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    I know exactly what boat ur in.
    my SO is also from england, i never thought my dad would approve
    so i lied to him when alex really came out here.
    at the end of the week.. i finally came clean and told him... how i was i to know he would be ok with it??!
    then i went to stay there for 6 mnths! I loved it! but anyway my dad gave me hell for it
    for mnths! since he knew i was going, it wasnt easy being at home. i have good news tho.
    I am now 20. Alex was here just last mnth. My dad finally met him, He liked him!
    ur dad sounds just like mine. Ur 19, same age i was when i headed to england.
    Dont let ur dad tell u what to do anymore. My dad knows im planng on moving to england for good soon.
    I plan on marrying Alex and i will be moving to england, no matter what he says, Im doing this for ME
    no one else, Dont let ur dad tell u what to do or how to live ur life.

    U can give it time and see if ur family comes around.
    Good luck with everything. I hope u love england!
    I sure did!
    if u ever wanna chat feel free to message me, we could talk more. (=
    ill give u a friend add anyway.


      Originally posted by Amatory View Post
      Moon- I am trying my best to keep their opinions in mind and I agree with you completely. My SO AND his parents have said that they will skype with my parents in order to reassure them if need be, though they've already talked to my SO online.

      The consequences are much more likely to be just anger than them kicking me out, but as I plan to leave home soon -anyway-, I see little problem with that. It would hurt our relationship, but I wouldn't lose them. I know I would never lose them, even still. They aren't cruel... just unsupportive. I appreciate your view very much, though. <3

      I'd like to think of myself as the logical type, too! xD

      Schwee- I could get it from the hospital I was born at, but.. I don't actually know which one it is. Besides that there is a $150 file search option when you get your passport, but I can't afford that. ._.
      Yeah, it might hurt your relationship, but that'll only be temporary. I say, if all else is safe and secure, start making your plans and just do it They'll get over it, it may take a little while, but that's fine. Sometimes you've got to make them angry for them to see you as an adult and to gain your freedom. Ask your mother for your birth certificate, if she refuses, tell her that's fine, you'll get a certified copy. Here's how to do it in Indiana It's only about $10 it looks like Then, get your passport.

      Good luck!!
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        Thank you, moon. <3

        Just got done talking to my dad... and it was rational. He told me why he doesn't want to go and I was able to tell him that I still want to, and would appreciate the support. They aren't all for it, but at least it wont be a pissing fest.


          I'm glad to read things between you and your parents didn't get that bad. I think it's always going to be hard to talk this particular topic to them regardless of your age... I was just talking to my SO about it a few hours ago.

          I'm planning on visiting my SO, and though I'm older than you are, I still live with my parents. My mom knows for sure I'm going to visit him, I told her right from the beginning, when we were just friends, and she's totally fine with it (so far). I'm not so sure my dad knows, but me traveling wouldn't be an issue to him.

          The real issue is how to tell them I'm staying at HIS apartment. I can't tell them I'll be staying at a hotel, because then they'd ask me what room will I be staying and what the phone number is in case they need to call (that's what my mom thinks since my SO works at a hotel and that was his first offer) and yeah... I'm old enough to know right from wrong and all that, but still, I know they won't be happy AT ALL.

          I could say I'll be staying at his mom's but I don't want to lie to them to have them finding out about it later, and create a bigger problem.

          I'll have to talk to them in the next few days when I start the paperwork to get my visa though... the sooner the better right?

          “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”

