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Are you a worrier?

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    Are you a worrier?

    I think I worry about my relationship with my SO way way too much. Not once has he given me reason to mistrust him or to believe he'll do something stupid. My brain just likes to go off on these annoying little tangents. If he hangs out with another girl I worry that something will happen between them. If he goes travelling to another area of the country I worry if he'll get there safely. I told my SO about it and he gently told me how silly I am and reassured me. But I still worry. It's driving me insane

    This makes me wonder, are any other LDR-ers the same as me? Are you in your head way too much and worry about the tiniest things? What do you do to cope? I'm curious

    haha I'm totally like this! You're not alone lol
    A few days ago he had a bad cold and I texted him but he didn't write back.. I was at a party and looked like every minute on my phone to check if he wrote..
    and on some days when it was snowing (he lives in Canada) and he had to go to work I was worried too

    when he had his surgery I was soo stressed out and waited him to text me

    I think that's just normal when you love and care about SO


      I'm definitely a worrier, which is probably due to my anxiety (although my boyfriend likes to credit it to insecurity, haha). Like last night, he drove down to see me and didn't leave until about 1:30 AM to drive for 2 hours. Needless to say I was up until he texted me that he was safe and sound.


        Worry is my middle name. Heck, I think I'll fret myself to death one of these days. I don't experience much anxiety over my SO and I as a couple, but I'm forever concerned about him; if he's in good health, if he's safe etc. Not to mention all the other issues which stress me out on an everyday basis - can you tell something's bothering me right now? I can't give any constructive advice regarding coping strategies because apart from trying to resolve whatever's troubling me if I can, I don't have any... if anyone's faring better than me I'd be very interested to hear how!


          My ex was a lot like this. Often in the beginning I could understand it, but then it got to the point where I would be 10 minutes late from work and I would have 8 text messages asking where i was and why was i not responding? I think worrying has a time and place for everything.
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*** So Much Love to Share ***~~~~~~~~~~~~~


            Yes this is me, im the worrier in the relationship. Like he's always being crazy and does some things that he could get really hurt and so he freaks me out. And then even though i have no reason to when he goes out i sometimes still worry, not so much but i do. lol like everyone is out to take him from me, this is my crazy side. Or when he gets sick, he doesnt think much of it but ill pray that he gets better. I worry and make things bigger sometimes.... *sigh* idk why i do this, makes me paranoid lol
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              I'm a totall worrier. I worry constantly. As someone below me said, not so much about our relationship but him. Whether he's okay, whether he's pushing himself too hard at PT, when we have ice and crap in our state, I worry about if he's driving and if he is, if he's being safe.
              It'll get worse after he leaves for bootcamp, and it'll get 10x worse after he leaves for overseas. >.> He knows and he's like "Stop worrying." Even if I don't say something, he knows. I'm a girl; worrying is a second nature for us. LOL


                I worry all the time, about him finding someone better than me, getting hurt, all of those things you know couldn't possibly happen cross my mind daily and it's kinda frustrating. It's not that I don't trust him, I guess it's because I've never seen how he acts around other girls that makes me cautious of him finding someone else.

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  Ahh! I'm so glad other people worry just as much as I do! I am, without a doubt, the worrier out of the two of us. We're both in greek life at our schools, but, as I'm sure you can all gather, fraternities do MUCH crazier things than sororities do. Knowing that he's out with them until all hours of the morning freaks me out. Also, I'm obviously worried about the copious amounts of alcohol around him, because he often feels the need to impress people... and we all know that can sometimes involve drinking with fraternities. Of course, I trust him completely and I love him very much, but I am an inherent worrier. Sometimes I question the people around him (he loves them and they're all his friends, but I'm really not a huge partier, and they are. He was never a partier in high school AT ALL, so it's really weird watching him transition the way he is.) I really don't want to come off as a prude, because I like to go out every once and a while too, but I'm not around him all the time, which, of course, makes me worry. Sorry this is a little rant! As you can tell, I'm a worrier!


                    I am a worrier! I worry about pretty much everything. EXCEPT for my SO. How weird? Idk. I think it is odd but I don't worry about him. Like I worry for his safety (though I try not to mention it for fear of sounding like his mother lol) but yea. So, yes I'm a worrier, but surprisingly not about that!


                      Iim a worrier. Not about us as a couple but really for his and safety. He tells me not to worry but he knows thats what i do. I worry about whether he's eating (he has a bad habit of only eating once a day, if that!), if hes eating the right foods, whether he's in good health. As the above person said, theres a time and a place.


                        I worry about his safety, our relationship, the future, everything. I even worry about him not being worried about things haha. Although I hate being a "worrying wallaby" (as my SO calls me), I don't think I'd rather be any other way. Worrying is almost like my coping mechanism now.


                          I'm the same, brieasaurus.
                          Our relationship might be the one thing I'm not worried about. But I worry about not being able to afford visits, not keeping up with my uni work, us not being able to find jobs in the same city/region and a million other things.
                          I sometimes think about what we'd do if we can't have kids and it's not like there's any reason whatsoever to assume that there might be problems with that.

                          Usually I want to prepare myself for the worst, so that I have a plan if it happens and am positively surprised if it doesn't. It's a good thing, because I always have a plan B for if things don't work out. The downside is that I let myself go crazy over things that never happen. So much additional stress. But then, not having an alternative plan for things would mean a lot more mental stress for me.

                          My boyfriend's very sensible and takes good care of himself, so I'm not so worried about him. His mum however... she's a sales representative so her job requieres a lot of driving and she's constantly on her phone without a hands-free or even reading texts. Not to mention that she takes speed limits as a kind suggestion I swear, if it was my mum, at the very least I'd have someone built in a hands-free and I'd make her use it. I'd most likely also refuse to get into a car with her if she kept speeding at dangerous spots.
                          The other night I had a dream about my brother getting in debt, over selling drugs of all things. I was so anxious all day until he got back from work and I could call him. Imagine getting a call from your sister, who you haven't talked to in months, out of the blue telling you to "NEVER SELL DRUGS, ok?" He took it really well and told me about all his savings accounts and what not.

                          Thankfully, the people closest to me are so reasonable and cautious, otherwise I would long ago have gotten stomach ulcer from over-worrying.

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            I've always worried about him finding someone better than me, that one day he could wake up and just not love me anymore, that he'll leave me for someone who he desserves, but I worry about those rarely compared to my main worry. I mainly worry about something happening to him and not knowing. All of those stupid, silly ways of severly hurting yourself or stupid ways to dies. What if there was a faulty cable in his light switch? What if he fell down the stairs and hit his head and ended up in a coma, or even worse, died? What if he got ran over by a car speeding round a corner? What if he dropped a knife while he was in the kitchen and cut himself really bad? What if there was a gas leak and the house blew up? The list is endless. Worrying about what could happen to him without me knowing or finding out until agesss later is my worst habit. If he takes an hour to reply to a text when he normally replies straight away, I start to panic and worry a bit.


                              Thanks for all your replies, I feel slightly better knowing I'm not the only one I think I get it from my mum as she's an awful worrier as well! I wonder if it's a girl thing or if guys worry just as much too?

