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Controlling father may ruin us

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    Well, his 'studying' is keeping up with the news and current affairs, as well as some PT. That doesn't take very long, he does a 4 mile run, reads the news paper and then has nothing else to do


      Originally posted by SquishyLove View Post
      I can't speak for the UK as I don't know much about the housing situation there, but in Russia it's not uncommon for people to be living at home into their late 20's. Multigenerational households are not only more culturally acceptable, it's also not considered the mark of failure that it is in the US to live at home at that age. Here it's like, "oh, what a loser to still live at home at 23!" In Russia, it's normal. Furthermore, housing is outrageously priced and very hard to afford on the salary of a young person, even a professional. Most young adults who live on their own in Russia are married couples bringing in two incomes. It could be similar in the UK.

      That being said, I agree on the count that he should still be allowed to contact the OP when he pleases, because he's a grown man. My father-in-law didn't approve of our relationship before my SO and I met in person, simply because we met online, but he never tried to "ground" my SO from talking to me...furthermore, my SO told him that he was sorry he didn't like it, but that it was his life and choice and he was going to be with who he wanted to be with. I think HBB should be able to dictate when and how long he talks to you. Good luck!
      It is normal in Brazil as well. reallz normal. But I am 23 now, and reallz cant see mzself still living with my parents.. so this deppends from person to person. no matter the culture
      our story.


      02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

      "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

