after I quit again. This time I quit smoking real cigarettes, and replaced them with an E-Cigarette. I haven't smoked a real cigarette in almost six weeks. SO is perfectly fine with the E-Cigarette too! I know I replaced one bad habit with another not-so-bad-habit - the e-cigs do have nicotine, but at least I don't stink and they're cheaper. Plus, I actually enjoy smoking it.
                        *Our World of Warcraft Love Story*


                          uhmm a white lie... i lied that the ipod he bought me didnt get stolen... :/
                          just bought a new one so its all good now. i probably wont ever own up because i know he will be hurt that i lost it (not that i lied, just lost/stolen)


                            Originally posted by Michia View Post
                            At the beginning of our friendship I told a few, nothing big...but after we became a couple I felt so bad about the lies, I 'fessed up. I make it a point not to lie to him at all anymore. I always have those few lies I told in the back of my head, wondering if he ever doubts my truthfulness. I know he trusts me though. I don't even tell "white lies" to him anymore. If he doesn't want to know the truth, he shouldn't ask me. I think lies can eat away at your relationship - there's a reason you feel guilty. It's better to be honest and be yourself than to lie and tell him what he wants to hear.

                            Moon, When I started dating my SO, he told me he hated the fact that I was a smoker. When we would kiss I would always be very self-conscious of smelling like cigarettes. I really wanted to quit for him. I was able to quit with the patches for about three months, then I relapsed for a few months. I told him, but only after I quit again. This time I quit smoking real cigarettes, and replaced them with an E-Cigarette. I haven't smoked a real cigarette in almost six weeks. SO is perfectly fine with the E-Cigarette too! I know I replaced one bad habit with another not-so-bad-habit - the e-cigs do have nicotine, but at least I don't stink and they're cheaper. Plus, I actually enjoy smoking it.
                            Thanks I actually have an e-cigarette, it does work pretty well, I use it when the patch just isn't cutting it. For some reason though if I use it too much, it makes my throat sore, don't know why since smoking doesn't, I'm probably just weird

                            My SO uses the gum and it works great for him, but I'm pretty sure he's way more addicted to nicotine now than he ever was while smoking! Good luck with quitting, it ain't easy!!
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              White lies, while we were in the process of breaking up. I'm so used to white lying to my parents back when I had to keep the relationship a secret that it spilled over into stuff I told him in those moments.

