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Are you a worrier?

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    hmm I'm also the older sibling so I think that plays a role too.
    but to your question if guys are the same: Once I wanted to go to my SO friend's party.. I told this friends that I'll be there at 8pm but she understood 4pm and she called my SO to ask where I am. He yelled at her and said: "How could you lost my girl?!" soo cute.
    in addition my phone didn't work so he freaked out cause he couldn't reach me. When I wrote him on fb that I'm fine and that he don't have to worry cause nobody will kidnap me he said "I know,I just want to know that you're safe"
    so I guess guys can worry too lol


      Nope, I'm not a jealous person and I trust my bf 100% on that matter.

      You need to not overthink too much, if something happen it will happen being on a LDR or not so just stop worring about it


        Not about our relationship. I'm worried about other stuff in my life but not him and I.


          Oh my goodness...I worry myself silly at least a few times a week and at least once a month i have a minor break down (usually around the same time of the month, it's actually funny i think he expects it now...LOL) My SO is wonderful times 100 he always lets me freak out and then tells me how much he loves me. i was having a little freak out recently because he wasn't talking to me on the phone enough...see post titled "sad...what i have to do to see him". We have now talked a little but i still haven't found the right words so i will not feel pushed under the rug but once I tell him my worry he always tries to do better. This LDR is one of the most difficult things i have ever done but even through all the freak outs, melt downs and over reactions he still manages to love me unconditionally. Feel free to PM me when you feel zany I have very few things to do outside of work so i have lots of free time on my hands. Keep your chin up and let him love you!!


            I worry about his safety a lot, because of all the war movies I've been watching ever sense we became gf/bf. I probably shouldn't be watching them, but there's and urge to. :/ I also worry whether he's getting enough sleep :/


              I'm worried, my guy has not called me in ten days.


                I hope he got a hold of you by now and all is well ^

                My SO has actually told me to calm down our entire relationship because I worry about ABSOLUTELY everything. And since we've gotten back together, I worry we'll break up or have a tiff again. Or I'll worry that maybe we won't get along one day... But we do now, so I have no idea why. I also worry about him finding a better girl.

                I hate to self analyse, but it seems that girls tend to have bigger self esteem issues, and may worry that they "aren't good enough" to keep their SO's around. I'm like this all the time, but my SO tells me all the time that I'm different from any other girl and he doesn't like any other ones. It's funny how we can look past all that, and still worry. I think it's just insecurity. I'm working on mine, slowly but surely.


                  Im for sure a worrywart.
                  I cant say how many times my SO has told me to stop doing it
                  that im gonna stress myseld and depress myself.
                  He was right tho, ive basically worried myself into some weird stress fueld life.
                  Im jobless at the moment, im worried to death ill never find one.
                  Im constantly thinking about it, I think thats why no one is calling me back..
                  Im just driving myself crazy over not having a job.


                    Originally posted by MeganK View Post
                    Im for sure a worrywart.
                    I cant say how many times my SO has told me to stop doing it
                    that im gonna stress myseld and depress myself.
                    He was right tho, ive basically worried myself into some weird stress fueld life.
                    Im jobless at the moment, im worried to death ill never find one.
                    Im constantly thinking about it, I think thats why no one is calling me back..
                    Im just driving myself crazy over not having a job.
                    I know this may seem far fetched, especially since I'm trying to learn the thing myself, but the Secret is a really cool movie/book if you're ever interested in it. I mean, at first it doesn't really make sense, but when you think about how the brain works... it kind of does. If you think positively and try not to worry too much, you'll take things better and be happier. You should also focus on the positive in your life, like the fact you do have this awesome SO that's there to tell you to calm down. If you focus on that, more good things will come because you won't be focusing on all the bad things.

                    Life is 10% of what happens to us, and 90% of how we react to it.


                      I have worried slightly over my SO sometimes, she has an internship where she goes all over her country, and constantly tells me she falls asleep on the train and almost missed her stop multiple times. Not to mention a few times it was very late in an unsafe area.

                      I have her worried constantly though I think, I do some dangerous hiking where she knows if I slipped I would more than likely die from the fall. Its generally very safe with big groups of people but accidents do happen so. Best I can do is assure her I know what I am doing and that I will talk to her later that day, or I have fun n say she's gonna be haunted if worse comes to worse. hah..

