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so now that hes gone..

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    so now that hes gone..

    Seby left back to England yesterday after 12 amazing days together. There have been loads of visits already but this time him leaving hits me so much harder and I really dont understand why. I mean of course I am upset everytime one of us has to leave but I thought we/I had gotten used it by now. I spent the whole night crying my eyes out and totally failed my English exam paper today due to my lack of sleep and cos I wasnt able to focus on anything other than him.
    And the weirdest thing about this is that I dont even have to wait that long til i next see him, its only 2 weeks.
    So Im wondering if any of you has ever experienced something similar? Cause I just think its really weird ...I mean wouldnt I usually be this überupset after the first visits rather than now that i should be more used to it?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

    Same exact thing happened to me, Pablo had to go back to Chile for only 2 weeks before he came back for a bit longer and the whole two weeks I felt so weak and alone, and last week he left again for 3 months this time and I haven't cried a tear, except at the airport. Maybe knowing that last week was the LAST TIME EVER that we will have to say goodbye makes the difference. But I don't think you get used to it until you have a plan for ending it. Maybe knowing its only a short time till you see him next prevents you from getting involved in stuff that could keep you busy and just makes you wait and wait, making it worse. Good luck and try to keep busy!



      In my opinion, it doesn't really get easier... I certainly never got used to it. The first time my husband went abroad a few years ago, saying good-bye at the airport was the hardest thing ever and when I left again to go back study abroad (after I'd been visiting during winter break) last January, I was in tears again at the airport and then homesick for the better part of a month.

      I cannot remember a single time of saying goodbye that was easy and went over without at least some drama. Then again, I think it would be wrong if it was just like "well, then, see you in a few months!" without any tears or anything as well. I don't know. How does your bf cope? Sometimes, I think my husband is too cold about it (or hides his feelings too much) and that makes me even sadder. There was only one time he cried, too. Interestingly, I grow stronger when he cries, too, because first of all, I see that he cares, which makes me feel better (ironic, I know), and second of all, I have to stop crying to comfort him.


        The only time it's ever been easy for me to say goodbye to my guy has been when it's been for breaks like Christmas or semester breaks from school, but this last time I left him was the hardest for me even though I knew i'd be seeing him again this summer. It never gets easier, I honestly think it tends to get harder the more you have to do it because of how well and how comfortable you become with the other person and/or how much in love with them you are.

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


          thanks for sharing all your opinions and experiences...of course its never easy, not at all...but i had thought that this time (for once) would be a lot easier, seeing as im going to see him really very soon. I guess i was being a bit too naive there. I was just so confused when i realised that its not at all easy, especially cos im not really gonna get to talk to him til monday and it just upsets me a lot that it seems like this doesnt really bother him...but i guess he is just pretending hes alright like he always does to make me feel better (which doesnt work at all, but oh well)
          at least ive got lots of work to do, so hopefully thatll keep me busy for the time being :/

