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Cutest thing he/she's ever done?

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    Cutest thing he/she's ever done?

    So I guess the title speaks for itself. What's the cutest thing your SO's ever done, as insignificant as it may be.

    For me it's probably when he was down here and it was probably around 4 in the morning and I looked over at him and asked if he was tired. He just pulled he close like I was a teddy bear, yawned, and blinked lazily, then just said, ".....No....."

    It was so cute, and he says I'm the cuter one out of the pair.

    So tell me folks? What's the cutest thing they've ever done?
    And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

    I bought my SO a pair of guitar cufflinks last Christmas; a couple of months later during one of our rare webcam conversations he started absentmindedly fiddling with the box as we were talking. All of a sudden he paused to take the cufflinks out and place them on the table next to his laptop, then holding the box in front of the screen with the hinge facing towards him, looked into the camera and said in a low, serious voice "Christina..." I was laughing and shrieking "no, don't joke about it!" and he put the box down, laughing as well. Even though he was just messing around, the whole thing made my heart pound - and set my imagination running wild!


      Mine is a little bit funny and confusing, but I think it's cute. My boyfriend flew down here to talk to me when we were going through a rough patch, and I was really upset and wasn't home at the time, so he stood outside my house in a snowstorm for an hour and a half. So, when we finally agreed to talk about it, I picked him up and he bought me dinner at Tim Horton's. Then I gave in and he stayed the night at my house, hahah.

      Now the funny part... So the next night, he asked if I wanted to go see a movie I had been talking about on the phone the week before. We decided to go, and he was being extra nice, trying to butter me up, whatever. Anyway, we bought popcorn and were walking into the theatre. I went to sit down, and just when I turned around, he tripped and spilt the popcorn EVERYWHERE. It was adorable, because I knew he was really embarrassed because the movie had already started and there were people in the theatre.

      At the end of the movie, he made us run out of there so fast, before the staff came and saw the mess. Then we drove around and talked all night. I loved it. I'm really glad we fixed things.


        For some reason at the start of the dating phase, I used to get really bad shin cramps (I weight train heavily and a lot). One evening we were at the end of my driveway just holding onto one another and chatting when suddenly a shin cramp came along. He got down on the ground (he's a tall guy so bending over to do so would be difficult) and laid on his side on the cement and rubbed the cramp out for several minutes. Instead of just watching me in agony and on the edge of tears, he did what he thought would help me the most. When he did that, I knew that I had found a really selfless man.


          There are too many!!!!
          My bf is made out of cute~!

          One of the thing that i will always remember because it was so cute and also funny.
          On the 2nd day that we met for the 1st time, we were at my place, sitting on the couch.
          And we were both so shy and nervous, both wanting to get closer to each other but not sure how to make it happen or to say it.

          Then he kinda gave himself a push to jump at me to give me a hug.
          He was chewing some bubble gum.
          As he gave himself a push he said 'Hugggggggs!' and as he said that his bubble gum came out of his mouth and flew right into my bra...
          He face turned red and he said: 'OMG I'm so sorry!!!'
          Poor love.... :P
          I slowly took it out of my bra, threw it in the garbage and said: ' come here'
          And we did hug tons for the next days after that :P
          ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


            LoveL blows me away daily with how sweet and sentimental is (in a very manly way, of course). He put together an album of all of our pictures, kept all the little things we got together on our trips, and sends me letters the old fashioned way still. I can't pinpoint the sweetest thing he's done because everything he does just rides the peak of sweetness.


              I feel the same as LoveJ..
              in the beginning he once kissed my hand all the time and I asked him if he likes my hand sooo much? he look so sweet in my eyes and said "oh sweety, I don't just like your hand.."; he also said once when we were laying in bed that he could hold me like this for a long time..
              I can keep going on and on...


                Ha - I asked my SO what he thought was the cutest thing he's ever done for me - his response: I allowed myself to be introduced to you.

                I told him that was the smartest thing he ever did

                In reality, I bought him this super cheesy sign that says "I'm so thankful there's a you in my life" - it's very girly with flowers are cutesy handwriting and he proudly hung it up in his bedroom. I think that's adorable that he does it knowing his brother or his son see it all the time and could make fun of him for having it.


                  cuties thing ever done by my boyfriend is when i came home for valentines; i opened the living room door and found the wall opposite covered in post it sticky notes that spelt out a 8 bit message : "rich <3 sam"

                  i kept trying to stick the notes up all week as they kept falling down just so i could keep looking at it and have a big grin on my face!!


                    It is hard to decide on the cutest thing he has done. I think almost everything he does is pretty cute. I guess the cutest thing that he has done would be what he would do on his second visit. When we woke in the mornings, he would pull me close and give me a good morning kiss. I like that!


                      One of the cute things that he does is how he answers the phone sometimes. He problably going to hate me for telling this, but sometimes he answers the phone singing Justin Bieber - 'Baby', but instead singing 'baby baby baby' he sings the dutch word for it: 'schatje schatje schatje'
                      \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                      \\ happens for a reason //

                      \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                      \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                      \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //

