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This guy is getting on my nerves.

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    This guy is getting on my nerves.

    Not talking about my SO of course! There is this friend of mine, Ro, whom I think has a strong crush on me or just some obsession. I do not like him as anything more than a friend, and not even a close one. I could deal with someone hitting on me, it's happened before. I hope I won't sound bitchy but since I began my relationship, there were other guys who liked me...of course it all ended in being friendship only and I avoided those who did seem too obsessive or dangerous to my relationship, because I really would not like making my SO feeling our relationship in danger because of obsessive people.

    But this guy Ro is different to all of those previous cases...because he is just TOO obsessive and I cannot get rid of him. I'm not one who likes being aggressive to people and directly telling them "get lost", or "leave me alone, I don't like you". But he's really, really doing things i do not like now. He posts every day on my facebook wall (more even than my SO does, he's more into inbox usually) and now he's begun to tell me I should break up because I am just a proud girl who won't let her guy go because I'm proud, unexperienced and "clinged" to this relationship because my SO is my first boyfriend. He says I am going to suffer a lot with this long distance situation because soon or late I am going to need "something more than talking". He implied soon or late I will need sex. I won't lie saying I've never felt the impulse, but I am one of those who plans on waiting until marriage or at least a few years, and my SO agrees with me. I know many think differently and I do not judge them at all, I do not think it is wrong, just not for me, at the moment at least.

    Then he also asked me what my boyfriend's career is, which is arts, and Ro goes saying that's for stupid people and that I am too smart for an art student. He's about to graduate from med school and he thinks he's superior to anyone else, and I agree that medicine is really really hard but I jut think it is wrong to go saying other people are dumb, my SO is WAY more cultured than this guy who has never read a book aside from his medicine texts. So well, I won't add unnecessary details on this, the thing is I really can't stand when he talks like this about my SO when he does not even know him. I don't think I am the only one who hates it when someone goes against your loved one.

    Ro has never directly told me that he likes me and I really hate having to say I'm quite sure he does (I hate saying guys like me, it sounds so bitchy :/ ). He had told me with names and details of who his ex-crush was, and now he says he's got a new one and "he can't tell me who it is", but she casually is younger than him, as I am, studies a design-related career like me...and has a long distance relationship. It could be a coincidence, yes, but then he said "she still has a long distance boyfriend because she is proud, unexperienced, and clinged" ....the same exact words he's told me when he talks about my relationship. Same description, same case... I wish it was someone else but I really doubt it. It's not normal either that he calls me at the time where I've told him a thousand times that I'm usually skyping with my SO, or that he knows my full schedule, or says he wants to name his first daughter after me.

    If I'm right in my assumption, he's even told me that my SO has to be cheating on me. He said "she does not notice that he must not even be in love with her and must be cheating". I just did not listen because I do trust my boyfriend.

    He also recently talks a lot about how he's urgently looking for a gf because he's 23 and he's never had one. He talks a lot about the need during youth to have sex. So this combined with him trying to make me break up with Ulysses seems to me like it's getting...unhealthy.

    Sorry if it sounds a lot like a rant/blog entry but I think the details were needed. I'd like to know what you would do in this you think this is a normal "friendship" or is it really getting unhealthy? If so, how should I end it without sounding too bitchy or being too mean? (or should I be mean this time?) I really have troubles in being direct :/ I hope someone can give me some advice on this.

    I know it's not the easiest thing to do, but I think you should ask him directly: "Do you like me?" to at least clear the air and get rid of that uncertainty. You can then proceed to turn him down and explain to him that no, you are not interested him and no, you most definitely do not appreciate the things he has been saying to you about your boyfriend/relationship. Use "I" statements, like "I feel like..." and "I do not appreciate..." They are direct but not aggressive or accusatory. You are perfectly within your rights to tell this guy that he is making you uncomfortable and that he needs to back off. I know you don't want to be bitchy or mean, but remember that you have to stick up for yourself sometimes, and if he is not going to respect your boundaries, then you definitely don't need to worry about hurting his feelings.
    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
    Engaged: 09/26/2020


      Why do you still have this guy in your life? This is creepy and beyond normal, this is completely crossing the line and if you feel uncomfortable then you need to block and delete him on fb stop answering any calls starting NOW. You don't need to give him an explanation, just get rid of him. It doesn't sound like there is any kind of a friendship between you two. The coincidences of who is likes is seems to clearly be you. What you have posted gives me goosebumps, seriously you need to cut him out asap. If he asks why don't reply to anything. He has no business telling you how to live your love life and who to be with. If you decided to keep this guy around then you need to be very direct and tell him not to mention one more thing about your relationship or anything about who he likes, one strike and he is out.


        Oh my, sounds like a horrific situation. If I were you I'd try to first tell him kindly how you feel and that you would like it if he gave you some space. If the messaging and such doesn't stop, it may be time to block him from facebook. And he's not a true friend if he is trying to end your relationship. Hope this advice helps.


          You don't have to tell him to get lost or leave you alone, but you need space from this guy. I'd start by deleting him from or blocking him on facebook, if that's really getting to you. And then tell him that until he can be a supportive friend to you, and accept that you love your SO and want to make it work, you can't hang around with him. It does sound like he has feelings for you and a great deal of jealousy, so he will benefit from not having contact with you for a while. It's in both your best interests. You don't have to be harsh, but be honest about how this makes you feel and how it's affecting you. Don't say anything about thinking he's obsessed with you, believe me that won't go over well.

          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


            Thanks everyone... you've made it quite obvious that I really need to talk seriously to this guy. Next time he brings out the topic I will ask him if it is me just to stop having the doubts. I think I know the answer although I'm also quite sure he might lie. At least I will tell him to stop filling my fb with his posts and definitely STOP saying those things about my relationship. I hope he does not get cynical as the other day, when I told him not to call at saturday midnight when I'm talking to my SO, and he went "oh he must have gotten jealous! That makes me proud" (I felt like punching him in the face with this comment, it was not funny at all)

            If he keeps on bothering, well I'll have to get rid of him indeed. I do not think a real "friend" should behave like that, it's really uncomfortable.


              Don't 'hint' him.. Guys aren't really good in taking a 'hint'!

              Just tell him to get lost!!! And this is me saying that in a nice way, I actually would say it with some different words !!

              You need to cut this negative guy out of your life, now!

              \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
              \\ happens for a reason //

              \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

              \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
              \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                Originally posted by Aurora View Post

                If he keeps on bothering, well I'll have to get rid of him indeed. I do not think a real "friend" should behave like that, it's really uncomfortable.
                Hi Aurora
                You right about that.
                I had a similar situation not too long ago, and in the end I had to tell the 'friend' that what he was doing was making me choose between my friendship with him, and my SO. Ofcourse, I told him that no matter what, I would always choose my SO. I told him that I would never considered him to be more than a friend, and that if he couldn't accept that, I would have to end the friendship, which I did. I felt bad for it, but I now have a better peace of mind.
                Good Luck, I hope everything goes ok for you.


                  Thanks Mandy, I can tell you had a hard time with that too! And just as you said, I will always choose my SO as well. If you put it that way, it sounds really easy. Specially since I would hate if my SO stops trusting me because of the abundant facebook posts or because I could be seen with him at school...and well, people talk, and my SO has many friends at my school who could. I would feel terrible about it.

                  I hope it all goes right.


                    really, I'm going to be blunt here. you do not need this guy in your life. he is OBVIOUSLY more interested in you than to be just friends.
                    do you like the attention? i know sometimes is nice and we feel flattered to know people besides our SOs find us pretty or something. but you are not telling him to stop, for a guy, that means you are allowing him to continue to invest. i had a male guy that once was flirting with a girl, and she said nooo, we shouldn't continue, stop. but she said in a too kind way, so he thought she was just pretending to be hard to get (she had a boyfriend by the way) he insisted more and bam, they even slept together that night.

                    so please, PLEASE make it absolutely clear to him, because for some guys, a kind no means a yes.
                    our story.


                    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                      Originally posted by Engel View Post
                      really, I'm going to be blunt here. you do not need this guy in your life. he is OBVIOUSLY more interested in you than to be just friends.
                      do you like the attention? i know sometimes is nice and we feel flattered to know people besides our SOs find us pretty or something. but you are not telling him to stop, for a guy, that means you are allowing him to continue to invest. i had a male guy that once was flirting with a girl, and she said nooo, we shouldn't continue, stop. but she said in a too kind way, so he thought she was just pretending to be hard to get (she had a boyfriend by the way) he insisted more and bam, they even slept together that night.

                      so please, PLEASE make it absolutely clear to him, because for some guys, a kind no means a yes.
                      Dear God I had not thought of it that way! Your friend's case is really extreme, it makes me sick to think I could go through something like that. So this is it...I WILL be, as Manoek said, guys don't get the hints. I think I should leave no doubt that he is disturbing me.

