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Issue with Him Playing Games. Help?

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    Issue with Him Playing Games. Help?

    It's not that I have an issue with him playing them, or doing other things while we're online talking with one another (we both spend a lot of time on MSN, so naturally not all of it is going to be undistracted talk time), but I have a hard time when he randomly gets involved in what could be a 40-minute game without telling me. :/ I have come to accept it as something that happens and something I'm going to have to get used to, but I'll admit that it's much easier to deal with when I'm doing something else as well, as opposed to completely devoting myself to our conversations. I have a hard time with it otherwise.

    The two compromises I have come up with have either been that we have game time and talk time, time that's specifically for us and time where he's able to play his games and I do my own thing, or even having that sort of arrangement with it not being so black and white, but he didn't like that suggestion because he didn't like the idea of my not being around or having to sacrifice time with me to play his games. So I said fine and suggested that maybe he tell me when he's playing a game instead. A part of the reason I was so set on knowing when he was involved in a game as opposed to finding out randomly or him randomly becoming slower/more distant in responses is because I have work, school, and also have exercise classes that I attend. My schedule isn't busy-busy, but it's busy enough that I like to plan my time. For example, I'd rather shower and get ready while he's playing a game than finally have his full attention, realise I'm low on time before I have to head to school, and sacrifice that time for getting ready instead. :/ He did agree to this compromise, but the amount of follow through is about 50% of the time, and so that's not worked.

    This isn't a dealbreaker by any means, and it's not something I completely can't deal with, but I do feel hurt/upset by it. I know that it's not personal, I know it's not that he's not wanting to talk with me, and I have no issue with him playing the games. It simply feels rude and rejecting to have to wait so long for a response when he'll be like "[mynamehere]? Where did you go?" etc. if I don't respond for 5 minutes. :/ I would say maybe it's possible he simply doesn't see where I'm coming from, but the divide of our time applies as much to him as it does to me, so I'm not sure. I mean even if the times he gets pulled into a game are completely random, it would be nice if he could tell me he's in line for a game so if his responses get slow, that's why. I mean unless he's busy/distracted with something else, he pesters me about slow responses and I always try and let him know when my responses will be slow? Simply because I find it courteous. However, I realise that this is something I'm likely going to have to end up letting go. I'm simply not sure how to do that because it really does make me feel iffy inside, though I couldn't pinpoint the exact feeling. So, help? I know my feelings on it are likely my issue, but I have no idea how to really cope with or handle them. I hate bringing it up to him because the only compromise I could think of that we agreed on didn't work, I feel pathetic that it bothers me, and I don't want to come off like I'm trying to get him to stop playing, because I have other things I do online as well. It's simply that I like to manage our time so that I get time with my boyfriend?

    Also, we do have uninterrupted talk time during Skype, but again, when I have school and work, Skype isn't something we can necessarily do on a daily basis and sometimes not even weekly. And even then, it's only talking, no camming involved.
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    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
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    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...

    My boyfriend did that same thing for a while. He got a PS3 late last year and he's not too bad, plays about an hour a day (whereas I get pretty drawn in if I have the time..). The long pauses and extremely short replies ("ah", "ok", "huh") drove me UP the goddamn wall! At the beginning, I thought I was just boring the hell out of him =l I know it can get extremely frustrating. I tend to get all my work out of the way early so I can devote some time before bed just for him.

    I just sort of snapped one night, after trying very hard to tolerate it. Told him that it hurts when the conversation randomly dies and to give me a quick heads up before he's about to play. He gives me a heads up when he's about to run off to the bathroom.., so it's really not much to ask of him. No real schedule, but if he says he's going to play, I just find something else to do for an hour and we pick up again. So much better now

    I'd give him a gentle reminder if he's not following through. Whenever I notice the conversation getting randomly short and disrupted, I ask what he's up to. He'll say "playing games" and that's that.
    Last edited by CanadianGirl; April 6, 2012, 12:37 PM.

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      Ohmygosh, girl, I know exactly how you feel. My SO always tells me that he has to do more than one thing at a time. Sometimes it drives me crazy-and he always takes a little bit longer to respond. We Skype with webcams, and once in a while I'll ask him if we can just turn on our webcams and do our own thing, but be able to stare at each other, lol. Is there a reason you don't have/use webcams? Even if it's a weekly or twice a month thing, it's still nice to be able to see each other's faces.

      It drives me crazy when he stops responding, because sometimes I feel like he'd rather be playing his game/watching TV/reading/whatever he's doing than talking to me. If he's only telling you 50% of the time, the only thing I can suggest is to tell him when it happens so he realizes just how often he does it-especially if he doesn't realize it's happening. (which is often the case with my SO...)

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.


        That is rude. Very rude. I'm a planner, too, and I would be very offended. You do not walk off while you're talking with someone to do something else without telling them. Imagine if you guys were together in person and you were talking... then a little lull in the conversation... and suddenly he leaves you to go play a 40 minute game without mentioning it to you at all. There was no, "Want to play a game?" or "I'm gonna go do this." He just leaves. Doesn't that sound awfully rude? It would make me feel like he's disinterested.

        He already is sacrificing time that you set aside specifically for him in order to go play games. Because he is not following through with his compromise, you need to put your foot down and lay down the law. What he is doing is bothering you enough that you have to come here and post about it. That's not something you should become complacent with. He is not extending the same courtesy to you as you show to him. Stand up for yourself and tell him that what he is doing is hurting you.

        (I'm not in a good mood so I apologize for the harshness )
        Last edited by kittyo9; April 6, 2012, 12:50 PM.
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          This was a major issue at the beginning of our relationship. He plays WoW and is in a guild that plays nearly every night, and the more one plays, the more likely one gets picked for raids, etc. He'd juggle playing the game and talking to me, and sometimes I wouldn't hear from him for hours. I'd get really annoyed, then I'd get annoyed with myself because I thought I was being petty -- after all, we aren't physically together so he's alone a lot of the time, and he should be allowed to have his hobbies and have fun with other people. If I lived with him, it would be different, because even if played most nights, the majority of the time we'd be together. I also never want to have a relationship where we put the other in the center of our universe and fail to connect with other people. So I let myself seethe for a few weeks.

          Finally I had enough. I was getting so resentful and feeling so underappreciated. I know it wasn't true, but it felt like he cared more for the game than me. I told him I need time that was devoted to US, not us and the game. I told him I didn't mind that he played, but that I didn't want to feel like a third wheel to a game.

          The compromise we worked out is that we now have dedicated time to talk. We might talk other times (we're both almost always signed into MSN), but at those times, either of us might be doing other things as well as sending the occasional IM. The devoted time is for US. It is black and white, but it's what we needed. Since coming up with this compromise I feel so much better about us, and he can game without guilt. I no longer feel like a nag, and he enjoys his time with his guild.

          I know you tried this already, but to me, it really does seem like the best solution. He just has to be a bit more flexible and open to the idea.

          I guess the other thing I would suggest is that if he goes into a game, he sets his IM program to "busy" so you know he's away. There might even be a way for him to set it so it does it automatically once he enters a game. Corde does that, so I know if I see the "busy" status, it might be a while before he replies.

          At the very least, it isn't asking too much for him to let you know he's planning on gaming, so you should insist if nothing else, he does that for you.

          ETA: one more thing. Both my SO and I have issues with hyperfocus, so it's easy for us to get sucked into things and not realize how much time has passed. That's another reason I tried not to let the issue bother me. It seems like something petty to be upset about, and it makes you feel like a demanding, overbearing, needy woman to complain about it (it did for me at least). The thing is, it isn't a small issue. I've known people who've broken up over one person spending too much time gaming. If it bothers you, it does, and you need to work out a comprise so you don't feel neglected and so he doesn't feel resentful of you trying to control his time. If you don't set boundaries on it now, it's the sort of thing that can build into a HUGE issue down the road. So work out a compromise you can both agree to, and if he slips, pull him back.
          Last edited by Minerva; April 6, 2012, 01:07 PM.


            @CanadianGirl - See, we have gotten to a point where I'll nudge him or he'll come to the conversation and say "Sorry, playing games" and he generally does end up feeling guilty about it, but the issue is it's not guilt I want him to feel. It's the fact I want him to tell me so that I can plan accordingly. I mean maybe I need to get used to being okay with, 20 minutes in, "In a game, sorry for slow responses," but I would rather know ahead of time and I think my issue is letting go of "my way" enough to agree that maybe I have to settle for him telling me when he tells me. :/ I mean I won't get angry at him for it. It simply upsets me because I don't really want to have to wait until he's halfway through a game before I learn that.

            @lyonsgirl - There's an issue with time, but there's also an issue with privacy. He has guardianship/custody over his younger brother, and his younger brother spends a lot of time out in the living room (where my partner's computer is currently). Until my partner moves his computer, or has the means to set it up somewhere else in the apartment, he doesn't have the privacy. Oftentimes, when we talk, he's using his brother's iPad and I'm using Skype on my laptop and he's in bed so he can have some privacy. The situation with webcams isn't permanent, but for now, we have to make do without them.

            And I may simply start pointing it out. It may end up being a matter of my having to take direction and say "You haven't responded for a while, and I need to get this done, so maybe we can talk when I come back." :/

            @kitty - I suppose the online versus real life comparison is what gets me. When we visit and spend time together, we have down time where we do our own thing, though generally in the same room/area, but with that, there's warning. I ask to use his computer or he asks to use mine or we tell each other when we'll be using our computers or that we're going to lay down and read for a bit. That I'm fine with, but maybe because I associate the time apart with "down/alone time," that's why I end up getting upset? I end up feeling like he's disinterested and like he's not wanting to talk to me, even if I know that's not the case.

            The thing is that I've brought this up before and it never goes anywhere. He does tell me he's playing games at some point (our compromise was for him to tell me beforehand, which he has claimed at points is hard to do, because he gets que'ed up and randomly pulled in) but my issue is that it's not before he gets involved. I would say, though, that there are times where he doesn't mention games at all until the first one is over with, which is irritating, because like I said, I'm waiting the full 40 minutes. I don't want to become "complacent," as you put it, but sometimes things don't work. My original solution is one of those things, so I suppose now I'm trying to find something that will. Even if I defend where I'm coming from, there's not much I can do if he's not fully on board with the compromise. I don't see it as becoming complacent so much as trying to find a new solution that will work for the both of us.
            { Our Story on LFAD }

            Our Beginning
            Met online: February 2009
            Feelings confessed: December 2010
            Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
            Officially together since: 08 April 2011

            Our Story
            First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
            Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
            Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
            Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

            Our Happily Ever After
            to be continued...


              My man games a tad, i do too actually.
              Thing is it's something we talked about before we started gaming.
              He even asked me: 'is it ok if i game? I game a lot i do tournaments... I know some girls hate that i hope its ok with you?'

              Sometimes I'm a lil sad when he start talking and he starts gaming but i don't put too much emphasis on that.
              He's having fun and will come back to me when he's less busy and I go and do my own things.
              If he comes back quick, cool. He he passes the night gaming,cool as well we'll talk another time.

              I just don't and won't let small things like this get in the way.
              I know he loves me and he also needs his fun/gaming/going out times which is fine.

              That's my opinion only
              ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                Made the mistake of marrying a gamer.... what followed was 8 years of trying to get him off the computer to do simple things around the house or anything around the house. Never again.

                Games should be a diversion for down time. If they become or are a priority with some one you are in a relationship with then there are big problems whether you realize it or not. That typically won't change once you go CD.
                Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                  I don't have time to respond to everyone currently (but I have read everything and appreciate it, and I WILL respond when I can! <3), but I want to point out that he's not a "gamer," really. We do have plenty of time to talk during the day. We do Skype, however sparing, when we can for 2+ hours at a time. When we spend time in person, we both do our own things/have our own downtime. He does not spend hours upon hours upon hours a day playing games and never has in all the time I have known him. If anything, the most frequently he played games was right after his mother passed and while he was in that mess. Now, they're something he does some of the time and not at others. I simply feel like I've miscommunicated that he's some massive gamer who's playing daily for hours at a time when that's not the case.

                  ETA: I also want to note that more often than not, not Skyping as often as we would both like is down to my schedule, not his. He's 8-hours ahead so when I work or have class until the wee hours of the morning on his time, Skype isn't always immediately available. Also wanted to point out that our Skype time doesn't have anything to do with his games, either. I really didn't mean to misconstrue my boyfriend that way. xD
                  Last edited by Haley53; April 6, 2012, 01:32 PM.
                  { Our Story on LFAD }

                  Our Beginning
                  Met online: February 2009
                  Feelings confessed: December 2010
                  Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                  Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                  Our Story
                  First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                  Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                  Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                  Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                  Our Happily Ever After
                  to be continued...


                    I had an issue similar to me. I understand that people might like multitasking but to me it is very important in a ldr that you have quality time even if not being physically together. Since the distance is hard at times remaining together talking to me is very important. Idk why else would you want to be on the phone if you are both doing your own thing? You need to find a common ground where if you agree to do other things while talking then fine if not then talk about how can you work out with your schedule being able to talk without NO interruptions. But if you say its not that big of an issue why need advice? =S Maybe it does bother u slightly so if thats the case then talk it out with him. Maybe you gys can reach a happy medium.


                      Originally posted by Minerva View Post
                      This was a major issue at the beginning of our relationship. He plays WoW and is in a guild that plays nearly every night, and the more one plays, the more likely one gets picked for raids, etc. He'd juggle playing the game and talking to me, and sometimes I wouldn't hear from him for hours. I'd get really annoyed, then I'd get annoyed with myself because I thought I was being petty -- after all, we aren't physically together so he's alone a lot of the time, and he should be allowed to have his hobbies and have fun with other people. If I lived with him, it would be different, because even if played most nights, the majority of the time we'd be together. I also never want to have a relationship where we put the other in the center of our universe and fail to connect with other people. So I let myself seethe for a few weeks.

                      Finally I had enough. I was getting so resentful and feeling so underappreciated. I know it wasn't true, but it felt like he cared more for the game than me. I told him I need time that was devoted to US, not us and the game. I told him I didn't mind that he played, but that I didn't want to feel like a third wheel to a game.

                      The compromise we worked out is that we now have dedicated time to talk. We might talk other times (we're both almost always signed into MSN), but at those times, either of us might be doing other things as well as sending the occasional IM. The devoted time is for US. It is black and white, but it's what we needed. Since coming up with this compromise I feel so much better about us, and he can game without guilt. I no longer feel like a nag, and he enjoys his time with his guild.

                      I know you tried this already, but to me, it really does seem like the best solution. He just has to be a bit more flexible and open to the idea.

                      I guess the other thing I would suggest is that if he goes into a game, he sets his IM program to "busy" so you know he's away. There might even be a way for him to set it so it does it automatically once he enters a game. Corde does that, so I know if I see the "busy" status, it might be a while before he replies.

                      At the very least, it isn't asking too much for him to let you know he's planning on gaming, so you should insist if nothing else, he does that for you.

                      ETA: one more thing. Both my SO and I have issues with hyperfocus, so it's easy for us to get sucked into things and not realize how much time has passed. That's another reason I tried not to let the issue bother me. It seems like something petty to be upset about, and it makes you feel like a demanding, overbearing, needy woman to complain about it (it did for me at least). The thing is, it isn't a small issue. I've known people who've broken up over one person spending too much time gaming. If it bothers you, it does, and you need to work out a comprise so you don't feel neglected and so he doesn't feel resentful of you trying to control his time. If you don't set boundaries on it now, it's the sort of thing that can build into a HUGE issue down the road. So work out a compromise you can both agree to, and if he slips, pull him back.
                      This. 100% this. The bit in bold is exactly the way I feel, and that's why it's so difficult to bring it up or even figure out how to approach the issue. :/

                      I figure I may end up doing what I'm doing already, and toss in some of CanadianGirl's solution. The issue with setting aside game time and talk time is that we do get our talk time... I did share some things that were said and some of what I said and he felt it was unfair that the evaluation was we don't get our talk time because we do, regularly. I think that my issue is more because I do find it upsetting to sit around randomly having to wait 20-40 minutes for a response, possibly because it scrapes on an issue of abandonment/rejection that both seem to be so deep-rooted? :/ Which ends up making me feel guilty, because I do believe this is my issue, not his.

                      @Softy - Oh, no, I completely agree that that time is necessary! I actually encourage him to go out more than he actually does. Like I said, my intention isn't at all to get him to stop playing. He doesn't game often enough for it to be a problem, and gaming does not take priority over me or our relationship. It is that I simply (and somewhat regrettably) feel bothered when he games without letting me know. Because it's not a regular or constant hobby, it's inconsistent, and the consistent inconsistency is enough to trip the nerve more than something I'm used to, where I see on a regular basis he's capable of giving time to that and to me. If that makes sense. I have also been in a relationship where gaming (along with everything else) did take priority over me/our relationship, and that created its wounds on top of already very present issues with abandonment.

                      @LeilaniJoy - I'm sorry I misconstrued my point, assuming I did. I have been in a relationship similar to the one you describe and it's nothing like this at all.

                      @Michivf - He doesn't play games while on the phone with me or Skype. If we've been Skyping for hours with cam turned on, sure, we'll sometimes check the internet occasionally, but even then, we give complete attention, same as we're on Skype/the phone. It's when we're on MSN that this sometimes happens. And we do stay on MSN with one another pretty much every minute I'm not working, at school, asleep, or in class, so it's normal that sometimes he'll be off doing his own thing. It's simply that I have issues when he randomly ends up in a game. :/ I think maybe the lesson I can take from your post is be assertive when I want time for me. I tend not to want to come off as controlling (a lot of this is baggage from my ex, I'm realising) so not to assert when I want talk time and where I'm the center/focus of attention. Maybe that's something I need to be more assertive about. It helps when he makes time to play games with me, Skype with me, etc. but I started a new quarter at university and it's his first week home after a visit, so that probably plays into it too.

                      I did mention that it bothers/upsets me. I said it's not a dealbreaker and that it's not daily/constant, as in he's not a hardcore gamer (I suppose I was not as clear in my OP as I meant to be). I also mentioned that it was my issue. I am having difficulty managing my issue, but knowing my issue, it's partly something I want to work on in me, not in our relationship. That is why I asked for advice. I want to know how to better cope with the feelings and maybe what other people have done that have been fair compromises in their relationships, so that I'm not trying to solve this issue through my bias based on feelings and an issue I haven't fully processed through.

                      ETA: I also want to thank everyone for listening, as talking this out has really helped. I'm having a particularly bad day today, so that may play a part in what's prompted me to post, but either way, sharing this somewhere I can read, receive responses, think about them, and then respond has helped me self-reflect a bit more than I was able to, which is helpful and in my opinion, the first step towards changing something.
                      Last edited by Haley53; April 6, 2012, 04:12 PM.
                      { Our Story on LFAD }

                      Our Beginning
                      Met online: February 2009
                      Feelings confessed: December 2010
                      Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                      Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                      Our Story
                      First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                      Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                      Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                      Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                      Our Happily Ever After
                      to be continued...


                        Closing thread.
                        { Our Story on LFAD }

                        Our Beginning
                        Met online: February 2009
                        Feelings confessed: December 2010
                        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                        Our Story
                        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                        Our Happily Ever After
                        to be continued...

