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Gives me hope (GMH)

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    Gives me hope (GMH)

    There's this website called "Gives Me Hope". It's fantastic if you need to smile.

    So I was thinking we could post things that give you hope for your LDR. They can be focused to your LDR, or stories from friends, images, whatever.

    I'll start.

    My SO and I were on Skype a few weeks ago when I just broke down. It had been a super stressful day at work and I missed him and wasn't sure when we would be able to see each other again. He told me that it would be okay, and that he loved me. His support and encouragement gives me hope.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.

    that's a nice site thank you for sharing!


      Last weekend I was having a really rough time, and really missing my SO. He told me that he knew we could do it, and that he knows we will stay together. I am so lucky to have a boyfriend that believes in us more than anything! His never ending support and faith in our relationship gives me hope.



        Same here! I think it's his incredible support that pulls us through, I really do. He always makes sure I feel better, even when he's exhausted from his day. He's always pushing me to write more, dream more, love more...I swear that man is inspirational magic. :P

        Last night, for example, I was missing him so badly, I almost started to cry. Even though he was hanging out with his family, he took time to text me and make sure I was okay before I went to sleep, and he emailed me in the morning to make sure I was okay. He also wants me to meet his family constantly, to make sure I feel included in his everyday life. He makes videos for me almost every day as well, to make sure I know he loves me, and to just show me what his every day existence is like.

        Yeah, I've got a pretty amazing boyfriend.
        "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


          I love that site!

          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


            Thank you...

            Seeing my SO on the cam today, definitely gives me hope in US... after our last night conversation, I was feeling kind of lost...

            “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


              Whenever my so does something really good in school - finishes a class, gets a good grade etc - I tell him how proud i am of him. he corrects me and always says i should be proud of us - as he couldnt do it without me.
              everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


                My partner Ivor and I are coming up on 4 years together next month, over half of which has been spent apart. Despite this, we have never once missed our daily phone call, and are continually finding new ways to tell each other how in love we are. I can count on one hand the number of times we've argued, and we still have an incredibly strong and healthy relationship full of shared goals and dreams. When one of us is down, the other is there to be supportive and blow a raspberry into the phone. It's going to be another few years before we're able to close the distance, but our relationship gives me hope every single day.


                  My SO always makes me smile whenever I am feeling down, or at least he makes sure my mind is in peace before going to sleep. This week he is out and we have no texting plan or smartphones to stay in contact a lot so we cannot text much (it turns out very expensive) but he's been borrowing computers and stuff to make sure to say "I love you" every night.

                  He also has this sort of book in which he writes a sort of story about us in which he makes everything seem magical. Sometimes he shows me extracts of it... it's very fulfilling <3


                    I've just read 7 pages of that site, such a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing.

                    I've been having alot of problems with my ex/my childrens father. What gives me hope... the way my SO talks about our future with the children. He's only spoke to them on the phone and webcam and he adores them and wants whats best for them. I know he'd go to the ends of the earth for us and he'll be there for them when there father isn't. He has even said that as much as he loves Canada and it's going to be hard to leave, with the way it's going politically, it's not somewhere he'd want to raise the children.

                    That gives me hope.
                    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                      "... Every time I stay for a while in another family's home, I can't help but dread having to return to the one which is supposed to be mine. Being away from that place only serves to remind me how claustrophobic, heavy and ugly it truly is when I have to go back. But you say I'll get away from it forever in the end, don't you? You say it with such conviction that I have to believe it, and that's what gives me hope."

                      Excerpt from a recent email to my SO
                      Last edited by lademoiselle; April 6, 2012, 09:00 AM. Reason: formatting


                        The judge probably want to drop the charges if he can go to the military.. gives me hope!
                        \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                        \\ happens for a reason //

                        \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                        \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                        \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                          I've posted this already... but my SO has a phone interview today! His confidence gives me hope. (I haven't told my parents he has it...)

                          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                          Progress: Complete!

                          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                          Progress: Working on it.


                            This site. Just realizing how many people are in the same situation and come together to support one another... it's amazing. I've realized recently how many truly ugly and vindictive people there are in the world and the fact that everyone here is so loving and supportive of people they don't even know... It give me hope not only for myself and my relationship, but for the world as a whole. I've seen the goodness that still exists in humanity. Thank you, LFAD. Everyone here gives me hope.


                              Originally posted by efish1042 View Post
                              This site. Just realizing how many people are in the same situation and come together to support one another... it's amazing. I've realized recently how many truly ugly and vindictive people there are in the world and the fact that everyone here is so loving and supportive of people they don't even know... It give me hope not only for myself and my relationship, but for the world as a whole. I've seen the goodness that still exists in humanity. Thank you, LFAD. Everyone here gives me hope.

                              This. Well put.

                              Dylan gives me hope because he is learning American Sign Language (I'm a future interpreter) and because he asks intelligent questions about the language and the culture of the DeafWorld. His interest in something I'm so passionate about gives me hope.

                              Great thread!!
                              My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
                              It's just me and you
                              Put the pedal to the metal
                              Baby, turn the radio on
                              We can run to the far side of nowhere
                              We can run 'til the days are gone

