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Very Strange Day

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    Very Strange Day

    Today it is our first anniversary. We haven't sent presents or anything, because neither of us can afford to, I sent him a letter, that's about it. We probably won't even actually talk today, because he's working, and he'll be working til 4 am his time, so he'll be too tired really.
    I'm sort of ok with it. I'm not generally a big fussy person when it comes to this stuff anyway. The main thing that's got me down is that we don't get to do this in person, y'know? I don't care about fancy dinners or presents, I just wish I'd had the opportunity to small-scale celebrate by just being together and in love. And not only is this our first anniversary together, it's also both our first anniversaries ever (neither of us have been very good at actually holding down relationships long-term until now).
    Like I said, it's not a massive deal, but it's...significant. For us both. And it's got me a bit down and I don't really know what to do about it.

    Happy anniversary! I know it blows not being able to be together during big milestones (believe me, I know), but in situations like ours, just make your next visit together your anniversary celebration. Just because it's a little belated doesn't mean it can't still be wonderful.
    E-Cards are always a great way to celebrate from far away. Jib Jab makes some pretty rad ones


      Aw, congratulations! It sucks that you can't celebrate the way you'd want to. But if you know that in your hearts and minds you are together, that's a reward in itself, and no flowers or presents could make up for it. Do something for yourself today that relaxes you

      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


        Unfortunately I'm stuck trying to complete an essay because my parents are visiting me this weekend. Chained to my desk and all that. But when I'm done I might make my SO a care package or something. That might make me feel better.


          That sucks! We have our six month anniversary coming up and kind of have a similar problem.
          Can you schedule a belated skype celebration sometime at the weekend? But I guess it's difficult with your parents coming and everything.
          What about a voice mail? It's quick to do and it's something you probably don't do everyday


            I like the idea of the care package! I know how you feel, my SO and I did nothing for our one year anniversary apart from dropping each other a quick text. As has been said above though, you can always postpone your celebration - and you are indeed together in hearts and minds no matter what. Congratulations on having reached this milestone


              Damn, I know how you feel. I never really knew what to do it about it either, our first anniversary my fiance decided we needed a break from talking and I was absolutely gutted it got me down even more, and in almost 5 years we have only spent one anniversary together.

              Maybe think of it as a personal victory, you say neither of you were great at holding down long term we've made it one whole year! Reflect on the last 12 months, what you have been through together, how your relationship has grown and strengthened. Think of what the next chapter holds for you.

